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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

Hi Raptor, I must admit your posts and analysis are some of the few that carry weight with me, I can easily tell you have a political or diplomatic background, now mind you I'm a self confessed amateur, but with a good knowledge of history under my belt. I just have a good sense of guessing an outcome or an endgame to an issue. With that said, you asked if I have a plan, well, here is my plan...if I was in the presidential circle of Iran, I would draw up a list of scenarios where I could give the absolute minimum to Trump to make him look good while I get what I need in order to put our economic house back together. Why? well, first off, because there is a good chance Trump will win re-election....this is may prove to be a dangerous scenario for us. The Democratic candidates look weaker and weaker with every debate....I highly doubt the current list of possible candidates will be able to snatch the presidency away from Trump.
With that in mind, I would retool my strategy, because we cannot live with another 4 yrs of sanctions on us. So we have to start thinking of an end game....we need to remove these sanctions once and for all to unleash the economic monster Iran can become. When you look at the chess pieces you can see that the only way forward id to do a horse trade. We have to start making some overtures to Trump, I did not say anything about giving any more concessions....just talk, we can lessen the chances of a kinetic action by his necon hawks by just talking.
Trump does not care about the nuke deal or Iran, or Israel or S.A. He only cares about looking strong or good. If you can understand this character flaw you can exploit him. Now, I meant to give you my plan, my plan would start by first having low level talks. If we can give Trump a new deal that looks a lot like the old deal with a new name....he would be happy. So they also want us to curtail missile program and stop the proxy funding, we all know we cannot do that, because they have armed our adversaries to the teeth so we would counter by saying we're only here to discuss the nuke issue first. USA wants assurances that we won't make a bomb....let's give them that, it was already in the JCPOA, Page 2 anyway! Next, we will need to have the sanctions removed via a treaty approved by congress. If they can't pass it in the senate, then we only implement parts of the deal not the whole thing, so enrichments, centrifuges, amount of heavy water, yellow cake etc...etc would all have their reciprocal actions. To me the endgame is clear as daylight....get the sanctions removed. How? by calling them out in world press and tv, by saying ok, so you have said several times that you only care about us not having a bomb, well we are here to negotiate that.

PS: USA broke its word, and the president's son in law is basically a Mossad agent in the middle of all the sensitive foreign policy issues of the USA....We have to live with this reality, we also have respect how much power the USA has with other countries. This is a chess game, there is no fairness about it, the strong can beat down the weak, 40 yrs of economic growth has been deferred (mostly) because of bad and empty policy. Look at how fast UAE corrected course after the Drone shot down and the quagmire in Yemen. They came to Tehran, hat in hand.....even though they basically worked harder than SA to make USA attack us for the past 3 years. But we also screwed up, we did not ratchet down the bullsh*t after JCPOA, we did not talk or reach out further, we didn't curtail the anti american activities. we did not stop the Death to America chants....etc. etc.. So diplomatically the hardliner short circuited the JCPOA's chances of success to begin with. At the end of all of this, we will realize that we need to have a uncomfortable peace with the USA, it's the only way.....This will not happen as long as we have an old man, with no worldly knowledge directing or dictating our foreign policy.

PPS: one last thing, you asked how can we trust the USA? We cannot, I know it, you know it, neither the UK or France for that matter, they will stick together 10 times over before sticking with us, that is the reality that we have made for ourselves in the past 40 yrs. No one to blame except ourselves. We don't have any real allies....we did this. So again, you implement any new deal in stages. We do our part, they do theirs..so on and so on.
Sorry for this last jab, but if we had done our homework the first time around we should have known that JCPOA was an agreement that was not ratified by the Senate and that any party can unilaterally pull out. Second, how did they underestimate the Israeli lobby in the USA's government?? They control almost all of it. They control the press, the TV, Hollywood...and wall street where all the donations come from...etc. The negotiators should have planned for their actions ahead of time....but as usual, our foreign policy group sat around and tweeted, I said this before they are waging a PR war on us.....this PR campaign is more important than the actual war. Yet our diplomatic corps can hardly speak English....why do you think Zarif is so effective in the press here? Israel hawks hate him...because he knows how to speak.
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quick history Chinese backstabbing and violations contract in nuclear field from 1990s
old video from 2015
I do not know if it was true or not, nor I understood farsi. I guess I will do my research in the future.
Other than that, some Iranian PDF posters did not forget stoking the hatred toward China even at its worst time. This should wake up any Chinese member who bears an iota of sympathy or romantic feeling about the relationship between our two nations. Please note, it was thanked by four Iranian active members:
@OldTwilight @SubWater @Mithridates @mohsen
Plus, staunch China hater, @yavar
I do not know if it was true or not, nor I understood farsi. I guess I will do my research in the future.
Other than that, some Iranian PDF posters did not forget stoking the hatred toward China even at its worst time. This should wake up any Chinese member who bears an iota of sympathy or romantic feeling about the relationship between our two nations. Please note, it was thanked by four Iranian active members:
@OldTwilight @SubWater @Mithridates @mohsen
Plus, staunch China hater, @yavar
LOL, We should make a new video titling China's violation of the JCPOA.
China was supposed to reconstruct the Arak nuclear reactor from 2015, but now four years later still nothing has happened, just the way your national company abandoned it's gas contract with Iran for the SECOND time, China is cooperating with U.S in violating their deal with Iran, don't mistake your national interests with sympathy.
First of all, Arak nuclear reactor modification requires the actions from 3 parties: USA, Iran and China specified in JCPOA. China has already coping with its own capabilities when dealing with the US, and overstretch itself by purchasing oil from Iran and selling some dual use technologies. Our two big tech firms(ZTE&Huawei) have been sanctioned by USA at the excuse of dealing with Iran.

