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The Egyptian Air Force possesses 108 Wing Loong drones

Well I wouldn't call for example Prophet Muhammed's personel belongings like that... So rude of you. I would call them treasure.
PS; This treasures are still in Istanbul, just to remind you. (Laughs in Turkish)
You stoll them.. but was not talking about that.. go read who has Islamised you and civilised you and even gave you the power to lead the Muslim world..just because they were fair Muslims.. it is those Arabs you are insulting now.. Go read a little about Khilafat.. and even in the 80s Turkey was not doing good.. It just made money in the Iraq-Iran war..then mostly from Iraq..an Arab country again..So don't boost too much..
You stoll them.. but was not talking about that.. go read who has Islamised you and civilised you and even gave you the power to lead the Muslim world..just because they were fair Muslims.. it is those Arabs you are insulting now.. Go read a little about Khilafat.. and even in the 80s Turkey was not doing good.. It just made money in the Iraq-Iran war..then mostly from Iraq..an Arab country again..So don't boost too much..
We transferred them to Istanbul and thanks to us, this are not in Britain or not already destroyed by Wahhabi scums. Would it be a waste...
It is not about being fair, it is about how the weak bow to strong. Most ancient rule of the Universe. If It wasn't us, crusaders would have massacre you, Not so different than today it would be, you see...
PS; We didn't made money from Iraq-Iran war. We didn't support either of them. This is just a fake attempt of yours.
But we make money from KSA thats for sure... arabs likes to transplanting hair in the Turkish State Unfortunately...
We transferred them to Istanbul and thanks to us, this are not in Britain or not already destroyed by Wahhabi scums. Would it be a waste...
It is not about being fair, it is about how the weak bow to strong. Most ancient rule of the Universe. If It wasn't us, crusaders would have massacre you, Not so different than today it would be, you see...
PS; We didn't made money from Iraq-Iran war. We didn't support either of them. This is just a fake attempt of yours.
But we make money from KSA thats for sure... arabs likes to transplanting hair in the Turkish State Unfortunately...
Go educate yourself on these matters first.. then come back if you can..
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You are trying to involve politics in a military matter. First, the Egyptian government is happy with it
Brotherhood criminals, what did they offer to Islam?

You are affiliated with the gang of the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS but do not compel us, as Egyptians, to accept the ruling of criminals in the name of democracy

Any country that follows the West does not obtain the best and simplest example. What did the chambers in Indonesia separate Timór and part of it and destroy its economy so as not to grow its aviation industry?

You also do not understand how things are managed. Everything has a cause and effect. As long as you mention Turkey, we will explain what are the facts of things.

The beginning of Egypt is next to it, two countries LIBYA AND SUDAN with a state that has ISIS, Islamophobia and war there and the people there expelling the Brotherhood from the second elections, and this does not satisfy the Muslim Brotherhood criminals, and the war has not ended yet.

Sudan suffers from instability that was ruled by a criminal Islamic regime that considers that if it does not rule, it will expiate as a policy
You are now either unstable countries with terrorism and criminals

I will explain a simple example in 2012 Egypt was cooperating with Turkey and requested only one thing is cooperation in developing the mission computer for the drone after Turkey announced hostility to Egypt because of the expulsion of the Egyptian people the criminal regime the Muslim Brotherhood

Turkey has spent USD 300 million dollars to deliver the Turkish army 10 Anka UAV
with management and operation stations

Egypt purchased the Wing Long plane at the following prices
Wing Long 1 at the price of one million dollars for the plane
The Wing Long 1-D aircraft at a price of $ 2 million for the plane

The plane, WING LOONG 1 , at a price of 1 million turns, includes command and control stations

Egypt has transferred technology and domestic production to 108 of the total purchases of 152 different UAVs unmanned aircraft.
The total cost to Egypt is $ 624 million. In 2020, Egypt has 150 drones of these models

Turkey The Anka program cost $ 296 million for the first 10 planes. The price of the Anka plane is $ 8 million
Thus, Turkey will obtain an additional 20 aircraft costing 480 million dollars

Turkey produces TB2 plane at a price of 4 million dollars, plans to produce 112 aircraft, the Turkish project complains of corruption in the basis and cost for this model only 448

How much Turkey now has of these models and how much

There is a missile race to shoot down the Turkish drone from the Syrian and Libyan Kurds, which made the Turkish stocks very low 15 aircraft ANKA

The reputation of the Turkish drone is collapsing, all its deals are corruption, and the illusion of the democratic system has not prevented all deals to corrupt the Turkish until Tunisia. Its military deals with Turkey because of the gang of the Muslim Brotherhood in Tunisia.

On the ground, Turkey, how much less than half of what Egypt owns drones
The cost of unmanned aerial vehicles in Egypt is half the cost received by Turkey
The Turkish army prefers American and European components in the Turkish drone, this is reality, not fictional dreams

Turkey claims to produce aircraft engines without airplanes, but it imports engine components from Germany. If the GERMANY ban these components, Turkey would not collect one plane.
Egypt integrates western components in the Chinese drone
Egypt develops new tactics for drones faster than others and publishes them in 40 Egyptian air bases and mix between western , eastern and local technology

Turkey simply spent a billion dollars on drones 112 + 32 = 144 aircraft

64 + 380 + 120 + 30 +30 = 624 million
For a number
10 + 10 + 32 + 76 +24 = 152 aircraft

On the other hand, aircraft perform aircraft
Wing Long 2
Top of the anka uav

The CH-4, Wing Long 1-D is better than the TB2

Egypt is satisfied with the fact that it has 152 aircraft
Turkey actual stock after it was dropped

15 anka uav
Less than 60 TB2 aircraft
total 75 plane

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Egypt, similar to purchases, gets other technologies as well in other systems. Examples include Egypt, which has contracts to produce the French aircraft PATTROLER, with 30 aircraft.
And with China joint development of Egypt's stocks of unmanned aerial vehicles such as Scrab 324 sky-eye and local variants

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Egypt is one of the countries that develops and produces equipment in reverse engineering Egypt does not always announce its true ability so that Israel will not get more American support

On the other hand, Egypt produced more than 1,000 M1A1 tanks
It signed a local production contract for 500 T-90MS tanks, and local production has already started
Turkey spent one billion dollars on developing the ALTAY tank and failed since 2000 in cooperation with Israel and south Korea to produce one Turkish tank in 20 years.
In other words, local development is not always successful, effective, and Turkey did not prevent its regime, which it says is a democracy, which is already criminal, from the corruption of the Erdogan gang, as well as the collapse of the Turkish economy and the loss of development there.

OMG ! I think That is the one of the rare post containing lots of lies, mistakes, misperception, false information, biasses and ill will all together in same post. You are pretending to have some idea about the subjects related with Turkiye but My friend, I advice you to stay away from these matters. If someone wants to correct the mistakes you typed in this post, We should re-write the book of Turkish industry from the beggining. For your menthal health, You should stay away from the matters you don't have any idea and do not mix the politic with technology.

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