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The end of traditional style in China/Japan/Korea etc

You guys seem quite touchy about this. Is this a contencious issue in your society? If not - then why the "edgey" response?

No we are not. The vast majority of our society don't care which culture in origin our clothing is from.

I'm just ridiculing those with a tribalistic mindset who believe adopting aspects of other culture is toxic and reeks of slavery.
No we are not. The vast majority of our society don't care which culture in origin our clothing is from.

I'm just ridiculing those with a tribalistic mindset who believe adopting aspects of other culture is toxic and reeks of slavery.

Well, I believe kapaan is employing a sort of British sarcasm, the Chinese is supposed not to be his target if you read carefully, or read his comment history.
No we are not. The vast majority of our society don't care which culture in origin our clothing is from.

I'm just ridiculing those with a tribalistic mindset who believe adopting aspects of other culture is toxic and reeks of slavery.

ok thanks. I'm clueless about Chinese society, my cultural understanding is limited to the menus of Chinese resturants and the fact that Hong Kong people like to gamble. Other than that I don't really know - so for me it's better to just ask then assume.
@313ghzai The core values of Chinese tradition are Benevolence, Righteousness, Manners, Wisdom, and Credit .
Apparel dress in China's history evolved and changed almost every dynasty based on a variety of needs. For instance, back to 306 B.C., during the time period of Warring States, State of Zhao promoted a big revolution in Chinese apparel dress for Cavalry called "shooting on horse in Hu dress" because the state found that their then-traditional clothes were very inconvenient for fighting and adapted the apparel dress from Hun. And also every dynasty in China would design their own clothes style for the emperor's family and officials due to the political needs showing the difference to the old dynasty they replaced. So there's really no such tradition clothes style for Chinese because of too many. And all the old apparel dresses in China are suitable for farming age but not for industrialization
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@313ghzai The core values of Chinese tradition are Benevolence, Righteousness, Manners, Wisdom, and Credit .
Apparel dress in China's history evolved and changed almost every dynasty based on a variety of needs. For instance, back to 306 B.C., during the time period of Warring States, State of Zhao promoted a big revolution in Chinese apparel dress for Cavalry called shooting on horse in Hu dress because the state found that their then-traditional clothes were very inconvenient for fighting and adapted the apparel dress from Hun. And also every dynasty in China would design their own clothes style for the emperor's family and officials due to the political needs showing the difference to the old dynasty they replaced.

I actually learnt this part of history from a Japanese manga lol.

Those who use the old to define the new do not achieve change.

OP sounds like a Taliban. Should we also refrain from eating western food, taking western medicine, and even refused university education which is a western model?

"Modernity" today means westernization to a large degree. Due to the domination of the west over the last few centuries. But modernity doesn't always means westernization. 1000 years old in Europe, Silk cloth from China was the most fashionable and highly prized. Writing on paper (Chinese invention) was considered modern.

Westernization or Easternization, society that doesn't adapt and modernized will be left behind. Social Darwinism 101. You can choose be traditional like Arabia/Afghan Taliban. Or be modern and westernized like Dubai. The answer is quite clear.

The language that you speak and write, the cultural values that's imprint in you and the society, matters more than just a piece of cloth. Can the so called traditionalists study to become an engineer in their own native language? Chinese, Korean and Japanese can.
Wear whatever you like, my post is not questioning what you wear, it is wondering why you wear attire that is exactly the same as the attire worn in European countries or countries who are descendants of Europeans. @hackerdelight answered my questions from a Chinese perspective.

Unless someone wants to contribute anything from an alternative perspective - the matter is closed as far as i'm concerned.

Do we have any Japanese or Korean members? Perhaps anyone from Thailand or Veitnam or the Philippenes?
If you have no understanding of the diversity, history and complexity of the Chinese culture pls don‘t ask naive questions!We have never been ruled by any religion, so we don’t wear a fixed hat or dress!It‘s your problem to stick to a patterned constume!That doesn’t make you a west or east!
Chinese people are practical, clothing is for practicality, normally people just wear what they like. Traditional clothing of different eras are celebrated on occasion, such as on TV programs, weddings, cultural events, etc.

In China different regions/ethnic groups/time periods have different clothing.

Qing dynasty fur coat and a modern version. The fur coat is traditional Chinese clothing.

There is a movement of "hanfu revival" (even hanfu is different in different time periods) but traditional clothing will never be brought back in its original form for the masses, it will evolve. The trend most likely to succeed is incorporating stylistic aspects of traditional clothing into practical modern attire, thats a job for fashion designers.

