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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

Iran needs to leave nuclear deal, change strategic policies


Goddamn traitor rouhani

IFP – A conservative news website has called on Iranian officials to withdraw the country from the nuclear deal given the other parties’ failure to meet their obligations.

While the IAEA in its tenth report has once again confirmed Iran’s full commitment to its obligations under the nuclear deal, the US and Europe have lagged behind with feeble excuses and cunnings.

Not only have the Westerners failed to fulfil their obligations, but they have deliberately pursued re-negotiation of the deal and follow-up changes that are time-bound by focusing on the missile power and the influence of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

According to a Farsi comment published by Basirat website, the United States and its allies are struggling to impose permanent restrictions on Iran without fulfilling their obligations, which are actually to meet the interests of Tehran.

Of course, this group of countries strives to show they refrain from violating the deal, but they actually violate its spirit. In fact, they stick to the dead body of the deal as a means to deceive public opinion in Iran, and hold the officials in an uncertain situation for strategic decisions and alternative solutions.

Unfortunately, some European governments have accompanied the foolish Trump in forming a united front against Iran instead of forcing the president of the United States to maintain the credibility of Western diplomacy and respect the nuclear accord.

In their opinion, this foolishness and aggressive gesture of Trump is considered as an opportunity to increase pressure on Iran to repeat the accord in other fields.

In such a situation, it is expected that the government officials decide as soon as possible to dismantle the US and its European allies’ scenarios.

A close look at the game of these states reveals the fact that they are trying to keep their promise and make the society hopeful about the future of the talks and at the same time keep the officials waiting by their repeated empty promises on the basis of their experience of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union through negotiations.

This is a strategy that postpones the resolution of the society’s problems, and at the same time creates expectations among people whose fulfilment depends on the acceptance of unilateral and oppressive conditions for an unknown timespan.

The officials’ being at a standstill and their inaction leads the society towards a useless anticipation which is beyond people’s tolerance, but can be resolved through public diplomacy and perceptual management to make changes in thoughts and behaviours.

Perhaps the explicit remarks made by the Saudi foreign minister saying that the JCPOA alone would not change the behaviour of the Islamic Republic of Iran would be a reference to the same scenario that reminds one of the experiences of the Cold War.

Interestingly, at that time as well, in order to increase the pressure on the Soviet Union, the US government advanced the policy of declining oil prices in cooperation with Saudi Arabia.

However, as the same scenario is being repeated once again, we must learn from history and never be trapped by doing the following:

  • Expressing the facts about the non-adherence of the United States and Western governments to their commitments by the President (Rouhani) and the negotiating team, which is a very difficult job and is in contradiction with their earlier claims. However, the national interests and the interests of the Establishment are at a higher level, and as the beginning of negotiations was considered a sort of bravery, today it is necessary to have the courage to withdraw from this vicious circle and not to worry about its possible short-term costs.
  • Making changes in strategic approaches, especially the shift to the East and using the capacity of other countries to shatter the illusions of the leaders of the Western governments who assume the only option for Iran is to maintain and promote economic relations with the West. To do so, we should move quickly to promote cooperation with other countries, and boost the strategic cooperation with Russia in confronting the ISIS threat. We must use the same model to resolve economic problems and counter the brutal sanctions of the United States and its allies.
  • Implementing policy of resistance economy by relying on domestic resources and capacities and adjusting demands with supplies which needs modifications in the pattern of production and consumption, and boosting resistance culture which needs the cooperation and participation of all branches of the Establishment. Most importantly, the timely and courageous move to announce such a decision and its implementation needs a revolutionary bravery, but must be implemented by considering all aspects. Such a decision would be rejected by some conservative advisers who are inclined to the West. Hence, replacement of the decision-making advisors and being cautious in accepting the fears and warnings of the observers who encourage negotiations over the JCPOA and having the independence in making decisions is considered a certain and decisive need at least at this stage.
END of sanctions! domestic international airlines! 400 airplanes, and the rest of Reformists blah blah.

VS the reality:

Germany's military stepped in after airport fuel companies — citing US sanctions — refused to refuel an Iranian plane. The incident almost prevented Iran's foreign minister from attending a prominent security conference.

