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core of the problem

Iran Member Parliament Nabavian: Rouhani Administration and its Foreign Office Mr Zarif, National security failures


Proof after a hour

but again with no outcome because the government side doesn’t want to go ahead And as you all know President Rouhani is top member of National Security Council,

it is all about Presidential election
I posted the same video too, Yavar. Funny thing is, he is blaming the Rouhani government and the governmental intelligence apparatus for failures, lack of response. But what happened to Etelat Sepah, Qods forces etc? How come all pro-rahbari security apparatus went into hiding? Rouhani and the gang are a disaster.. but where are the others to help control the situation? Please explain this Yavar jan.
I remember hearing in 1999 that IRGC was fully prepared to establish security after the riots started over some raided dormitories and went so far as to warn khatami to finish it or they would. IRGC even established their own intelligence early in the 2000s as well. It's possible the infiltration is so much deeper than ever thought before. Consider that Iran was going to avenge Fakhrizadeh but there were so many leaks that the attempt had to be abandoned altogether and I was expressing frustration here back then and calling for a major cull of the regime.

Every time a fortress fell in Persia is because someone opened doors in the middle of the night...
But what happened to Etelat Sepah, Qods forces etc?

Etelat Sepah, Qods forces by them self apart from intelligence ministery have had ***
successful operation, targeted assuenation outside Iran ( caseworkers , field officers, MKO & Israeli Operational centers, logistic personals, people wanted for curring out terrorist acts inside Iran ex.....) I cant put names here
arresting and returning wanted people ( Zam ++++ ex ) , successful bombing campaign (in place which i can not even say words)

what MP Nabavian talking about it is 100% correct and if you followed my previous posts everytime in National Security Council Rouhani as head of National Security Council and intelligence minister Alavi as repesentive intelligence ministey and FM Zarif as foreign office , and Hijatol-Isalm-Valmoslem Rafsanjani left over ................ when it comes to voting they always vote against any retaltory action,
حضور خامنه‌ای در جلسه شورای امنیت ملی ایران
آیت الله خامنه‌ای در پی ترور قاسم سلیمانی برای اولین بار در جلسه اضطرای شورای امنیت ملی این کشور که در پی ترور قاسم سلیمانی تشکیل شده، شرکت کرده است.

that why in Ain Al-Assad strike Leader Aytolalah Khameni him self partesipated in that destion making in National Security Council vote

so MP Nabavian talking 100% correct we are losing deterrence, and the other side is getting embolden
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Etelat Sepah, Qods forces by them self apart from intelligence ministery have had ***
successful operation, targeted assuenation outside Iran ( caseworkers , field officers, MKO & Israeli Operational centers, logistic personals, people wanted for curring out terrorist acts inside Iran ex.....) I cant put names here
arresting and returning wanted people ( Zam ++++ ex ) , successful bombing campaign (in place which i can not even say words)

what MP Nabavian talking about it is 100% correct and if you followed my previous posts everytime in National Security Council Rouhani as head of National Security Council and intelligence minister Alavi as repesentive intelligence ministey and FM Zarif as foreign office , and ................ when it comes to voting they always vote against any retaltory action,
حضور خامنه‌ای در جلسه شورای امنیت ملی ایران
آیت الله خامنه‌ای در پی ترور قاسم سلیمانی برای اولین بار در جلسه اضطرای شورای امنیت ملی این کشور که در پی ترور قاسم سلیمانی تشکیل شده، شرکت کرده است.

that why in Ain Al-Assad strike Leader Aytolalah Khameni him self partesipated in that destion making in National Security Council vote

so MP Nabavian talking about it is 100% correct we are losing deterrence, and the other side is getting embolden
We know what Etelat Sepah is capable of and that is why we are expecting them to ignore NSC and etelat dolat and act on their own. Thats what we are asking. Why is etelat sepah sitting quiet?
How come all pro-rahbari security apparatus went into hiding?

there is rule when National Security Council make decision all branches need to follow it inside Iran so we don't have branches fighting each other and arresting people

unless they get pass or clearnce from Bait ( leader office ) or for the arrest from Judiciary ( that is why you see a lot of fraudsters been brought back to Iran is not because of Government, it is because Aytoalah Resi)
but where are the others to help control the situation? Please explain this Yavar jan.
at end of day when we have so many leaks from National Security Council there is going to be one or two fish go through the net
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there is rule when National Security Council make decision all branches need to follow it inside Iran so we don't have branches fighting each other and arresting people

unless the they get pass or clearnce from Bait ( leader office ) or for the arrest from Judiciary ( that is why you see a lot of fraudsters been brought back to Iran is not because of Government, it is because Aytoalah Resi)

at end of day when we have so many leaks from National Security Council there is going to be one or two fish go through the net
Yavar jan, etelat sepah works in coordination with beyte rahbari. Are we reaching the conclusion that etelat sepah is not getting the clearance from beyte rahbari for retaliatory strikes?
Yavar jan, etelat sepah works in coordination with beyte rahbari

beyte rahbari- Intelligence is separat is called ن-ه-ر

to make sure , there is not going to be any military coup or internal division ( that is why Leader has it own private Army (air defence, armed vehicle and ground forces & rotary-wing (سپاه امیرالمومنین ) significant in size )

totally separated from IRGC and Army And NAJA
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beyte rahbari- Intelligence

to make sure that the not going any military coup or internal division ( that is why Leader has it own private Army (air defence, armed which and ground forces (سپاه امیرالمومنین )quote significant in size

totally separated from IRGC and Army And NAJA
I will directly ask this. Why is Rahbar not ordering retaliatory strikes?
etelat sepah is not getting the clearance from beyte rahbari for retaliatory strikes?
Leader will not interfere in such intelligence matter because of if He did he will be called dictator or government will claim that they dont have any power to run country or they cant make decision ex...........

