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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

What was wrong with my last post that was deleted?on stuxnet?
TOYOTA officially apologized U.S for selling one car to Iranian embassy in India!

In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the US on Monday, Toyota Motor said the sale of the Toyota vehicle to the Iranian embassy by its Indian majority-owned subsidiary "contributed approximately ¥2 million (roughly Rs 11.4 lakh) in gross revenues and an insignificant amount in net profit to Toyota. Toyota believes this transaction would not subject it or its affiliates to US sanctions".

The sanctions that the filing talks about stem from a US legislation called the "Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012".

The filing went on to add: "Toyota Kirloskar Motor Limited intends to cease conducting the activity described above".


That's OK, we are talking about the same TOYOTA which never apologized for selling thousands of their cars to ISIS terrorist group:
Totota isis.jpg


Does anybody wants to lecture me about isolating U.S? it's time!




آمریکا از برجام خارج نمی‌شود؛ موش‌وگربه «کاخ سفید-کنگره» برای گرفتن امتیاز است/ اگر تحریم‌های بانکی رفع شده بود با«گونی» پول وارد نمی‌کردند

هوشنگ امیر احمدی:
برجام صنعت هسته‌ای را ۱۰ سال عقب برد/ دقیق‌ترین نقد‌ها به برجام را حسین شریعتمداری نوشت/ به جای دیپلماسی، زیپلماسی کردند

علی باقری در دانشگاه تهران:
مگر مبنا در مناسبات کشورها احترام است که می‌گوئیم جام اخلاق را بردیم؟/ روحانی می‌گفت مذاکره با آمریکا مثل سوار شدن در بنز است
Start of Great plot:

U.S Treasury Department authorized the sanctions against the IRGC using a 9/11-era executive order that George W. Bush’s administration used to block financing to terrorist organizations.
why?! because IRGC annihilated U.S backed ISIS terrorist group!

and now using above act, U.S has started an entire set of new sanctions and violation of the deal by enlisting anyone whom they desire as a terrorist affiliate!
and as start, Treasury Department added the name of 40 individual and entities under the list of terrorist cooperatives:
Non-proliferation Designations Updates; Iran Designations Updates; Counter Terrorism Designations Updates - Treasury Department

for example Parviz Fattah,the head of Imam Khomeini charity organization!

though some names were already in the list of sanctioned entities, they received a new label, [SDGT] which means now they will be considered terrorist and anyone who has any relation with them will be sanctioned too.

for example, National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) gives a project to Khatam al Anbia company which is subsidiary of IRGC, and after that NIOC will be labeled as a terrorist affiliate (receive the [SDGT] label), and subsequently anyone who wants to sign a deal with it will be sanctioned too.
and here is how TOTAL once again ditched his contract with Iran (thanks to all of traitors who were signing it):
PressTV-Total dawdles on $4.8 billion Iran gas project

That's why Iranian conservatives call CATSA as the mother of all sanctions, while Reformist government and media in Iran are trying to downplay it to hide their ugly traitor face.


Mr Netanyahu expressed his support to keep the Iran deal, proving once again that Israel was playing the bad cop/good cop game alongside the U.S while JCPOA was their exact choice:

Netanyahu: Don't eliminate the Iran nuclear deal, correct its flaws

Iranian traitor and famous liar, Deputy FM Araghchi once again proved why he is called a liar, in Parliament he stated:
"European countries were completely and clearly opposing the U.S policies and their violations of the deal!"
meanwhile the statement of Europeans:
At the same time as we work to preserve the JCPoA, we share concerns about Iran’s ballistic missile programm and regional activities that also affect our European security interests. We stand ready to take further appropriate measures to address these issues in close cooperation with the US and all relevant partners. We look to Iran to engage in constructive dialogue to stop de-stabilising actions and work towards negotiated solutions.

not to mention that not even for once, Europeans haven't acknowledged the breach of the deal by U.S.

Some times I doubt whether Zarif, Araghchi,... are high or something!
but later I remember that no, lying and deception is the common property of all traitors.
Please don't put the blame of Iranian weakness upon the reformists.
The bitter Truth is "Might is Right". Iran is weaker and US is stronger, thus whole world will always prefer US over Iran. You cannot change the realities which are true for the thousands of years. Why are you now then complaining now?

This is mostly the fault of Iranian conservatives to large extent that they were unable to keep good relations with any country in the world.

