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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

There are some rumors about bombing Ayn Al Arab(Kobani) by Turkish Air Force during last night. Do you have any info. Is it correct?

No, is not correct. Was spread by journalist from A haber, take with huge grain of salt.

Last week ~217 operations done by military/police, some bunkers and ieds found&dismantled, some arrested etc. Fighting during 'random' encounters seems to have ceased pretty much due to winter.

2 killed during ongoing ops in Diyarbakir/Hani area.

Now is the time to come down up on ied/svbied/suicide bombers and track down anfo/heavy weapons :F
After aleppo . I think many of FSA from aleppo will join euphrates shield .They are strong fighter . They are ready to kick out PKK .Next target:Minbij and efrin..I hope that
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I think many of FSA from aleppo will join eupherate shield .
You know the ones from Aleppo calls the FSA members that are part of Euphrates Shield, "traitors" and swear on Erdoğan as he didn't attempt to break the siege of Aleppo.

There is good chance of joining members from Zinki, Sultan Murad brigade, etc....but i wouldn't bet on a huge number. I think, most will go to Idlip, merge with the existing groups and continue to fight against SAA forces.
You know the ones from Aleppo calls the FSA members that are part of Euphrates Shield, "traitors" and swear on Erdoğan as he didn't attempt to break the siege of Aleppo.

There is good chance of joining members from Zinki, Sultan Murad brigade, etc....but i wouldn't bet on a huge number. I think, most will go to Idlip, merge with the existing groups and continue to fight against SAA forces.

Good riddance too, because lets face it most of the troops in Idlib or Aleppo have been not so moderate FSA.
You know the ones from Aleppo calls the FSA members that are part of Euphrates Shield, "traitors" and swear on Erdoğan as he didn't attempt to break the siege of Aleppo.

There is good chance of joining members from Zinki, Sultan Murad brigade, etc....but i wouldn't bet on a huge number. I think, most will go to Idlip, merge with the existing groups and continue to fight against SAA forces.

If the people joining in with Turkey were in Aleppo they still would have lost.

Good riddance too, because lets face it most of the troops in Idlib or Aleppo have been not so moderate FSA.

Agree, take whatever Turkmen/FSA there is, skip the rest. Aleppo is just the beginning, Idlib will be bombed just as hard.
If we can turn our own operation area in to a safezone we can push civilians there rather than inside Turkey.
You know the ones from Aleppo calls the FSA members that are part of Euphrates Shield, "traitors" and swear on Erdoğan as he didn't attempt to break the siege of Aleppo.

There is good chance of joining members from Zinki, Sultan Murad brigade, etc....but i wouldn't bet on a huge number. I think, most will go to Idlip, merge with the existing groups and continue to fight against SAA forces.
I am not that informed on this issue but from what I saw on Twitter a lot of the people saying that Turkey is the reason for Aleppos fall were PKK and Assad accounts. IMO this is a psychological warfare operation to diminish the trust between the Rebels and Turkey. A few video clips of some people looking for someone to blame isn't sufficient evidence imo. If it wasn't for Euphrates Shield the rebels would be completely kicked out of Aleppo province and right now Euphrates Shield is a guarantee that the Syrian rebels can continue their fight in the long term as they now have a safe haven. The rebels know this too and know how much they need Turkey so I don't think ideas of them being against Euphrates Shield En-masse is correct.

Now they may calculate that transferring to Idlib is smarter than transferring to Euphrates Shield because they need more guys in Idlib as it is not guaranteed by Turkey. Also the FSA needs Turkey to keep the YPG off their backs. They can not afford to divert resources away from Assad and the Russians. Looking at it from an objective perspective I don't see any reason for hostility from FSA units in Aleppo especially since Turkey got them evacuated. I also strongly believe that there is a lot of misinformation online regarding this issue and some people are trying cause damage between Turkey and rebel groups. We have to be immune to Psy Ops.

But Turkey should avoid all radical and Al-Qaeda ISIS linked groups.

If the people joining in with Turkey were in Aleppo they still would have lost.

Agree, take whatever Turkmen/FSA there is, skip the rest. Aleppo is just the beginning, Idlib will be bombed just as hard.
If we can turn our own operation area in to a safezone we can push civilians there rather than inside Turkey.
Turkey should still push for all out victory, it's either that or a shitty unstable neighbor for decades. They will be a massive pain in the *** combined with the PKK. Plus we can't allow the Persians access to the Mediterranean. Every empire that ruled Anatolia including the Byzantines-Romans has always tried to prevent this. Similarly allowing the Russians too much power in the Mediterranean is not good. We lost hundreds of thousands of men in our history trying to prevent this.
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A Turkish soldier seriously wounded by a clash with terrorists in Tunceli, eastern Anatolia succumbed to his injuries Wednesday, making him a martyr to the defense of Turkey, according to security sources.

The sergeant had been receiving treatment at Tunceli State Hospital, after being wounded in an encounter with terrorists in the midst of anti-terror operations, said the sources, who asked not be named due to restrictions on speaking with the media.

During the clash, two terrorists were also neutralized, the sources added.

The operation continues under heavy snow, with air and land reinforcements sent to the region.
Been a bit silent in recent two weeks, but routine ops seem to continue

- Raid on ISIS cell originating from Iraq, unclear if Turkish or Iraqi in Sakarya
- IED dismantled in Diyarbakir/Sur
- 1 soldier wounded in Antalya forest area during routine ops, good to see our guys are focusing efforts to hit cells
- IEDs found&dismantled and hideouts destroyed in various provinces
- 2 pkk/tikko members killed in Tunceli, very good results there in recent months, 1 soldier KIA
- 150 kg anfo captured in Siirt/Eruh
- 1 terrorist killed in Mardin when ied he was planting detonated prematurely

Senate Armed Services Committe, Gen Dunford; PYD = PKK = SDF, US version, listen till the end, laugh and cry.

I really thing an appropriate reaction to this should be bombing all US locations in Syria and Iraq, and kicking NATO out of Turkey. :D
TSK says 20 636 terrorists have been neutralized and 1094 security units have been martyred in 2016.
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