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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

It shows we are doing something wrong if PKK is more afraid of IS than TSK.
Isnt it the Turkish state that brings injured pkk terrorists to hospitals for treatment? treats captured pkk terrorists well due human rights (organizations) blabla? Give them some jail punishment and release them? Things that i dont see IS doing. No wonder the cowards prefer TSK than IS.
Isnt it the Turkish state that brings injured pkk terrorists to hospitals for treatment? treats captured pkk terrorists well due human rights (organizations) blabla? Give them some jail punishment and release them? Things that i dont see IS doing. No wonder the cowards prefer TSK than IS.
You can't win unconventional war with conventional war. If they wage unconventional war against us, we have to war unconventional war as counter measure. This is basic rules of law. If we don't understand basic rules of law you already losed before the battle begins. For example Israel does assassination of Hamas leaders. I don't understand why didn't do the same in Iraq? I mean how difficult is it to plant some spies in Iraq. Gather information and than execute leadership hierachy of PKK. IF EU blames of assassinations. We just deny. Easy as that.
You can't win unconventional war with conventional war. If they wage unconventional war against us, we have to war unconventional war as counter measure. This is basic rules of law. If we don't understand basic rules of law you already losed before the battle begins. For example Israel does assassination of Hamas leaders. I don't understand why didn't do the same in Iraq? I mean how difficult is it to plant some spies in Iraq. Gather information and than execute leadership hierachy of PKK.
Beats me too, bro. I know Turkish army used soldiers dressed as pkk terrorists and used spies to infiltrate, but i always wondered the same.
Beats me too, bro. I know Turkish army used soldiers dressed as pkk terrorists and used spies to infiltrate, but i always wondered the same.
Probably if we send some spies, running around saying they want to join PKK, it is not even that difficult to get inside PKK organization. They are not as smart as Bin Laden. Al Quada was without command hierachy so not easy to destroy. PKK Kurds are really dumb people. Their leadership hierachy is known. Their geography where they hide is known and relatively small. Even Kurdish politician are meeting with PKK openly. I don't get it. My conclussion is that AKP is just incompetent or they are traitors.
Senior PKK member’s statue erected in southeastern Turkey


A statue of Mahsum Korkmaz, one of the founders of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), was erected in southeastern province of Diyarbakır on Aug. 16.

The statue was opened on the anniversary of the first attacks by PKK militants in Hakkari’s Şemdinli district and Siirt’s Eruh district in 1984, in a cemetery that was opened last year in the Lice district for PKK members. Korkmaz was killed by security forces in 1986.

Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır lawmaker Nursel Aydoğan and the co-chairs of the Party of Democratic Regions (DBP), Emine Ayna and Kamuran Yüksek, attended the opening ceremony.

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Develt Bahçeli has condemned the statue, saying Prime Minister and president-elect Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is responsible for an “ugly attack” and adding that the votes cast for Erdoğan in the Aug. 10 presidential election “went to the PKK.”

“It is a fact that every single vote cast for Erdoğan went to the PKK, encouraged those [militants] in Kandil and gave them hope,” Bahçeli said in a written statement. He also highlighted the timing of the incident, saying that it was not surprising that the statue was opened after Aug. 10.

“The attempt not only makes our martyrs turn in their graves, but is also an open, clear and ugly attack on Turkey’s national, moral and historical rights,” Bahçeli said, claiming that this was a result of the ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) “tolerance of the PKK.”

Senior PKK member’s statue erected in southeastern Turkey - LOCAL

Politicians never allowed army to finish the job. Americans did everything to prevent Turkish army succeeding.

Assasination of Eshref Bitlis

Torpedoing TCG Muavenet.
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Senior PKK member’s statue erected in southeastern Turkey


A statue of Mahsum Korkmaz, one of the founders of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), was erected in southeastern province of Diyarbakır on Aug. 16.

The statue was opened on the anniversary of the first attacks by PKK militants in Hakkari’s Şemdinli district and Siirt’s Eruh district in 1984, in a cemetery that was opened last year in the Lice district for PKK members. Korkmaz was killed by security forces in 1986.

Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Diyarbakır lawmaker Nursel Aydoğan and the co-chairs of the Party of Democratic Regions (DBP), Emine Ayna and Kamuran Yüksek, attended the opening ceremony.

Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) leader Develt Bahçeli has condemned the statue, saying Prime Minister and president-elect Recep Tayyip Erdoğan is responsible for an “ugly attack” and adding that the votes cast for Erdoğan in the Aug. 10 presidential election “went to the PKK.”

“It is a fact that every single vote cast for Erdoğan went to the PKK, encouraged those [militants] in Kandil and gave them hope,” Bahçeli said in a written statement. He also highlighted the timing of the incident, saying that it was not surprising that the statue was opened after Aug. 10.

“The attempt not only makes our martyrs turn in their graves, but is also an open, clear and ugly attack on Turkey’s national, moral and historical rights,” Bahçeli said, claiming that this was a result of the ruling Justice and Development Party’s (AKP) “tolerance of the PKK.”

Senior PKK member’s statue erected in southeastern Turkey - LOCAL

Is it demolished yet? Or will the govt let it stand?... The more Turkey acts softer due some 'peace' deal, the more arrogant and daring some pkk sympathisants get.
Is it demolished yet? Or will the govt let it stand?... The more Turkey acts softer due some 'peace' deal, the more arrogant and daring some pkk sympathisants get.

Terrorists won, with the help of US designed coup in Turkish government ten years ago. That place no longer belonges to motherland appearently.

Funny still seeing some people going to USA on vacation.
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PKK Terrorists Are Fighting IS Terrorists With U.S. Help

ISTANBUL — The Kurds’ deadly battle against jihadists from the self-declared Islamic State is raising prospects for a fully independent Kurdish nation. In the process, it’s pulling together Kurdish factions long deemed “terrorists” by the West to fight alongside the same peshmerga who are favored by Washington as the best hope for on-the-ground troops able to meet and defeat the savage forces that have declared a “caliphate” spanning large swathes of Syria and Iraq.

In recent weeks, fighters from the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) who’ve waged guerrilla war in Turkey for generations and been branded terrorists by much of the world community, have overcome differences with the Kurdish Regional Government in northern Iraq that is heavily supported by the United States, several European countries and, indeed, by Turkey. Along with the PKK’s Syrian-Kurdish offshoot, the Democratic Union Party, they have joined forces to fend off an ISIS advance threatening Kurdish territory; they have come to the rescue of thousands of Yazidi refugees, besieged by ISIS fighters in the nearby Sinjar Mountains; and they are helping defend the many Americans in the Iraqi Kurdish capital.

It may be too early to say the PKK terrorists are becoming heroes, but up against ISIS, they’re certainly improving their image.

“All Kurdish groups are focused on one point,” Osman Bahadir Dincer, a Middle East expert at the USAK think tank in Ankara, told The Daily Beast. “The main winners of this are the Kurds.”

Masoud Barzani, president of the Kurdish Regional Government in Iraq and PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan, who is serving a life sentence in a Turkish prison, have been long-standing rivals for leadership over all Kurds, who have significant populations in Iran and Syria as well as Iraq and Turkey. Only a few months ago, Syrian Kurdish forces arrested several officials close to Barzani, while Barzani’s forces raided the offices of groups close to the PKK.

The PKK has been fighting for Kurdish self-rule in southeastern Turkey since 1984 in a war that has cost more than 40,000 lives. It has had its headquarters in northern Iraq for decades. The Barzani government, on the other hand, has had flourishing ties with Turkey. A boom triggered by the exploitation of northern Iraqi oil resources has made Iraqi Kurdistan one of Turkey’s biggest export markets.

But for now all intra-Kurdish squabbles have been put aside to face the Islamic State, as ISIS now calls itself. The different Kurdish factions see the jihadists as common enemies threatening Kurdish self-rule in both Iraq and Syria. “The mission right now is to save the Kurdish people,” Veysel Ayhan, head of the IMPR think tank in Ankara, told The Daily Beast.

