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The end of the deal, hopes, delusions and treasons

البته ناگفته نماند که خود روحانی هم در همون رویدادها جزو همون دار و دسته گاز انبری بود و اون حرف روحانی نهایت وقاحت و پررویی بود​
never doubt that . the shock for Ghalibaf was to the point that he could not answer him then . he never excepted that Rouhani bring that up.
never doubt that . the shock for Ghalibaf was to the point that he could not answer him then . he never excepted that Rouhani bring that up.
چون قالیباف در واقعیت یک آدم خنگ هست که درست حرف زدن رو بلد نیست. اگه من جای قالیباف بودم و روحانی اون مسئله رو مطرح می‌کرد، روحانی از خجالت دیگه روش نمی‌شد تو تلویزیون ظاهر بشه. گندهایی که روحانی از آغاز انقلاب زده و رویدادهای مهمی که توش نقش بازی کرده و اکثراً منفی بودن بی‌شمار هست. اما روحانی چون می‌دونست قالیباف تو گفتگو خیلی راحت کم میاره اون داستان رو پیش کشید

قالیباف به درد مدیریت ممکن هست بخوره اما به درد اینکه تو رسانه دیده بشه نمی‌خوره. روحانی رو باید گذاشت جلوی یک آدم بی‌آبرو و با یک متر زبون مثل احمدی‌نژاد. چندبار احمدی‌نژاد به جهانگیری و روحانی پیشنهاد مناظره داد اما جرأت نکردن جلوش مناظره کنند​
The exchange between khatami and IRGC was from cnn and other news throughout the years and I can't say for sure either at the time of it happening but things I heard/read after the fact (somewtimes years) and only in Eglish language sources. INfo back then was much harder than today as internet was mostly dial up modems with windows 95/98 antiques. I didn't realize that other fellow was involved back then, was he mayor at the time or was ahmadi?
that was no exchange , t was a latter that was written by some IRGC commander to Khatami, there was nothing more to it .and top commanders of IRGC prevented further actions in that direction . if I recall correctly Ghalibaf signature was under the latter at the time he was commander of the Revolutionary Guards Air Force at the time . he become the head of the police after the protest
روحانی رو باید گذاشت جلوی یک آدم بی‌آبرو و با یک متر زبون مثل احمدی‌نژاد. چندبار احمدی‌نژاد به جهانگیری و روحانی پیشنهاد مناظره داد اما جرأت نکردن جلوش مناظره کنند
that's something I love to see and will never miss it
البته از حق نگذریم توی اون ماجرا وقتی پلیس جلوی مهاجم ها به خوابگاه دانشگاه را نگرفت مثل اینکه این قالیباف بود که با عصبانیت مجوز میگیره و اقدام به جمع آوری اون اوباش از خوابگاه طرشت میکنه در حالیکه اون موقع هیچ مسوولیتی توی پلیس نداشته.یعنی اگر قالیباف حرف زدنش یک مقدار بهتر بود و اینرا به روحانی میگفت احتمالا توی انتخابات نتیجه یک جور دیگه می شد
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I try to give a very very short view.

Biden was never seroius about talks until he was faced with Iran's parlement resolution actions.

US hidden plan is to disarm Iran's options and action through negotiations without giving anything substantial in return

It takes 3 to 6 months for iran to verify that sanctions are indeed removed .

Generally he thinks all this is for wasting time because time is in iran side for now due to China, and oil sales etc..iran has managed to nullify many effects of sanctions.

They were never hohonst about sanction removal even in first round..even now will change sanction names from nuclear to human rights and bring them back.....sorry for typos doing this in a rush..

I try to give a very very short view.

Biden was never seroius about talks until he was faced with Iran's parlement resolution actions.

US hidden plan is to disarm Iran's options and action through negotiations without giving anything substantial in return

It takes 3 to 6 months for iran to verify that sanctions are indeed removed .

Generally he thinks all this is for wasting time because time is in iran side for now due to China, and oil sales etc..iran has managed to nullify many effects of sanctions.

They were never hohonst about sanction removal even in first round..even now will change sanction names from nuclear to human rights and bring them back.....sorry for typos doing this in a rush..

Thank you very much brother aryobarzan
However, another Iranian official said that if a political agreement was reached on technical steps to remove all sanctions, Tehran might suspend enrichment to 20% purity in return for a release of blocked Iranian funds in other countries.

Iran says $20 billion of its oil revenue
has been frozen in countries like South Korea, Iraq and China under the U.S. sanctions regime since 2018

Who would have thought one day Iran would be suspending 20% enrichment to get $20 billion dollars....of its own money.

However, another Iranian official said that if a political agreement was reached on technical steps to remove all sanctions, Tehran might suspend enrichment to 20% purity in return for a release of blocked Iranian funds in other countries.

Iran says $20 billion of its oil revenue
has been frozen in countries like South Korea, Iraq and China under the U.S. sanctions regime since 2018

Who would have thought one day Iran would be suspending 20% enrichment to get $20 billion dollars....of its own money.

Well, it's treason to say the least but I never expected more from the IR since the beginning. I have repeated it time and time again that the regime cares about nothing but its own reign over Iran. And I think the actual figure is more than $20B. The fact that China and Iraq are blocking Iranian money should tell a lot about our "friendship" with them.

On a side note, that's almost $1B for 1Kg of HALEU. That shows how much the United States and Europe are wary of Iran's enrichment beyond 3.5%. It was 20% enrichment that forced them to officially recognize Iran's right to nuclear enrichment in the JCPOA.
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Why do I keep hearing about araghchi being such a pathetic simp! Can't he get a young girl in a sigheh marriage or does he have a legitimate fetish for elderly western women?
I think he has a real fetish for western post menopausal, dried out, putrid zombie females. :-)

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