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The Echidna of Terrorism: Final Chapter-Ultimate solution?

Slav Defence

Oct 30, 2010
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We know that Pakistan is paying a huge price from past ten years till now for being a front line ally of US war on terror. According to South Asian Terrorism Portal (SATP) in 2012:

“There were 6211 terrorism fatalities in Pakistan, including 3007 civilians, 2472 militants, and 732 Security Forces Personals, as against 6,303 fatalities, including 2,738 civilians, 2,800 militants, and 765 SF personnel in 2011. The first 69 days of 2013 have witnessed 1,537 fatalities, including 882 civilians, 116 SF personnel, and 539 militants”.

Terrorists outfits such as TTP, which is also funded by foreign elements has given us maximum collateral damage while US on the other hand has continuously launched drone strike against ‘Haqqani network’ which has worsen the situation, as Pakistan is not only pressurized by United States to carry more operations against those Talibans who may help us to settle or adjust our cross border tensions and internal settlements with hostile organizations but on the other hand these terrorist outfits are also pressurizing us to accept their writ. They are continuously challenging ability and power of not only our armed forces but our constitutional laws as well. At this point, our civil regime’s confusion is acceptable as due to our damaged economical infra-structure and Indian regime’s hostile attitude has left us with no choice but, to hold ‘peace talks’ with terrorist outfits while on the other hand, TTP’s non-flexible attitude has persisted the second opinion ‘to launch decisive operation’ against them for once and for all.
Before moving further, I would like to define TTP’s role on regional level and how it has affected Pakistan’s position, their relationship with neighboring countries and it’s mechanism of working. We will also discuss Al-Qaida’s influence in Pakistan as well as it’s indirect/direct relationship with TTP.

TTP’s Mechanism of working:

As I have mentioned earlier that TTP is a heterogeneous group which does not provide central command but a ‘platform’ upon which it shares ‘manpower’ with other militant organizations as well. Militant organizations such as Al-Qaeda, Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan ,Lashkar-e-Jhangvi,Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami
and Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi and Al-Qaida are prominent allies of this organization and it shares various resources with them.
In a May 2010 interview, U.S. Gen. David Petraeus described the TTP's relationship by stating:
"There is clearly a symbiotic relationship between all of these different organizations: al-Qaeda, the Pakistani Taliban, the Afghan Taliban, TNSM [Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi]. And it's very difficult to parse and to try to distinguish between them. They support each other, they coordinate with each other, sometimes they compete with each other, [and] sometimes they even fight each other. But at the end of the day, there is quite a relationship between them."
We must keep one point very clear before sorting out solutions that TTP does not lead them, but it only co-operates with them in case of insurgency and launching terrorist attack in Pakistan. The common point which unites them together is their basic school of thought.However, there is a difference in their objectives...for example Sipa e Sahaba has objective to transform Pakistan into ‘Deobandi state and declares shia’s as non-muslims while Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi has different objective, of implementing ‘Sharia law’ and are involved in blowing up of girl’s school and CD shops [1]

So, this fact is clear that TTP does not control them but it co-operates with them, thus whenever TTP has to express reaction in the form of bomb-blasts, it may take support from it’s allies, However, we do observe collapse between TTP and it’s allies whenever government tries to hold peace talks and TTP accepts..For example:
When government decided to hold peace talks with TTP and Mehsud leadership accepted it, the Fazullah group stepped forward and launched bomb-blast to sabotage peace talks.TTP accepted its responsibility to hide its cleavage point by accepting the responsibility of attack. However later on, the latest attack on Church has changed their plan and TTP denied its responsibility, the background must be of General Kiyani’s attempt to visit the preparations of operation which has put TTP into pressure to take such decision, in fact this pressure has acted as a ‘tool’ to ‘break them’ with Fazullah group and of TTP’s instruction for them to leave Pakistan within 24 hours.

TTP’s role on regional level and it’s connection with Al-Qaida:

We all are well aware of this fact that TTP also has connections with terrorists organizations such as BLA, Al-Qaida and other organizations who are working on foreign agenda to destabilize Pakistan or to Liberate their areas (such as BLA) which makes TTP more strong.