so the political cost and public cost is so high that why
unless there is national mater involed like Matyr Haj Qassem , leader interfered because 90% pupilation supported such decision
I will directly ask this. Why is Rahbar not ordering retaliatory strikes?
because it would be unwise and costly move, because is not Leader's Job to get involved,
he is already been accused of been dictator , murderer, terrorist , ++++ without him even doing anything
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I remember hearing in 1999 that IRGC was fully prepared to establish security after the riots started over some raided dormitories and went so far as to warn khatami to finish it or they would. IRGC even established their own intelligence early in the 2000s as well. It's possible the infiltration is so much deeper than ever thought before. Consider that Iran was going to avenge Fakhrizadeh but there were so many leaks that the attempt had to be abandoned altogether and I was expressing frustration here back then and calling for a major cull of the regime.

Every time a fortress fell in Persia is because someone opened doors in the middle of the night...
اوه یادش بخیر منظورت همون ماجرای سردار گازانبری هست.
توی اون ماجرای اعتراضات به بسته شدن روزنامه سلام یک عده اوباش که بهتره نگم وابسته به کجا بودن حمله کردن به خوابگاههای دانشگاه تهران و علاوه بر دزدی و تخریب اموال اقدام به حمله به دانشجوهایی هم کردن که توی خوابگاهها بودن و اصلا به اعتراضات کاری نداشتن و پلیس هم نشست اونها را تماشا کرد که هیچی به دانشجوها هم حمله کرد و اون اوباش حتی یک نفر هم کشتن(فکر کنم سرباز وظیفه ای بود که اونروز رفته بود اگر اشتباه نکنم اون روز رفته بود برادرش را ببیند)
در ضمن توی اون ماجرا یادم نمیاد سپاه چیزی به خاتمی گفته باشه ولی یه هر حال اون ماجرا باعث شد که قالیباف یا همون سردار گازانبری در آرزوی ریاست جمهوری برای همیشه بمونه.وقتی روحانی اون ماجرا را توی تلوزیون گفت قیافه قالیباف خیلی جالب بود
اوه یادش بخیر منظورت همون ماجرای سردار گازانبری هست.
توی اون ماجرای اعتراضات به بسته شدن روزنامه سلام یک عده اوباش که بهتره نگم وابسته به کجا بودن حمله کردن به خوابگاههای دانشگاه تهران و علاوه بر دزدی و تخریب اموال اقدام به حمله به دانشجوهایی هم کردن که توی خوابگاهها بودن و اصلا به اعتراضات کاری نداشتن و پلیس هم نشست اونها را تماشا کرد که هیچی به دانشجوها هم حمله کرد و اون اوباش حتی یک نفر هم کشتن(فکر کنم سرباز وظیفه ای بود که اونروز رفته بود اگر اشتباه نکنم اون روز رفته بود برادرش را ببیند)
در ضمن توی اون ماجرا یادم نمیاد سپاه چیزی به خاتمی گفته باشه ولی یه هر حال اون ماجرا باعث شد که قالیباف یا همون سردار گازانبری در آرزوی ریاست جمهوری برای همیشه بمونه.وقتی روحانی اون ماجرا را توی تلوزیون گفت قیافه قالیباف خیلی جالب بود
The exchange between khatami and IRGC was from cnn and other news throughout the years and I can't say for sure either at the time of it happening but things I heard/read after the fact (somewtimes years) and only in Eglish language sources. INfo back then was much harder than today as internet was mostly dial up modems with windows 95/98 antiques. I didn't realize that other fellow was involved back then, was he mayor at the time or was ahmadi?
اوه یادش بخیر منظورت همون ماجرای سردار گازانبری هست.
توی اون ماجرای اعتراضات به بسته شدن روزنامه سلام یک عده اوباش که بهتره نگم وابسته به کجا بودن حمله کردن به خوابگاههای دانشگاه تهران و علاوه بر دزدی و تخریب اموال اقدام به حمله به دانشجوهایی هم کردن که توی خوابگاهها بودن و اصلا به اعتراضات کاری نداشتن و پلیس هم نشست اونها را تماشا کرد که هیچی به دانشجوها هم حمله کرد و اون اوباش حتی یک نفر هم کشتن(فکر کنم سرباز وظیفه ای بود که اونروز رفته بود اگر اشتباه نکنم اون روز رفته بود برادرش را ببیند)
در ضمن توی اون ماجرا یادم نمیاد سپاه چیزی به خاتمی گفته باشه ولی یه هر حال اون ماجرا باعث شد که قالیباف یا همون سردار گازانبری در آرزوی ریاست جمهوری برای همیشه بمونه.وقتی روحانی اون ماجرا را توی تلوزیون گفت قیافه قالیباف خیلی جالب بود
البته ناگفته نماند که خود روحانی هم در همون رویدادها جزو همون دار و دسته گاز انبری بود و اون حرف روحانی نهایت وقاحت و پررویی بود​

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