China's counterpart of to the western suit is the Chinese tunic suit some times called Zhongshan suit or Mao suit, named after Sun Zhongshan and Mao Zedong.

Chinese tunic suit

Which evolved from the Changshan from the Qing dynasty. The "kung fu suit" also derived from the Changshan.


Plenty of Chinese people wear Chinese styled clothing from time to time if they feel like it, plus there isn't an unified design. The pictures I have found cannot represent all Chinese clothing.

People do wear traditional styled clothing, though they tend to be more designer and expensive than a t-shirt and sweater. Quite a lot of Chinese have traditional styled jackets. Modern renditions of traditional style can be found on Taobao.








Chinese culture/civilisation is not passed down through a particular article of clothing, but rather its literature and philosophy. Even then, Chinese people don't adhere to ancient philosophy or literature fundamentally, they pick up certain elements as reference to help them in their current environment. China will not cease to exist because of clothing in fact it will help China evolve and stay relevant into the future.
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If you have no understanding of the diversity, history and complexity of the Chinese culture pls don‘t ask naive questions!We have never been ruled by any religion, so we don’t wear a fixed hat or dress!It‘s your problem to stick to a patterned constume!That doesn’t make you a west or east!

If you've got nothing positive to contribute you are not compelled to respond.
Every nation has it own historical and culture root you can't copy a model and apply it onto your own country
Have you told CCP that? They were articulated by a German writer writing in UK inspired by the working class conditions in Europe. The book he wrote in London called the "Communist Manifesto" inspired and gave birth to the Russian revolution. Later the Chinese CCP copied wholemeal the Soviet model. Even the Chinese flag is rip off the Soviet design itself inspired by Marxism. Please tell me I am wrong?

You can take the colonialists out of the colony, but you can't take the colony out of the colonised.
Because the colonized set up home inside colonizers country - UK. Where are you sunshine?

No we are not. The vast majority of our society don't care which culture in origin our clothing is from.

I'm just ridiculing those with a tribalistic mindset who believe adopting aspects of other culture is toxic and reeks of slavery.
Wow, Respect !!!! Hahahaha .....

Well, I believe kapaan is employing a sort of British sarcasm, the Chinese is supposed not to be his target if you read carefully, or read his comment history.

Bingo. Bullseye
I particularly don't see this as an issue , traditional style vs none traditional style.

People across time have been attracted to fashion they visibly see the rich and famous adopting, and clothes that are versatile.

People are influenced by Designer Magazines , Pictures of models selling then clothes and this industrial mode of selling particular look and brand came after world war 2

Not only Asian cultures but world wide people started to buy what they see in Magazines & movies
even in Pakistan people wear the easy to wear T-Shirt or Jeans

Same has happened with professional dress code at office


These are mass produced , easy to buy , cheap dirt cheap clothes and Industries manufacture the closes in masses to sell to larger audience

There are just not enough hand crafted costume designers to make custom attire for every single person no one has time to wait that long to get 2-3 Clothes like that

Industrialization of Clothes , and then Marketing / Designer firms have changed the attitude of people to accept mass produced (cheaper products) as top of line item. While the expensively produced (Silk ) products have taken backseat as it is just more expensive to produce


I am sure every one wants to be in fancy getup like the image above but .... it is just a bit expensive to make custom stuff

Lets keep it simple and macho
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Was there an active thought process involved in it all changing?

Take Pakistan for example, i think Western clothes are more practical in the winter, so i will wear them in the winter in Pakistan. If i am in Pakistan during the summer i will wear our traditional clothes. I think most Pakistani's wear the traditional clothes all year round, though in urban areas i have seen most young people of middle upper class wearing western clothes. It's a fashion choice.

i might be wrong, but i think in the far east, people don't wear their traditional clothes at all during normal daily life - which is why i am interested to see why that changed.

Other cultures (Some African ones, Arab ones, central asian ones) have modern attire which is still in the form of traditional clothes. For example, in Pakistan many people have stopped wearing Turbans, but in my grandfathers time, men commonly wore a turban. We still wear salwar kameez but the designs have changed, people have more pockets etc.

I have seen old martial arts movies (bruce lee ones) and wonder why people changed from the kind of clothes worn then, to those worn now? Is it just fashion?

Keyword- century of humiliation

We faced a dire situation - change or die

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