According to BBC report in 2004:

“The military offensive had been part of the overall war against al-Qaeda. ... Since the start of the operation, the [Pakistani] military authorities have firmly established that a large number of Uzbek, Chechen and Arab militants were in the area. ... It was in July 2002 that Pakistani troops, for the first time in 55 years, entered the Tirah Valley in Khyber tribal agency. Soon they were in Shawal valley of North Waziristan, and later in South Waziristan. ... This was made possible after long negotiations with various tribes, who reluctantly agreed to allow the military's presence on the assurance that it would bring in funds and development work. But once the military action started in South Waziristan a number of Waziri sub-tribes took it as an attempt to subjugate them. Attempts to persuade them into handing over the foreign militants failed, and with an apparently mishandling by the authorities, the security campaign against suspected al-Qaeda militants turned into an undeclared war between the Pakistani military and the rebel tribesmen.”[2].
We need to understand Infra-structure of Al-Qaida as well, since it enjoys symbiotic relationship with TTP , also we have discussed in part 1 of influence of Al-Qaida in Lal-Masjid siege and its connection with Aziz brothers due to which Operation Silence launched by Pakistan Army under the authority of former president Mr. Musharraf.

Infra-structure of Al-Qaida:
Analysts such as Jason Burke, a reporter for London's Observer and the author of Al-Qaeda:
The True Story of Radical Islam, and Stratfor's Peter Zeihan have underestimated the importance of Al-Qaeda's central leadership, in part because they overstate what that leadership needs to do to remain relevant. Even if the central leadership's role is limited to connecting terrorist nodes—pairing skill sets, financing, and operatives—it can transform terrorist groups from disunited regional problems into cohesive adversaries capable of threatening Western societies.
Analysts consider terrorist networks to be centralized when there is a principal command exercising control over the network, making operational decisions, and guiding its ideology. Decisions filter from top to bottom, and levels do not mix: There is a clear separation between the leadership and lower ranking operatives. A central command joins terrorists with specific skill sets across regions, tasks smaller cells, and provides financial and logistical resources. A prime example of such a centralized structure was pre-9-11 Al-Qaeda, which had a supreme leader (Osama bin Laden), a shura(consultation) council, various committees, and a cadre of lieutenants in charge of regions or cells.

Al-Qaida is an Arabic term which means: ‘The base’ and it’s base is mainly located in Afghanistan as claimed by experts, however it operates and works like TTP, as it also keeps allies like TTP. The Al-Qaida’s patter is what I think is that:

-It approaches towards those organizations which hold anti-national objectives.
-Creates ties with them, shares resources and extracts desired ‘benefits’ from them.
This the main reason, due to which Al-Qaida is getting out of approach day by day, although their actual hide outs or main bases were weakened or at least shaken by US as they claim, but this has made them more difficult to handle.


Figure 1.1 which I have drawn clearly explains that how Al-Qaida is influencing throughout the world, via its allies.
As it has al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya (GAI) , al-Ittihaad al-Islami (AIAI), al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) , Ansar al-Sunnah Army, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) as allies and their bases are located at Libya,Afghanistan,Uzbekistan,Tajikistan,Ethopia,Kenya,Somalia,Spain etc.
However we will focus upon Al-Qaida’s influence in Pakistan and relationship of it via other militant organizations.

Al-Qaida’s influence in Pakistan:

Al-Qaida has deep economical relationship with TTP.Al-Qaida supports economical backbone of TTP as well as shares resources with each other..
According to John Brennan, President Obama’s chief counter-terrorism adviser:

"It's a group that is closely allied with al-Qaeda. They train together, they plan together, they plot together. They are almost indistinguishable".[4]

Furthermore, ambassador-at-large Daniel Benjamin stated: "The T.T.P. and Al Qaeda have a symbiotic relationship: T.T.P. draws ideological guidance from Al Qaeda, while Al Qaeda relies on the T.T.P. for safe haven in the Pashtun areas along the Afghan-Pakistani border... This mutual cooperation gives T.T.P. access to both Al Qaeda’s global terrorist network and the operational experience of its members. Given the proximity of the two groups and the nature of their relationship, T.T.P. is a force multiplier for Al Qaeda.[5]"

