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The end of the desktop PC


Dec 3, 2007
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The end of the desktop PC (seriously)

By David Goldman, staff writerJuly 20, 2010: 12:55 PM ET


NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Video may have killed the radio star, but the PC and a host of other seemingly outdated consumer gadgets live on in the face of many attempts to replace them.

Sales of smartphones and tablets are on the rise, pushed by companies like Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500) and Google (GOOG, Fortune 500) that say the newer devices can displace computers, but PC sales also keep on booming. Intel (INTC, Fortune 500) reported last week that its second quarter was its best ever, boosted by strong PC sales. And analyst group Gartner predicts computer sales will rise 22% this year.

It's not just PCs. Digital cameras, laptops and MP3 players have become nearly ubiquitous tools for even the Luddites among us, even though smartphones can perform many of the same tasks that their single-function brethren can.

But a confluence of events among device manufacturers and service providers suggests that the end for the desktop computer and other "has-been" devices really is on the horizon. Unconnected gadgets are finally starting to lose their luster and are beginning to be replaced by more multi-functional, connected devices.

"We've been talking about this for 10 years, but what's new is that component costs have come down, the ecosystem of services has become more mature, and these devices are supporting a wider variety of content now than ever before," said Susan Kevorkian, mobile media and entertainment program director at IDC.

In other words, new gadgets have become cheaper, more functional and offer more bang for the buck than devices like the PC, MP3 player and netbook. High function but low-end smartphones are now available on low-cost wireless carriers like MetroPCS (PCS), Sprint's (S, Fortune 500) Boost Mobile and Leap Wireless' (LEAP) Cricket, and devices like e-readers have begun price wars.

Most importantly, newer gadgets offer more than just the devices' primary functions themselves; many have a multitude of services that come with them. Tablets and e-readers have 3G connectivity, the ability to download a host of apps and access to GPS services, which most music players and laptops can't handle. Some services like Netflix (NFLX) and Amazon's (AMZN, Fortune 500) Kindle apps allow users to begin watching a movie or reading a book on one device and finish it on another device.

"Consumers want content anywhere, on the go, and a seamless experience across multiple devices," said Dmitriy Molchanov, consumer electronics analyst at Yankee Group. "It's not just about the device anymore but the service that comes with the gadget."

As a result, smartphones sales rose nearly 57% in the first quarter over the same period last year, according to IDC. And Apple has already sold 3 million iPads since April. Forrester Research expects tablet computer sales to overtake desktop PC sales in the United States by 2013. The installed base of smart phones worldwide will also overtake all PCs by 2013, according to Gartner.

What's in, what's out

Yankee Group recently published a study analyzing gadgets for their ability to connect to tasks that consumers crave like social networks, applications and multimedia content. The analysts then examined those devices' potential to connect to services like GPS, subscription services and wireless networks.

The study found that smartphones, tablet computers, e-book readers, connected cars and connected televisions had the highest potential to be "transformative" in those important areas, and would become the next ubiquitous and "game changing" devices.

On the other hand, portable navigation devices, MP3 players, digital cameras and desktop PCs had largely already made their mark, and will soon be replaced by the newer devices, Yankee Group predicts.

Some are already getting replaced. Half of consumers have watched video on their MP3 players in their homes, according to a Yankee Group study. Google, for instance, said it experienced a huge spike in mobile searches during this year's Super Bowl, as searchers opted to go online on their phones rather than laptops or computers.

Still, there will continue to be a market for some "outdated" devices. Smartphone cameras still don't take photos as well as most digital cameras, and word processing is much easier and richer on a PC than on an iPad. Many are hesitant to put their entire photo album exclusively online without some backup on a PC's hard drive, said Van Baker, an analyst at Gartner.

And connected gadgets with services may be great, but if more carriers stop offering unlimited data plans -- like AT&T (T, Fortune 500) recently did -- using connected devices for streaming Netflix movies, browsing the Internet and downloading apps may soon become an expensive enterprise.

"Are these devices going to go away rapidly? No," said Van Baker. "There will always be some who want a phone just to talk on."

The end of the desktop PC (seriously) - Jul. 20, 2010
I prefer desktops over any other kind of computers if portability is not an issue. I really hope they don't get phased out.
I prefer desktops over any other kind of computers if portability is not an issue. I really hope they don't get phased out.

