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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Any clashes on Friday in Hakkari, Curkurca or any other cities in south east?
Any clashes on Friday in Hakkari, Curkurca or any other cities in south east?

Yes, multiple actually.

Two soldiers were lightly wounded in Siirt/Pervani countryside after their VW Amarok vehicle hit an IED. The front-engine was completely blown off.

They were extremely lucky, to say the least.

Additionally, a vehicular convoy was attacked in Hakkari/çukurca. The convoy was struck by machinegun fire and RPG rockets. No soldiers were injured or killed, however, the vehicles did take damaged. One Kirpi had an RPG rocket go straight into its roof!

This same PKK group was promptly eliminated on July 8th, again in Hakkari/Çukurca.
hä sometimes they get those pkk corbses they know who they are take the money from their family for the destroyed vehicles and the wounded soldiers!

Two PKK separatist have been killed and their arms confiscated in Diyarbakır/Lice countryside after a Gendarme led ground operation. From the few pics, I've been able to see one is a male. Another fighter was captured alive.

A three-man group was spotted by a Gendarme UAV. Two of them were killed by a Gendarme operated T-129 ATAK (Avcı squadron). The remaining terrorist was captured alive, but in a wounded state, by Gendarme commando personnel. (Jandarma Komando)

Five PKK separatist have been killed and their weapons confiscated in Tunceli/Ovacık countryside. This comes after a CAS assisted Gendarme operation. No more details are available to me as of yet.
Germany, France, Scandinavian countries, Russia, US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and many other

Actually most of them are not backing the PKK, the PKK is largely kept safe and given safe ground by Barzani the great allie of Erdogan whose policy determined it is acceptable that you and some other villagers enlist and die whilst Turkish businessmen pockets grow as they export to the KRG.
Actually most of them are not backing the PKK, the PKK is largely kept safe and given safe ground by Barzani the great allie of Erdogan whose policy determined it is acceptable that you and some other villagers enlist and die whilst Turkish businessmen pockets grow as they export to the KRG.

do you really seperate between pkk and ypg? because what you say is just only from iraqi point of view..

and they do all support pkk or ypg or whatever they call themselves.. if you want to remind you will know how I think about erdogan and krg.. unfortunally its not only erdogan the past was not better since saddam there had been errors over errors and ppl who had been on the paylist of others..

smashing this pkk and every alias they use is not only done in turkey not only done with military..

Even Russia so why they are all on the same page

interest they differ in some aspects and work together on others..
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