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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

You know if we had Yavuz Sultan Selim he would be leading his armies to crush pkk.

He did not negoiate with the rebels of the east he crushed them. Same can be said with pkk here.
Everything has its time bro. There is not negotioation. Our Government preparing assualt to east of Syria. That is why Usa burning in heat by attacking Our government.
Hahaha yes i think you meaning chpkk.

AKP is literally holding talks with PKK right now.

Everything has its time bro. There is negotioation. Our Government preparing assualt to east of Syria. That is why Usa burning in heat by attacking Our government.

Why is Ocalan supporting the rerun of the Istanbul election?

Why did Erdogan promise a "K*rdistan" state in Turkey?

We are sick of your leader's two sided machiavellian manipulation. He is just an American puppet who "threatens" the USA one day then holds meetings with US officials the day after.

Seriously bro I'm sick of your lies. Do you think the lives of our soldiers are a joke?
This is unreal. Again chpkk shitss manufacturing some fakr news because they are copy of PKK.
This guy is unreal, he only talks about Politics no matter which topic... i haven't see one useful comment of him here.

Pretty pathetic and disgusting behaviour.
Who are you? And who care of your .... ideas. Always fake news for your propaganda. Here many forum visitors hate to seeing your (chpkk, ipkk, fetoist) repeated bs baseless ideas blameing our National Government. And i am always with my national government against to foreing proxy like you.
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I've never made propaganda for PKK and FETÖ, unlike you Idolators who applaud everything your master is doing, i don't want to go into details. But for someone who is knee deep in sh!t, you really have a big mouth.

Also people who describe others always as FETÖ, tend to be FETÖ members themselves. :agree:
Strange how some "patriots" are going crazy by creating fake news about gov. talks with PKK but don't say a word about cooperation between CHP and HDP/PKK in last elections? Hm.
Strange how some "patriots" are going crazy by creating fake news about gov. talks with PKK but don't say a word about cooperation between CHP and HDP/PKK in last elections? Hm.

Fake news? Says the guy who watches A Haber.

CHP was swarmed by leftist members in a party sabotage effort. I've read factual articles which highlight this. However it was only going to last for so long before the party gained true leaders who are worthy of leadership.

AKP on the other hand has made peace eith terrorists twice and has declared support for a K*rdistan inside of Turkey.
İn the sözcü toilet paper and chp never ever made işbirliği with hdp
And pigs are flying, oh no they are not because they are eaten by the chp members.
Of which true leaders are you talking about.tell me i am really curious!
Strange how some "patriots" are going crazy by creating fake news about gov. talks with PKK but don't say a word about cooperation between CHP and HDP/PKK in last elections? Hm.

Yeah you are right and I have proof of it. This picture proves that chp and hdp-pkk works together.
both are shit and ppl seem to be alike blind.. with this behavior we are gonna going nowhere and turkey will be split.. ppl tend to make their leaders a messiah

where did the hdp voters from istanbul go? with simple math you will see it.. no party in turkey deserves to get even one vote..

erdogan voters need to pressure him not worship him.. ppl are unable to say "if you are not gonna this or that we wont elect you.." write mails, write messages, make a demonstration but hey ppl are lazy who cares really? and than when everything is in a mess: "we have been blinded/we have been trapped!" they cant pressure him why? because of a messiah complex..

our parties our leaders our politicians are fools and idiots making politics about unnessasary things like headscarf, preventing ppl from praying, accusing each other with this and that, poems, and so on.. man who cares about ppl who pray it should be made easy for them, who cares if a school teacher weares a head scarf, we live in a country where half of the female ppl wear head scarf..

I also remember a time when a woman entered a chp bus with politicians.. outside there were reporters and a tv team.. she entered the bus with a quran.. than she was thrown out.. but she was happy.. why? she wanted this to happen to show the ppl "our chp has nothing to do with islam!" she entered it because she was upset that chp payed for summer quran shools for election and she wanted to show the ppl and herself "no this is not the way we go.."

ppl make politics with that? this is their problem? and others? they cant fight terrorism? they cant do anything? with all the missles, all the tanks, all the advanced ammunition? no ideas to resolve this in the society? no tv programs? no schools programs? no woman right programs in the east? no media campaigns? instead hey we welcome you with open arms if you leave the weapons? ask yourself - how shallow we have become?
Still not a songle word about CHP-HDP-PKK cooperation to steal the election but don't worry, many other know about it very well.



First of all I don't support chp. Even I have never supported entire of my life. As long as Kılıştaroglu in charge I will never support as well.
But it doesn't make your claims are the truth. That was an election and chp, iyi, sadet, hdp etc. made an alliance which called Millet alliance. Those parties including hdp are legal political parties in Turkiye and they have right to work together. If hdp is the branch of pkk then why current government hasn't done anything about it? Isn't it ruling the state since 2002 for 17 years? Why akp afraid of?

CHP works with pkk ha? Is that chp negotiating with pkk in Oslo, Kandil, İmralı? Is that chp, kılıştaroglu making a new constitution with Apo the baby killer? Is that Kılıştaroglu called "kurdistan" for Southern, southeastern anatolian? Is that chp pursuing the peace policy with pkk and gives the control of 8 Turkish cites to pkk? Is that chp orders to governors to not let Turkish army to start an operation against pkk in and out of Türkiye? Is that chp releasing KCK (KCK is an attempt of pkk to restructure a parallel government inside Türkiye) members and considers it legal political movement? Is that chp lets pkk murder innocent kurdish people just because they do not support 'em like my cousins and covers the truth not to give a damage on peace policy?

Well no not chp but akp. AKP has been using hdp-pkk for it's sake since 2002. Together they gave a huge damage on the state's future. That's was/is not a problem for you and socalled patriotic akpeans but making an alliance for an election to elect fcking mayors is working, cooperating with pkk BS.

Still have no a single word about akp-pkk cooperation for upcoming Istanbul election. Still have no a single word about apo's messages for pkk supporters to support akp for upcoming Istanbul election. Still have no a single word for apo's return after 8 years...

Dude you can be a fool but these people are not and they see it how akp ruins their own country just for it's own political sake. They know it now how akp corrupts in ever single city which they rule. There is no solid evidence which proves that chp stole the votes but baseless accusations.

They lost Istanbul because this time akp couldn't steal the votes. That's the why they mad. AKP is the biggest thief, corrupt and traitor party Turks have never seen before.

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