Munich Airport told Zarif a week before the conference it would not be able to refuel his diplomatic plane after arriving from Mumbai, India. The airport said it was unable to buy fuel from local companies, which feared contravening US sanctions against Iran by delivering the fuel.

Iran needs to leave nuclear deal, change strategic policies

View attachment 456195
Goddamn traitor rouhani

IFP – A conservative news website has called on Iranian officials to withdraw the country from the nuclear deal given the other parties’ failure to meet their obligations.

While the IAEA in its tenth report has once again confirmed Iran’s full commitment to its obligations under the nuclear deal, the US and Europe have lagged behind with feeble excuses and cunnings.

Not only have the Westerners failed to fulfil their obligations, but they have deliberately pursued re-negotiation of the deal and follow-up changes that are time-bound by focusing on the missile power and the influence of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

According to a Farsi comment published by Basirat website, the United States and its allies are struggling to impose permanent restrictions on Iran without fulfilling their obligations, which are actually to meet the interests of Tehran.

Of course, this group of countries strives to show they refrain from violating the deal, but they actually violate its spirit. In fact, they stick to the dead body of the deal as a means to deceive public opinion in Iran, and hold the officials in an uncertain situation for strategic decisions and alternative solutions.

Unfortunately, some European governments have accompanied the foolish Trump in forming a united front against Iran instead of forcing the president of the United States to maintain the credibility of Western diplomacy and respect the nuclear accord.

In their opinion, this foolishness and aggressive gesture of Trump is considered as an opportunity to increase pressure on Iran to repeat the accord in other fields.

In such a situation, it is expected that the government officials decide as soon as possible to dismantle the US and its European allies’ scenarios.

A close look at the game of these states reveals the fact that they are trying to keep their promise and make the society hopeful about the future of the talks and at the same time keep the officials waiting by their repeated empty promises on the basis of their experience of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union through negotiations.

This is a strategy that postpones the resolution of the society’s problems, and at the same time creates expectations among people whose fulfilment depends on the acceptance of unilateral and oppressive conditions for an unknown timespan.

The officials’ being at a standstill and their inaction leads the society towards a useless anticipation which is beyond people’s tolerance, but can be resolved through public diplomacy and perceptual management to make changes in thoughts and behaviours.

Perhaps the explicit remarks made by the Saudi foreign minister saying that the JCPOA alone would not change the behaviour of the Islamic Republic of Iran would be a reference to the same scenario that reminds one of the experiences of the Cold War.

Interestingly, at that time as well, in order to increase the pressure on the Soviet Union, the US government advanced the policy of declining oil prices in cooperation with Saudi Arabia.

However, as the same scenario is being repeated once again, we must learn from history and never be trapped by doing the following:

  • Expressing the facts about the non-adherence of the United States and Western governments to their commitments by the President (Rouhani) and the negotiating team, which is a very difficult job and is in contradiction with their earlier claims. However, the national interests and the interests of the Establishment are at a higher level, and as the beginning of negotiations was considered a sort of bravery, today it is necessary to have the courage to withdraw from this vicious circle and not to worry about its possible short-term costs.
  • Making changes in strategic approaches, especially the shift to the East and using the capacity of other countries to shatter the illusions of the leaders of the Western governments who assume the only option for Iran is to maintain and promote economic relations with the West. To do so, we should move quickly to promote cooperation with other countries, and boost the strategic cooperation with Russia in confronting the ISIS threat. We must use the same model to resolve economic problems and counter the brutal sanctions of the United States and its allies.
  • Implementing policy of resistance economy by relying on domestic resources and capacities and adjusting demands with supplies which needs modifications in the pattern of production and consumption, and boosting resistance culture which needs the cooperation and participation of all branches of the Establishment. Most importantly, the timely and courageous move to announce such a decision and its implementation needs a revolutionary bravery, but must be implemented by considering all aspects. Such a decision would be rejected by some conservative advisers who are inclined to the West. Hence, replacement of the decision-making advisors and being cautious in accepting the fears and warnings of the observers who encourage negotiations over the JCPOA and having the independence in making decisions is considered a certain and decisive need at least at this stage.

don't post this man picture ...