They wont actually

Becoz the kind of specification u can get in a PC is far greater than any laptop or ipad or Smart phone
Any one buying computer only for home would rather have a PC than a Laptop
PC are far cheaper than the other similarly spec gadget

For example ,u Can get a PC consisting of 17 inch TFT monitor , Intel i5 core prcocessor , 4 GB Ram ,500 GB Hardrive , 512 MB Graphic card for around 500 USD ,WHILE A SIMILARLY SPEC LAPTOP WILL SET U BACK BY 800 USD ATLEAST
For example ,u Can get a PC consisting of 17 inch TFT monitor , Intel i5 core prcocessor , 4 GB Ram ,500 GB Hardrive , 512 MB Graphic card for around 500 USD ,WHILE A SIMILARLY SPEC LAPTOP WILL SET U BACK BY 800 USD ATLEAST

And a similar spec smartphone is nowhere to be found:cheers:.
PC will rule for some more time to come. Smartphones may provide most of the features of a PC but most people would still prefer doing all those work on a PC than on a smartphone.
You can't do much on smartphone , real work is done on deaktop


The smartphone sales are only up because of large population not having the gadget
I do most of my work/gaming on a desktop so they are still very much viable for me.
A PC is not for surfing the net and sending email only. There are many applications that are extremely resource and memory hungry. No mobile device can substitute this factor. I use Server, PC , laptop and netbook on both Windows and Linux platform to perform various tasks and I can not dump one device for another.
I guess this sort of fictitious ideas that PC are going to be replace is derived from limited knowledge on PC usage. There is not yet a formidable and user-friendly alternative to common mouse and keyboard. Mobile devices are not yet ready to run heavy applications that require high memory volumes. How is PC going to disappear ?
PC aren't going to end any time soon.

However, in the future when the Cloud and its hardware and service infrastructure starts to mature then they might.

With the Cloud, all OS, software, applications and user data is stored online and accessed by users through devices such as phones, tablets, thin clients, netbooks etc.

All heavy processing-memory intensive tasks are done on dedicated servers, which essentially levels the playing field for smartphones and tablets - they don't have to compete with PC hardware specs, they just let something else do the processing and get the data when it's done.

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Maybe they do. If you can connect a keybord and a monitor to the smartphone they might and I can see that happening. Phasing out Desktop computer is not a far fetched dream.
Well PC might see some difficulties but some people like me prefer PC gaming......I dont like xbox, PS3...I know they have better graphics and stuff but i dont know why i like games on PC not on consoles......
A I also like desktop as i can upgrade downgrade it with my choice. Like today i use 1GB ram tomorrow i put another 512 in it next day i remove it. My choice. Wont be easy on laptops or iphone etc....
When i had a desktop PC back in late 1990s i used to think Laptops are good. I bought my first laptop back in 2001, Later on after using for 2-3 years and changing 2-3 laptops in the meanwhile i started liking PC again so purchased the next pc. That was great for a couple of months and i got bored again so I switched to laptop again. In my 13 years Computer experience I have replaced/switched at least 3-4 Desktop PC's and 10-12~ laptops and whenever I shifted to one platform I started liking another.

True, the desktop PC's are not going to vanish any time soon as the demand in the market is still quite high. You can get the latest technology packed in the simple desktop PC having cost less than $800 that you are going to buy in expensive Laptop costing $1800+ dollars (IMO).

The desktop PC's will soon starting replacing with another technology (i forgot its name) in which you have built-in PC inside monitor. That is the only major change we are going to see and that will dramatically reduce the space usual PC takes in the room........ or something like this may continue existing for a while

Laptops can never pack the power and the punch that a desktop can offer.

They are going no where.
Well PC might see some difficulties but some people like me prefer PC gaming......I dont like xbox, PS3...I know they have better graphics and stuff but i dont know why i like games on PC not on consoles......
A I also like desktop as i can upgrade downgrade it with my choice. Like today i use 1GB ram tomorrow i put another 512 in it next day i remove it. My choice. Wont be easy on laptops or iphone etc....

Negative PC is still the master in graphics. Nothing beats a good gaming rig paired with a 24 or 30 inch display. Plus 3D design applications like Maya and such are only viable on PC they would eat mobile phones and laptops alive. Though for gaming laptops are quite efficient if your willing to pay the premium for them.

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