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Factory of lies!

تلاش برای ذبح دستور رهبری به سازمان انرژی اتمی

در همان ساعات اولیه بعد از فرمان مقام معظم رهبری، کمالوندی سخنگوی سازمان انرژی اتمی در راستای آماده‌سازی اذهان و جاده صاف‌کنی برای گل زدن‌های صالحی رئیس سازمان انرژی اتمی نکاتی را بیان کرد که قابل تامل است. ازجمله اینکه: "ما ظرفیت ساخت و مونتاژ سانتریفیوژ را توسعه می‌دهیم" و یا "کارخانه ساخت سانتریفیوژ می‌سازیم" که البته همین را هم دکتر صالحی، فردای آن روز از نطنز و سایت شهید احمدی روشن اعلام کرد.

حال سوال این است 20 هزار سانتریفیوژ قبلی چگونه و در کجا ساخته شده بود؟ مسلماً
اولا با توجه به پیچیدگی بسیار بالای ماشین سانتریفیوژ، تولید این حجم ماشین سازوکار کارخانه‌ای داشته است.

دوم اینکه کارخانه‌ای را دوستان شهید احمد روشن برای ساخت و مونتاژ سریع‌تر سانتریفیوژ ساخته و آماده کرده بودند که دقیقاً قبل از تصدی ریاست جدید سازمان آماده بهره‌برداری شد، لذا بیان اینکه این مطلب بعنوان دستاورد جدید چه صورتی دارد؟

طبق گفته های کمالوندی "بعد از IR1، فقط IR_2m و IR-4 قابلیت تولید دارد و نسل‌های بعدی آماده نیستند".

در این رابطه باید گفت که اولا این نسل از ماشین های سانتریفیوژ مربوط به قبل از تصدی کمالوندی و صالحی است، پس مسئولان این حوزه در این چند سال چکار کرده‌اند؟
Factory of lies!

تلاش برای ذبح دستور رهبری به سازمان انرژی اتمی
سوم اینکه شما که در چند مرحله و با قدرت هرچه تمام‌تر از ماشین‌های نسل 8 (IR-8) رونمایی کردید پس آنها کجا هستند؟ چرا به فرمایش رهبر انقلاب مبنی بر حفظ دستاوردها (IR1 و...) پشت پا می‌زنید؟

سوم اینکه شما که در چند مرحله و با قدرت هرچه تمام‌تر از ماشین‌های نسل 8 (IR-8) رونمایی کردید پس آنها کجا هستند؟ چرا به فرمایش رهبر انقلاب مبنی بر حفظ دستاوردها (IR1 و...) پشت پا می‌زنید؟
Probably like many things else they unveiled something that was not completely ready so some manager can boast that they did something .

چرا صنعت اکتشاف و استخراج اورانیوم را تعطیل کرده‌اید و ملت را از منافع آن محروم می‌کنید (چون اکتشاف اورانیوم خیلی ظریف و حساس است و به دنبال خود نقشه کامل ثروت‌های دیگر معدنی را هم به دست می‌دهد) و حالا با کیک زرد وارداتی از کشور... می‌خواهید UF6 تولید کنید!

That's better it means we have more uranium and keep our mines for later use.
but sadly I'm sure they fail to get the needed Uranium from other countries.
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See this
In long term they are absolute goodness for Iran.


فیلم/ ظریف ۹۴: آمریکا "نمی‌تواند" از برجام خارج شود!

Iranian reformist foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif ( 2015): U.S can't exit the JCPOA, and if they quit, nobody would listen to them, everyone confirmed my opinion in twitter!


The day traitors in Parliament ratified JCPOA in 20 minutes:

Conservatives crying:



Reformists celebrating:


and of course Mr genius:
Reformists are a curse to every revolution. If our revolution could stay for this long period, it's because of Islamic miracle.
Reformists are a curse to every revolution. If our revolution could stay for this long period, it's because of Islamic miracle.
Reformist/conservative theatre. Same regime, same coin, 2 sides.
Value of dollar has almost tripled since 2017. I want to know how your conservatives can increase the value of rial.

The islamic regime is too late, they had 40 years the time to make a robust Iranian economy (beside social freedoms, political freedoms) to unite the people and resist any foreign pressure. It did not happen, now we see the results.
There is no point in finger pointing. If Reformists or Conservatives are in power there is little difference. That is ploy used by world governments to divide their population and keep them sheep. It’s worked well in the US.

The real issue here is the government was unable to or unwilling to pass necessary reforms to transform the economy similar to how China opened up to the world several decades ago.

Instead because of sanctions they relied on middle men and profiteers to keep their economy afloat and that just let corruption continue to grow and grow.

I am not sure how Iran can turn this ship around at this point. Sanctions haven’t fully snapped back and the economy and currency in iran is already taking a hit.
Reformists are a curse to every revolution. If our revolution could stay for this long period, it's because of Islamic miracle.

Conservatives got 40 years to proves themselves in front of the Iranian people, but they failed miserably. The Iranian people themselves don't believe in them.
Conservatives got 40 years to proves themselves in front of the Iranian people, but they failed miserably. The Iranian people themselves don't believe in them.
Look bro, I don't know that who is that conservative that you talking about.
We have a president that decides for everything in Iran and all the budget in his hands. Most of our presidents were reformists or the people that converted to reformism. Rafsanjani, Khatami and the current president, all of them are or were reformist or semi reformist. Ahmadinejad was the only fundamentalist that had only 8 years to show something about fundamentalism, compared to 24 years of reformist rule in the country.

The only revolutionary candidate was Raisi, people voted for Rouhani not him. So these false claims that reformists are oppressed is BS. They have been ruling Iran since the Revolution, gave no chance to other parties.
Look bro, I don't know that who is that conservative that you talking about.
We have a president that decides for everything in Iran and all the budget in his hands. Most of our presidents were reformists or the people that converted to reformism. Rafsanjani, Khatami and the current president, all of them are or were reformist or semi reformist. Ahmadinejad was the only fundamentalist that had only 8 years to show something about fundamentalism, compared to 24 years of reformist rule in the country.

The only revolutionary candidate was Raisi, people voted for Rouhani not him. So these false claims that reformists are oppressed is BS. They have been ruling Iran since the Revolution, gave no chance to other parties.
Conservative/reformist is just a name used by actors to fool Iranian people, it's a show, nothing changes.
But lets end this nonsense rumor once and for all by seeing the list of presidents of Islamic republic:

1980-1981: banisadr dismissed because of being against clerics, conservative Rajai took his place, but was assasinated within a month.
Conservative Khamenei: 1981-1989
(pragmatic) conservative Rafsanjani, who co-created IRGC: 1989-1997
Reformer Khatami: 1997-2005
Conservative Ahmadinejad: 2005-2013
Rouhani: centrist, however backed by reformist, now critisized by reformist.

Reformist-conservative theatre is only created by khamenei and his corrupt circle to fool Iranian people. We need a new constitution and new system, a parliamentary Iranian system wherein Islamic republic party can compete next to other parties, If they are lucky and forgiven for their crimes and mismanagement in the last 40 years.
If they stay stubborn and don't change we will drown all together.
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