Now you Iranians call China "backstabbing". And you sir, want to further make a video to accuse China. This has totally change my view of Iran in about-turn.

Although the cliche of "national interest" is true, the amity and friendliness of the people from a state can definitely lubricate the relationship and advance your national interest. People like you who choose to cause cracks and rifts would not agree. As a reciprocal, I will tell my Chinese friends how Iranians think about China. That can help them make decision to choose their next travel destination, or how to sell/buy anything to/from Iran. I know the state affairs will continue. But, hey, there are things we can do as individuals.
LOL, We should make a new video titling China's violation of the JCPOA.
China was supposed to reconstruct the Arak nuclear reactor from 2015, but now four years later still nothing has happened, just the way your national company abandoned it's gas contract with Iran for the SECOND time, China is cooperating with U.S in violating their deal with Iran, don't mistake your national interests with sympathy.
First of all, Arak nuclear reactor modification requires the actions from 3 parties: USA, Iran and China specified in JCPOA. China has already coping with its own capabilities when dealing with the US, and overstretch itself by purchasing oil from Iran and selling some dual use technologies. Our two big tech firms(ZTE&Huawei) have been sanctioned by USA at the excuse of dealing with Iran.

Now you Iranians call China "backstabbing". And you sir, want to further make a video to accuse China. This has totally change my view of Iran in about-turn.

Although the cliche of "national interest" is true, the amity and friendliness of the people from a state can definitely lubricate the relationship and advance your national interest. People like you who choose to cause cracks and rifts would not agree. As a reciprocal, I will tell my Chinese friends how Iranians think about China. That can help them make decision to choose their next travel destination, or how to sell/buy anything to/from Iran. I know the state affairs will continue. But, hey, there are things we can do as individuals.
You come on Iranian sector to threaten and say bad things about Iranians? Seems dumb.

Regardless, China remains the only country brave enough to (officially) continue importing Iranian oil in face of US sanctions. That is fact. However, given US-China trade dispute this is just a bargaining chip used by China.

Huawei was sanctioned/banned not because of Iran but because Trump wanted to protect US companies.
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First of all, Arak nuclear reactor modification requires the actions from 3 parties: USA, Iran and China specified in JCPOA. China has already coping with its own capabilities when dealing with the US, and overstretch itself by purchasing oil from Iran and selling some dual use technologies. Our two big tech firms(ZTE&Huawei) have been sanctioned by USA at the excuse of dealing with Iran.

Now you Iranians call China "backstabbing". And you sir, want to further make a video to accuse China. This has totally change my view of Iran in about-turn.

Although the cliche of "national interest" is true, the amity and friendliness of the people from a state can definitely lubricate the relationship and advance your national interest. People like you who choose to cause cracks and rifts would not agree. As a reciprocal, I will tell my Chinese friends how Iranians think about China. That can help them make decision to choose their next travel destination, or how to sell/buy anything to/from Iran. I know the state affairs will continue. But, hey, there are things we can do as individuals.
With the excuse of U.S sanctions, China has violated the deal several times already, it's a fact so remember to tell this to everyone in China.

China violated the deal, even before Trump would quit the deal, that's why Arak nuclear reactor has no progress at all.

Both U.S sanctions against Huawei and China's violations of the deal are excuses.
U.S may use Iran as an excuse, or backdoor in your products, it's just an excuse.

China buys Iran's oil, because it's in your interest to not rely on U.S puppets for a strategic matter like energy. If China violates his deal with Iran again it's because your interest is to let U.S be busy with Iran, while avoiding to leak technoly boost to Iran.

Yes, remember to tell all of these to chinese.
Top left !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Who sign this ????

From Wikipedia
LOL, We should make a new video titling China's violation of the JCPOA.
China was supposed to reconstruct the Arak nuclear reactor from 2015, but now four years later still nothing has happened, just the way your national company abandoned it's gas contract with Iran for the SECOND time, China is cooperating with U.S in violating their deal with Iran, don't mistake your national interests with sympathy.

i approve of this message
LOL, We should make a new video titling China's violation of the JCPOA.
China was supposed to reconstruct the Arak nuclear reactor from 2015, but now four years later still nothing has happened, just the way your national company abandoned it's gas contract with Iran for the SECOND time, China is cooperating with U.S in violating their deal with Iran, don't mistake your national interests with sympathy.