END of sanctions! domestic international airlines! 400 airplanes, and the rest of Reformists blah blah.

VS the reality:

Germany's military stepped in after airport fuel companies — citing US sanctions — refused to refuel an Iranian plane. The incident almost prevented Iran's foreign minister from attending a prominent security conference.

Munich Airport told Zarif a week before the conference it would not be able to refuel his diplomatic plane after arriving from Mumbai, India. The airport said it was unable to buy fuel from local companies, which feared contravening US sanctions against Iran by delivering the fuel.


reformist response : " we should lay on our stomach silently and let them enjoy ... "
It reminds me of this infamous pic:

END of sanctions! domestic international airlines! 400 airplanes, and the rest of Reformists blah blah.

VS the reality:

Germany's military stepped in after airport fuel companies — citing US sanctions — refused to refuel an Iranian plane. The incident almost prevented Iran's foreign minister from attending a prominent security conference.

Munich Airport told Zarif a week before the conference it would not be able to refuel his diplomatic plane after arriving from Mumbai, India. The airport said it was unable to buy fuel from local companies, which feared contravening US sanctions against Iran by delivering the fuel.

I wonder what that stupid tw@t zarif would`ve done if the german military hadnt stepped in to save the day.
I wonder what that stupid tw@t zarif would`ve done if the german military hadnt stepped in to save the day.
He would do what a traitor would have done, he would do what he has done, silence.

sacrificing national interest against personal interest, just to prevent his party's (with their sh!!ty deal) embarrassment in public.
He would do what a traitor would have done, he would do what he has done, silence.

sacrificing national interest against personal interest, just to prevent his party's (with their sh!!ty deal) embarrassment in public.
Yeah,but how would he have explained his plane being stuck there out of fuel I wonder?,would he have tried the old "it was a mechanical fault and it will be fixed in the next few days" bullsh1t [lol!]
END of sanctions! domestic international airlines! 400 airplanes, and the rest of Reformists blah blah.

VS the reality:

Germany's military stepped in after airport fuel companies — citing US sanctions — refused to refuel an Iranian plane. The incident almost prevented Iran's foreign minister from attending a prominent security conference.

Munich Airport told Zarif a week before the conference it would not be able to refuel his diplomatic plane after arriving from Mumbai, India. The airport said it was unable to buy fuel from local companies, which feared contravening US sanctions against Iran by delivering the fuel.

END of sanctions! domestic international airlines! 400 airplanes, and the rest of Reformists blah blah.

VS the reality:

Germany's military stepped in after airport fuel companies — citing US sanctions — refused to refuel an Iranian plane. The incident almost prevented Iran's foreign minister from attending a prominent security conference.

Munich Airport told Zarif a week before the conference it would not be able to refuel his diplomatic plane after arriving from Mumbai, India. The airport said it was unable to buy fuel from local companies, which feared contravening US sanctions against Iran by delivering the fuel.


Fanatics in Iran are not able to see the positive in this scenario i.e. indeed there is part of European Population (in fact majority) who want to see good relations with Iran and want to see the nuclear agreement to succeed.

It is true that there are "Problems", there is indeed US pressure, there is indeed a part of European Fanatics who are afraid of Islam and Iran and pro Israel. But despite all these problems, there is POSITIVE too where majority of European Population (in fact perhaps also majority of US population too) want to normalize the relations with Iran.

But Fanatics of Iran are only able to see that face of Europe/US which is represented by Donal Trump and other fanatics.

On the other hand, the moderates of both sides (Iran and Europe/US) look at each other, and try to establish good relations, and try to overcome the issues. Perhaps the solutions are not always Ideal, but still much better than the Hatred Politics of the Fanatics of both sides.
Fanatics in Iran are not able to see the positive in this scenario i.e. indeed there is part of European Population (in fact majority) who want to see good relations with Iran and want to see the nuclear agreement to succeed.

It is true that there are "Problems", there is indeed US pressure, there is indeed a part of European Fanatics who are afraid of Islam and Iran and pro Israel. But despite all these problems, there is POSITIVE too where majority of European Population (in fact perhaps also majority of US population too) want to normalize the relations with Iran.