Opponents are totally free to show that Iranian system is a brutal one where human rights have little space. Iranian people have now NO right to demolish the system of Wilayat-e-Faqih and any one denies it, will not be allowed to run the elections. This was very stupid of conservatives to still claim that Wilayat-e-Faqih is democratic.

If there is some good standing of Iran among the European people, then it is too due to Zarif, while Ahmadinejad was foolish enough to destroy the image of Iran completely.

What should the reformists do? Let the conservatives do what they want and let Iran be destroyed ecnomically? Or let the Iran's image make better so that people start believing that Iran is not a rough state?

Iranian Uranium program was at halt after the Fatwa. Reformists have done nothing bad. If US does not comply, then Iran has also the choice to end the contract. So why to blame the reformists for destroying the Iranian Nuclear program?

First Question which the conservatives have to answer: "Do you really want to build the Nuke against the earlier Fatwa?"
Please answer it clearly in Yes or No.

If yes, then we can discuss ahead. If no, then it would be stupid of the conservatives to not to build a nuke and also not to make the image of Iran better by making a contract which was only achieved by the reformists.

If the conservatives claim that Iran got earlier the capacity of facing the US attack, then this capacity still stands there. Start building the nuke and face the war, why to blame the reformists for this when Khaminei himself was saying "No Nukes" and "Please Have A DEAL".
Iran MP Zinouri: withdraw from NPT in case U.S violation JCPOA ذوالنوری: خروج از ِان پی تی
UN nuclear agency counters Trump objections to Iran deal
IAEA head says inspectors are able to access Islamic republic’s military sites

Mr Amano suggested Iran, whose leaders favour keeping the deal, could also take action to help itself. He said it would be “very helpful” if Iran were to provide a baseline declaration regarding “Section T”, a clause that bans Iran from developing so-called dual-use technology that could generate a nuclear explosive device.

“‘Section T’ is not [an] access clause, it is a clause related to dual-use and we are verifying it using the Additional Protocol,” he said of a mechanism separate from the deal that permits the IAEA an expanded right of access to information and locations but which Iran implements only “provisionally”.

He said it would help if Iran were to ratify the Additional Protocol so that it comes into permanent force, rather than “sunsetting” it — a reference to requirements tapering off with time. He said “greater clarity relating to ‘Section T’ will be helpful” but added it was down to deal signatories to determine any areas they might tighten.
New information about the caught spy (and three others who escaped to west) in the negotiation team, video recording of Iranian meetings through his wristwatch:
فیلم/ جاسوس هسته‌ای چگونه اطلاعات را از جلسه محرمانه خارج می‌کرد؟/ دوربین جاسوسی در ساعت مچی


Iran Says Trump’s Oil Embargo Violates Nuclear Deal
November 25, 2017 - 12:19

A senior Iranian lawmaker says US President Donald Trump’s recent remarks about an embargo against Iran’s crude oil lack legal credibility and violate the nuclear deal between Tehran and world powers.

Trump issued a statement last Saturday, saying because there was enough supply of oil from other countries, it was possible to limit the purchase of oil and its derivatives from Iran.

In reaction to the remarks, Chairman of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of Iran’s Parliament, Alaeddin Boroujerdi, said by such statements, the US once again violates the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

According to a Farsi report by Alef news website on Saturday, he went on to say it seems Trump views himself as the chief of the global village. “This comes as he is just the president of the US and a hated one.”

The Iranian lawmaker said throughout the US history, there has been no president weaker than Trump.

“Trump is not in a position to decide about the share of countries in the international oil market. Iran is a member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and will defend its rights within the organization,” he noted.

Boroujerdi also pointed out Trump is not entitled to meddle in such issues and his declaration lacks legal credibility.

In his declaration, Trump said the international oil market would remain normal by cutting purchases from Iran.

“I determined that there is a sufficient amount of oil and oil products from countries other than Iran, and this allows a significant reduction in the volume of oil and petroleum products that are purchased from Iran,” Trump said in a November 17 memorandum sent to the US finance and energy ministers.

According to Iranian Oil Minister, Bijan Namdar Zanganeh, Iran is supplying up to 2.5 million barrels of oil per day to the world market and cutting this amount will definitely affect the market.

“Mr. Trump talks too much,” Zanganeh said, responding to Trump’s remarks in the document extending an embargo on the supply of oil from Iran, first introduced in 2012.
Folks, you see it's guy talking while showing stock news footage....ZERO proof of the guy spying. This is the very essence of FAKE NEWS.
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