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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

Iran Atomic Energy Organization AEOI spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi press conference third step in Iran's reduction of commitments under JCPOA (Iran nuclear deal ), Root and History of IR-1 centrifuge / 60 cascades IR-6S centrifuge / Facilitating for the Achievement of One Million SWU uranium enrichment
For a centrifuge to enter mass production, it can take 8-10 years from the design stage. IR-8 is still in it's testing phases. There is probably another 2-3 years left before it will be produced. They did start putting gas in it 2 years ago I think.
دکتر فریدون عباسی در گفتگو با رجانیوز:
گام سوم هسته‌ای نیز همانند دو گام قبلی سست و لرزان است/ دشمن این اقدامات را جدی نمی‌گیرد/
ترساندن طرف مقابل فقط با بازگرداندن فردو و راکتور اراک به حالت قبل ممکن است/
ده تن مواد غنی‌شده و ۱۰۰ تن آب سنگین از شما گرفته‌اند، با ۱۰ کیلو می‌خواهید تقابل کنید؟


And yet another proof that opening our doors to CIA agents (IAEA inspectors) is pure stupidity:
Exclusive: IAEA found uranium traces at Iran 'atomic warehouse' - diplomats - Reuters

It's a never ending story

The so called atomic warehouse is a small primitive carpet washing facility.

If your carpets are populated with Uranium, you can denuclearize them here!
I think Iran is shirking his commitment step by step until US presidential election.....every step more than this,is too extreme and persuade EU to follow US
Sounds like the saudis clearly havent given up on the idea of enrichment....

If Saudi Arabia goes for enrichment it will be the end of Saudi Arabia. Slowly but surely their masters in the West will begin planting the seeds of the royale family’s destruction.

Neither Israel nor the West will allow Saudi enrichment capability.

I don’t think iran cares either way what the Saudis do. It only helps legitimatize Iran’s claim of right to enrichment if Saudis seek it.

But seeking atomic capability is a nice way to get overthrown by the West. And Saudi Arabia can not afford even 20% of the pressure that Iran has been put under to give up its program. It will collapse quickly.
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