“The mission right now is to save the Kurdish people.”
Barzani’s peshmerga can use all the help they can get. While they are considered the most able military force in Iraq, they have struggled to hold their ground. The PKK has reinforced them with several hundred fighters from its headquarters in the Iraqi Kandil Mountains close to the Iranian border.

A commander of the northern Iraqi Kurds told AFP last week that the PKK and Syrian Kurd forces were facing ISIS militants near Rabia and Sinjar, to the west of Mosul, while Barzani’s peshmerga were deployed north and east of Mosul. The PKK has called for the formation of a joint Kurdish command to coordinate action against ISIS.

Dincer expects calls for an independent Kurdistan to grow louder as a consequence of the fighting. The war against ISIS is bringing various Kurdish factions closer together even as it shores up de facto international alliances. The United States has been helping the Kurds with air strikes against ISIS as well as with arms supplies. Erbil, the Iraqi Kurdish capital, is home to a U.S. consulate and thousands of U.S. citizens working in the oil industry.

Even before the fighting started, Barzani asked his regional parliament to begin work on a referendum on statehood. And in a reversal of a long-standing position, Turkey signaled it would accept an independent Kurdish state if Iraq was to break apart.

There are other potential benefits for Kurdish groups as well. The fight against ISIS has put the PKK, a group seen as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the U.S. and the European Union, on the front lines to defend Kurdistan against a brutal jihadist militia. In essence, the PKK, seen as bad guys by the West, were fighting the really bad guys, Dincer said. “They are the lesser evil now.”

As a consequence, the PKK could hope to be taken off the terror lists of many countries, said Ayhan. “The West will have to reconsider its approach towards the PKK,” he said. “Without the PKK, thousands of people would have been killed in recent weeks.” PKK fighters are credited with opening a corridor allowing Yazidi refugees in the Sinjar Mountains free passage to safer regions in Iraq and Syria.

A possible improvement of the PKK’s image in the West could anger Turkey, which has been holding peace talks with PKK leader Ocalan and has been calling on the rebels to lay down their arms for good. But a PKK that had just won hearts and minds of Kurds everywhere by standing up to ISIS, and had impressed critics in the U.S. and the E.U., is less likely to make concessions. “Turkey’s interests could be damaged,” said Dincer. “It’s not good for Turkey if the PKK’s image is enhanced.”

PKK Kurdish Terrorists Are Fighting IS Terrorists With U.S. Help - The Daily Beast
One Turkish lieutenant killed, another soldier injured in PKK attack

At least one Turkish soldier killed and another wounded in an attack by militants of the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in eastern Turkish province of Van on Tuesday.

A group of PKK terrorists fired at a group of Turkish troops who were patrolling the area close to the Iran border to prevent possible smuggling. One liuetenant killed and another soldier injured in the shooting from the ambush in Saray district of Van.

Reports said the PKK terrorists disappeared following the attack.

One Turkish lieutenant killed, another soldier injured in PKK attack

After this point... I only hope that, soldiers whom has voted for AKP would be KIA in the future. It is obvious that AKP will do nothing againsy PKK.
One Turkish lieutenant killed, another soldier injured in PKK attack

At least one Turkish soldier killed and another wounded in an attack by militants of the terrorist Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in eastern Turkish province of Van on Tuesday.

A group of PKK terrorists fired at a group of Turkish troops who were patrolling the area close to the Iran border to prevent possible smuggling. One liuetenant killed and another soldier injured in the shooting from the ambush in Saray district of Van.

Reports said the PKK terrorists disappeared following the attack.

One Turkish lieutenant killed, another soldier injured in PKK attack

After this point... I only hope that, soldiers whom has voted for AKP would be KIA in the future. It is obvious that AKP will do nothing againsy PKK.
Please don't discriminate bro. Even if erdogan discriminates, we as people shouldnt. In these kind of matters these soldiers are ours, not akp's, sunni's, mhp's, alevi's, chp's or kurds' etc.
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