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The Fight against PKK Terrorism

Cause he knows facts most people can't even imagine. Battle is long term strategy not short time tactics.
Guantanamo and black camps are present as before, waterboarding and even humiliating dead corps exists there.

What is that in comparison to methods like " Helo interrogation " ?


Today we had 6 casualties 2+2+2 Army , Police and public servants;
but the non-adult looking MP speaks again from opening.

War is not a fanboy hobby. Erasing to the minimum is a must be ,
otherwise all negotiations will help them to grow up stronger as before.

We are at razor-blade edge.
Despite the fvk Russian and other YPG allies, Syria and Iraq must be intervened massively;
otherwise next 10 years and later will be a chaos for our country.
This Night will be a severe night. God bless and protect all our guys.

Bu gece zor bir gece olacak . Allah yardımcıları olsun .
11:23 AM - 9 Feb 2016

"Mühimmat Yüzbinleri geçmiş durumda . Bunu bölgedeki noktalarla çarpın .
Çıkan sonuç orta Ölçekli bir devlet stoğu kadar ."

Turkish government sleeping :lazy2:
Evidence that PYD = PKK.

MP Davutoglu is a catastrophy. ( Deep Strategy = Fiasco Strategy )
Now I completely understand his disagreements with Erdogan .

YPG/PYD has announced that they are ready to send troops to cizre, nusaybin and sur
America is sending advisors and arms to the YPG
Russia is sending advisors and arms to the YPG
They wont even recognize them as terrorist groups

The future of Turkey is not looking good with the ways things are going...
The future of Turkey is not looking good with the ways things are going..

That is what I am posting here for weeks.
Canada increased his advisers for YPG and Peshmerga to 200 (Special Forces)
but stopped air attacks in Syria.

DERIN STRATEJI - idioty of a child
Let's hope that they openly do something like this! So we will have opportunity to burn them to the ground.

do you really think mr BOB will then do anything else than sitting on his throne? sometimes I think we turks have to put it in our own hands and create our own groub in syria
do you really think mr BOB will then do anything else than sitting on his throne? sometimes I think we turks have to put it in our own hands and create our own groub in syria

It won't be decision of anyone but state! It's matter of survival, we are already too late to act, if we postpone it more, will be disaster for us!
create our own groub in syria

Don't write about it and don't even think about it. You can join PKK, YPG and other terrorists without being punished in Europe.
But if you try to join Türkmens or Crimean you will be accused for taking part in a foreign war.
‏@meteyarar 13h hours ago

Burdan bir kez daha hatırlatmakta yarar var . Cuma vaktinde devlet dairelerine , karakollara ve camilere saldırı olabilir .

@meteyarar komutanım bence siz medyumsunuz!1!1!


meteyarar ‏@meteyarar 10h hours ago
Şırnak'taki olayla ilgili bir bilgi daha geldi . Üzerimde kalmasın . "Korucular büyük başarı göstermiş ."



I think you know we killed almost 1000 terrorist and lost 100 security forces in Cizre and Sur,
yesterday 7 today again 2. Also already 4 high level maroons.
Most of them by sharpshooters and snipers.

What is your opinion as German ?

Syrian and Iraqi PKK - PYD/YPG have almost 50000 forces at Turkish boarder.
Should we invade in Syria and full backup and support Barzani in Iraq.

For my opinion thats last chance, otherwise Turkey will suffer next 10 years and longer

Ah, next question today a mega TRIAL "Verfahren" began in OLG DUS,
against people who sent combatants to Syria and Iraq.

Why are not people accused who fight at the side of PKK from Germany and abroad ???
‏@meteyarar 13h hours ago

Burdan bir kez daha hatırlatmakta yarar var . Cuma vaktinde devlet dairelerine , karakollara ve camilere saldırı olabilir .

@meteyarar komutanım bence siz medyumsunuz!1!1!


meteyarar ‏@meteyarar 10h hours ago
Şırnak'taki olayla ilgili bir bilgi daha geldi . Üzerimde kalmasın . "Korucular büyük başarı göstermiş ."



I think you know we killed almost 1000 terrorist and lost 100 security forces in Cizre and Sur,
yesterday 7 today again 2. Also already 4 high level maroons.
Most of them by sharpshooters and snipers.

What is your opinion as German ?

Syrian and Iraqi PKK - PYD/YPG have almost 50000 forces at Turkish boarder.
Should we invade in Syria and full backup and support Barzani in Iraq.

For my opinion thats last chance, otherwise Turkey will suffer next 10 years and longer

Ah, next question today a mega TRIAL "Verfahren" began in OLG DUS,
against people who sent combatants to Syria and Iraq.

Why are not people accused who fight at the side of PKK from Germany and abroad ???

You should not. Turkey will turnt into a hot war without any foreign support and UN mandate. Maybe you will face Russians and Iranians too. Closes the border as much as you can.

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