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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

For south-east armoured ambulance?? WTF?? I have been losing my wishes about peace.
Terorism has being supported by Russia like a untill the 90ies.
In 1980ies near Moscow Red Army trained PKK terorists.
In USSR were a lot of students from Syria Kurds. Ordinary russians think "They are from Syria=They are Arab. Fact is not. Kurds were specially choised to study in USSR.
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I have been losing my wishes about peace

Tolga did also. @BlueBeret

2008 an expert friend said, our region will never have peace, cause Turkey is in the most strategic and critical area
2015 and other friend said, they are arming with modern weapons delivered from Western Countries, Syria, Iran, Irak and Russia

Acilim , sacilim was a bad mistake. You can't make policy and abandon security issues. That's called surrendering.
2003 PKK terrorists number was 2000
2015 PKK terrorists number is almost 30000

In 2014 Government supported YPG on Kobane, how could they ?


You can be an atheist, nevertheless you have to respect the laws of a state !

That's unbelievable what's going on there : PROVOCATION without limits

Yezide MP

Feleknas Uca: Türkiye AİHM'in kararına uymazsa üyeliği düşebilir -


and that : AFAIK 90 % of ethnical Kurds are Sunnii

Alevi kadınlar bomba sesleri altında semaha durdu


@Jackal131. Yesterday my nerves were blank like unisolated power cables. I am serious worried about the false crisis management of the Gov.
Interesting? Please, it's a disgrace that in 2015 they still use sandbags. I don't blame the guys on the ground as they just do whatever they can (thank god, our commanders have this capability, most m-e nations don't) but a few guys should be reprimanded IMO.

SLAT armor and additional armor packages should've been developed and stored years ago. As for the ambulance, they better take good care of them because armored vehicles have been used as VBIEDS before. And I'm not talking about slapping a few metal plates on it, but on using tanks/bmp's without the turrets. They should definitely stick a security team with it.

And if SLAT armour gives the wrong message/perception then they should go with something like this;
If Turkish Europe Integration was anulmented, EU would have a big headeache with unlegal immigrants and ISIS:)

Today Ukranian soldier died. He was shoten on the patrolling near the Russian Federation border. Obviosly He was hit by Russian Army.
If Russian terorist goverment isnt stopped,in the world terorism will be continued more and more.
I have no idea what you're talking about. Nevertheless, as if Atheist dont obey laws?
Whats that supposed to mean?

You wrote yesterday in Middle East section , that you are an atheist and I would be an Iran and Shia hater.
That was not right. It was in connections with the discussion there.

Apperently the PKK crossed the Eufraat. Davutoglu said that this was a red line for Turkey
(“We have said ‘The PYD will not pass to the west of the Euphrates. We’ll hit them if they do.’ )
and Demirtas answered
" The YPG will cross the Eufraat and you can only watch this happen".

HDP co-chair Demirtaş to PM Davutoğlu: YPG will cross Euphrates and you will look on - Daily Sabah

Why isnt Turkey responding now? Or is Turkey waiting for Joseph Dunford (The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Army) to visit Turkey first (he is coming tomorrow), and for what?
ABD Genelkurmay Başkanı Türkiye'ye geliyor - Bloomberg HT - Bloomberg HT
Orgeneral Akar, ABD Genelkurmay Başkanı ile görüşecek

It is clear that Turkey wants to discuss this first with him.
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Apperently the PKK crossed the Eufraat. Davutoglu said that this was a red line for Turkey
(“We have said ‘The PYD will not pass to the west of the Euphrates. We’ll hit them if they do.’ )
and Demirtas answered
" The YPG will cross the Eufraat and you can only watch this happen".

HDP co-chair Demirtaş to PM Davutoğlu: YPG will cross Euphrates and you will look on - Daily Sabah

Why isnt Turkey responding now? Or is Turkey waiting for Joseph Dunford (The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Army) to visit Turkey first (he is coming tomorrow), and for what?
ABD Genelkurmay Başkanı Türkiye'ye geliyor - Bloomberg HT - Bloomberg HT
Orgeneral Akar, ABD Genelkurmay Başkanı ile görüşecek

It is clear that Turkey wants to discuss this first with him.

Probably the Americans are trying to convince our guys that the YPG will not have sole control of the area in question. I say smoke the bastards, or we lose a lot of credibility.
Probably the Americans are trying to convince our guys that the YPG will not have sole control of the area in question. I say smoke the bastards, or we lose a lot of credibility.
Yeah, but what will happen is the Turkish media saying that those forces are Arabic-Kurdish coalition troops in order to calm the public. At the end of the day, another red line will be crossed with 0 repercussions.
CIZRE bugün itibari ile CIZRE 201 les.
201 terrorists neutralized in Cizre, Operations going on house by house.


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