But Fanatics of Iran are only able to see that face of Europe/US which is represented by Donal Trump and other fanatics.

On the other hand, the moderates of both sides (Iran and Europe/US) look at each other, and try to establish good relations, and try to overcome the issues. Perhaps the solutions are not always Ideal, but still much better than the Hatred Politics of the Fanatics of both sides.
What fanatic? asking to honor what they agreed upon in 2015 is fanatic? Iran fully compliance to the deal has been certified by IAEA for more than 10 times and we just ask them to adhere to their part of deal. does it make us fanatic?

Before JCPOA Iran had been accused by the very same countries of:

1. It's after acquiring nuke.
2. It would not engage in serious talks 'cause of the first accusation.
3. Even if Iran engages in talks it's just to buy time to make a bomb.
4. even if Iran engages in serious talks it would not adhere to it and finally find a way to abdicate its responsibility.

Now we are in 2018, 2.5 years after N-deal not only:

1. Iran didn't make a bomb.
2. Iran engaged in Serious talks.
3. Iran reached an agreement.
and Iran fully compliance has been certified for several times by IAEA.

Now not only they are not willing to honor their part of deal like a civilized country right now they wanna tie it to missile program and Iran regional activities ...
The problem over here is you guys don't see the bigger picture, what do you expect from a nation more than what Iran does right now?
1. Iran nuclear program has been under control of IAEA since 1968-70 that joined non-proliferation treaty intrusive inspection 24/7 through cameras and human watch ..we've even given access to our military sites for several times .. Iran has got highest rate of inspection amongst all signatories of NPT after Japan.
2. Iran has implemented additional protocol voluntarily for years ...
3. Has given access to its military sites.
4. Has accepted more restrictions and inspection regime under N-deal ...

And still they ask for more ... you know why 'cause nuclear program isn't the case never been ...
What fanatic? asking to honor what they agreed upon in 2015 is fanatic? Iran fully compliance to the deal has been certified by IAEA for more than 10 times and we just ask them to adhere to their part of deal. does it make us fanatic?

Before JCPOA Iran had been accused by the very same countries of:

1. It's after acquiring nuke.
2. It would not engage in serious talks 'cause of the first accusation.
3. Even if Iran engages in talks it's just to buy time to make a bomb.
4. even if Iran engages in serious talks it would not adhere to it and finally find a way to abdicate its responsibility.

Now we are in 2018, 2.5 years after N-deal not only:

1. Iran didn't make a bomb.
2. Iran engaged in Serious talks.
3. Iran reached an agreement.
and Iran fully compliance has been certified for several times by IAEA.

Now not only they are not willing to honor their part of deal like a civilized country right now they wanna tie it to missile program and Iran regional activities ...
The problem over here is you guys don't see the bigger picture, what do you expect from a nation more than what Iran does right now?
1. Iran nuclear program has been under control of IAEA since 1968-70 that joined non-proliferation treaty intrusive inspection 24/7 through cameras and human watch ..we've even given access to our military sites for several times .. Iran has got highest rate of inspection amongst all signatories of NPT after Japan.
2. Iran has implemented additional protocol voluntarily for years ...
3. Has given access to its military sites.
4. Has accepted more restrictions and inspection regime under N-deal ...

And still they ask for more ... you know why 'cause nuclear program isn't the case never been ...

You have totally misunderstood me. I have not criticized Iranian behaviour regarding the nuclear issue (your whole post is revolving around this point which was not even the issue), but I have criticized the Fanatics in Iran for blaming Iranian moderates wrongfully and unable to see thee full picture where Moderate Europeans/US people also exist, who want to see the establishing of better relations.

When US not fulfilling it's part on behalf of JCPOA, then it is being more harshly criticized among the people of Europe. This thing favours Iran. Why the fanatics in Iran forget it and put the whole blame upon moderate Iranians?