Is Iran not able to reconstruct Arak on its own?
China is doing more than they can. China has to rise above 'murica by 2035 to be the global superpower in the world. Nobody in the world wants the terrorists in Washington to be threatening the free world in wars and conflicts.

Any conflict that China gets drawn into will hurt this effect. 'Everybody fights alone' is the safest way to prevent another WWII, where the terrorists got the entire world in a conflict and forced nearly everyone to think like Washington and obey them for 50 years. This disaster of WWII, must never be repeated, so Iran fights alone, don't rely on China for anything. And don't be bitter about this fact.

Having Iran and China at each other's throats is not only annoying, it is terrible. Both have the same mortal enemies in their tradition. The Han Chinese are the most heroic on earth, defeating the ice invaders twice, once to deal judgment for the Mongols killing off the Neanderthals and Denisovans, and a second time to rise up against the same foe in the Yuan Dynasty. Han are built on the deeds of their fathers.

The Caucasians/Iranians started civilization and culture in the West, then foreign servants of ice/Norther invaders wiped out 90% of Europeans and then 90% of Native Americans. In Caucasian/Iranian tradition, these invaders are their sworn enemies. Encoded in sacred texts. Hebrew and others.

The Han and the Iranian have the same enemies, worse than tragic to see any animosity between them. They make up the civilized crescent. What remains of the heroes of old. To the north, Barbarians. To the south, terrible Atlantians and their cousins, who most probably genocided in the lands to the South. The center belt is the civilized crescent (those that remained ritually pure), must hold together, but fight apart. South Asia was founded by Iranians who moved there about 6000 years ago.

Iran is alone in this fight, as is supposed to be, so better to get nukes to prevent a war. The good can provide moral support to Iran.

If Iran can't beat a pack of djinn, don't come crying to us.

Nukes scare the djinn. Iran has had months to stockpile nukes, where are these nukes?
China is doing more than they can. China has to rise above 'murica by 2035 to be the global superpower in the world. Nobody in the world wants the terrorists in Washington to be threatening the free world in wars and conflicts.

Any conflict that China gets drawn into will hurt this effect. 'Everybody fights alone' is the safest way to prevent another WWII, where the terrorists got the entire world in a conflict and forced nearly everyone to think like Washington and obey them for 50 years. This disaster of WWII, must never be repeated, so Iran fights alone, don't rely on China for anything. And don't be bitter about this fact.

Having Iran and China at each other's throats is not only annoying, it is terrible. Both have the same mortal enemies in their tradition. The Han Chinese are the most heroic on earth, defeating the ice invaders twice, once to deal judgment for the Mongols killing off the Neanderthals and Denisovans, and a second time to rise up against the same foe in the Yuan Dynasty. Han are built on the deeds of their fathers.

The Caucasians/Iranians started civilization and culture in the West, then foreign servants of ice/Norther invaders wiped out 90% of Europeans and then 90% of Native Americans. In Caucasian/Iranian tradition, these invaders are their sworn enemies. Encoded in sacred texts. Hebrew and others.

The Han and the Iranian have the same enemies, worse than tragic to see any animosity between them. They make up the civilized crescent. What remains of the heroes of old. To the north, Barbarians. To the south, terrible Atlantians and their cousins, who most probably genocided in the lands to the South. The center belt is the civilized crescent (those that remained ritually pure), must hold together, but fight apart. South Asia was founded by Iranians who moved there about 6000 years ago.

Iran is alone in this fight, as is supposed to be, so better to get nukes to prevent a war. The good can provide moral support to Iran.

If Iran can't beat a pack of djinn, don't come crying to us.

Nukes scare the djinn. Iran has had months to stockpile nukes, where are these nukes?
I agree (apart from your talk of "djinn"), but with 1.3 billion Chinese and 82m+ Iranian, obviously there will be some that don't like each other. Not a big deal. But shouldn't fight to play into the hands of common enemies for sure.
If there are any to see, then at least I am revealed to them. I have written 'Gandalf is here' in signs that can be read from Rivendell to the Mouths of Anduin.

Italy is just recovering from WWII. Germany will take many more years to recover. We don't want China in a conflict with Washington until China can press a few buttons and China is the only superpower left and the world is free for 10.000 years or more.

Greece has yet to recover from WWII, and seems to only be going backwards. You can't snap them out of being Washington slaves. I tried many times to help Greeks out. Nearly every faction among the Greeks is confident in loyalty to Washington and Hell Aviv. There is no use reasoning with them, they are still fighting WWII, WWI or the Ottoman Wars.

China has to stay free and free from the conflicts, so their military and R&D can surpass Washington in one to two decades.

You want the Chinese to remember bitterness of this trade war to cripple the Chinese, not remember bitterness over some stupid fight between Iranian and Chinese members.

Italy is at the forefront of 'we will not be slaves of Washington'. There are others like Swedes and Finns. This took years of goodwill on the part of the true free world and Italy. Not the slave world of Washington.
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