Moderate Iranians are not responsible of Trump coming to power. They did the very right thing of going for JCPOA for the interests of Iran. Nothing is 100% ideal. There may be some thing going against Iranian interests, but there are many thing which are going in the favour of Iranian interests.
You have totally misunderstood me. I have not criticized Iranian behaviour regarding the nuclear issue (your whole post is revolving around this point which was not even the issue), but I have criticized the Fanatics in Iran for blaming Iranian moderates wrongfully and unable to see thee full picture where Moderate Europeans/US people also exist, who want to see the establishing of better relations.

When US not fulfilling it's part on behalf of JCPOA, then it is being more harshly criticized among the people of Europe. This thing favours Iran. Why the fanatics in Iran forget it and put the whole blame upon moderate Iranians?

Moderate Iranians are not responsible of Trump coming to power. They did the very right thing of going for JCPOA for the interests of Iran. Nothing is 100% ideal. There may be some thing going against Iranian interests, but there are many thing which are going in the favour of Iranian interests.
Ok could you please tell me what should we do now ?regarding current situation?
Ok could you please tell me what should we do now ?regarding current situation?

Do whatever is better for the interests of Iran.

If remaining in JCPOA is better, and still brings benefits despite US problem, then stay in it.
But if JCPOA stops bringing any benefit, then simply come out of it.
You have totally misunderstood me. I have not criticized Iranian behaviour regarding the nuclear issue (your whole post is revolving around this point which was not even the issue), but I have criticized the Fanatics in Iran for blaming Iranian moderates wrongfully and unable to see thee full picture where Moderate Europeans/US people also exist, who want to see the establishing of better relations.

When US not fulfilling it's part on behalf of JCPOA, then it is being more harshly criticized among the people of Europe. This thing favours Iran. Why the fanatics in Iran forget it and put the whole blame upon moderate Iranians?

Moderate Iranians are not responsible of Trump coming to power. They did the very right thing of going for JCPOA for the interests of Iran. Nothing is 100% ideal. There may be some thing going against Iranian interests, but there are many thing which are going in the favour of Iranian interests.
Your forgetting both EU and US have violated the nuclear deal.
Fanatics in Iran are not able to see the positive in this scenario i.e. indeed there is part of European Population (in fact majority) who want to see good relations with Iran and want to see the nuclear agreement to succeed.

It is true that there are "Problems", there is indeed US pressure, there is indeed a part of European Fanatics who are afraid of Islam and Iran and pro Israel. But despite all these problems, there is POSITIVE too where majority of European Population (in fact perhaps also majority of US population too) want to normalize the relations with Iran.

But Fanatics of Iran are only able to see that face of Europe/US which is represented by Donal Trump and other fanatics.

On the other hand, the moderates of both sides (Iran and Europe/US) look at each other, and try to establish good relations, and try to overcome the issues. Perhaps the solutions are not always Ideal, but still much better than the Hatred Politics of the Fanatics of both sides.
Your comment has several fundamental problems!

You separated the people in the world as moderate and fanatic, those who give concessions are moderate, and those who don't are fanatic!

Let me translate your thoughts for yourself, through an example:

A guy invades my home to steal my TV, then he asks to negotiate about my radio!

according to you, if I resist, I'm a fanatic and if I withdraw from what is mine, then I'm a moderate!


You said majority of Europeans are good people, and here is my answer:

Decision makers and those who are negotiating with Iran are not the good ones, they are bunch of murders and war criminals.

what is the criteria of being good? to care about animal's right, but funding (through taxes) and voting to bunch of mass murders?! some people just pretend to be good, to calm their souls and sleep calmly, to fool themselves (not anyone else)!

Loving goodness is part of human's soul, eastern or western, but ego, self-interest and materialism can filter it or totally destroy it. that's how Jesus was killed and people didn't stop it, in that era good people were majority too. that's how today that so called majority good westerners can sleep calmly while their government is killing women and children in other countries.

so being good has different levels, for some it's just an idea, for some it's just a verbal thing, and a very little minority shows it in action, in their life, in their vote.

This deal was a total disaster for Iran, that's why even a mad dog like netanyahu wanted to enforce it, not scrap it, is he a moderate too?! Iran got nothing through this deal, I'm not going to repeat what I have posted in the past 38 pages, but if you have doubts, you can read the very first post of this thread, where Iranian central bank chief admits it.
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