However we must keep one point very clear that Afghan Talibans and TTP have entirely different objective. Afghan Talibans are mainly focusing on US/NATO invasion while TTP is focusing against Pakistani civil regime and it’s constitutional infra-structure and has objective to destroy our constitution and inject their extremist version of Islam.
Government sources believe that almost 18 foreign fighters from Uzbekistan, Egypt, and Afghanistan had arrived weeks before the final confrontation and established firing ranges to teach the students for how to handle weapons properly. Diplomats were surprised by how quickly al-Zawahiri condemned the attack on the mosque and called on Pakistanis to rise up against Musharraf's government. Officials blamed the presence of foreign fighters for the breakdown of negotiations, as they seemed about to reach a deal to end the standoff peacefully.[6]

Countering Terrorists outfits:

The current crisis has brought huge economical destruction for Pakistan, our Think tanks and researchers at every level are divided into two groups:

Northern Irish Model:

-One group is persisting to hold peace talk with these organizations; our civil regime is working on current scenario and has hold peace with TTP, the Mehsud group due to which we have observed two major bomb-blasts and a murder of Pakistan Army officers, but later on, we have also seen peace talks have created ‘collapse of interest or strategies’ for some amount of time. Mr Hameed Gul, former DG ISI stated that 36+ Taliban groups or allies have agreed for peace a talk which is also a notable point. Thus peace settlement supporters are persisting to continue it, this group also questions of drone attack by APC and questions of American interests as well. This group is proposing the Irish Model, in which IRA fought war against UK. The issue was settled via peace dialogue although British Government has announced huge reward on the head of IRA member. However, same members’ later on discussed ‘resolution of Northern Ireland’ and later on, the issue was later on settled on after peace process.

Sri Lankan Model:

-The other group is persisting to wage full fledge war and proposing the ‘Sri Lankan model’ to counter-terrorism which is to eliminate terrorists outfits to last man’. They are not in favor to give any single chance to such organizations which are monstrous and are out of control now. Furthermore, an attack on Major Sanahullah and Church bomb-blast case during peace talks with Mehsud group has given them a strong reason to prove their point. According to these mindsets, giving them such chances will increase their strength rather than weakening them, and their influence will become stronger and more powerful.

Other models:

Besides the above two recent models, we also have the Philippines (1899-1902), El Salvador (1980-1992), Malaysia (1948-1960) and Guatemala (1963-1993). All these models offer insight as to overall success. The conflicts in Vietnam (1959-1972) and Algeria (1954-1962) offer great examples of military operational successes. [7]
Latest Counter-terrorism policy of Pakistan:
Now we will discuss the counter-terrorism policy suggested and engineered by democratic civil regime of Pakistan:

Counter-terrorism model of PPP government:

In order to halt the terrorist outfits and their insurgency in Pakistan, the PPP government adopted the 3-D model to counter insurgency; this model mainly consisted of three main elements:


However, it hasn’t covered lapses of foreign policy, clear identification and action taken against terrorist outfits where as the 3-D model was followed by ‘mono-faced approach’ which relied exclusively on use of force, but lacked the identification of target in clear manner. [8]

Counter-terrorism model of PML-N regime:

The PML-N made a well appreciated policy to tackle terrorist outfits and to counter insurgencies. It also made a critical approach towards lapses, reasons and elements. Thus the counter-terrorism model proposed by PML-N consists of five elements and is more detailed as compare to 3-D model of PML-N which consists of:


The policy covers dismantling ie strengthening of security forces and anti-terrorists laws, police reforms. It also focuses upon improved intelligence sharing. The containment/prevention policy is a critical approach which enhances upon key factors which are causing an increase of resources such as man power etc. In order to halt such elements from spreading their tentacles, government has focused on issues such as victim management, speedy justice and most prominently focused on reviewing foreign policy.
The ‘Education’ strategy deals with countering the ‘extremist’ propaganda, and working on promotion of alternative version of Islam, and runs media campaign against it. [9]

The lapses:

The counter-terrorism policy of Pakistan lacks clear recognition of those elements that are funding terrorist outfits in Pakistan. Although it mentions Russia, India, Iran, Afghanistan for proxy wars and recognizes as ‘supporters’ of growth and extremism in Pakistan. However, it does not mention about role of Saudi Arabia or the Gulf States.
The counter-terrorism policy also has not mentioned proper strategy about Drone issue, although it is obvious that C.I.A run drone strategy has given damage as well as it has caused an increase in militancy indirectly by increasing sympathies (as discussed in Part 2 of report)
-The report has also ignored infra-structural lapses which have caused poverty and Bad governance.[10][11]

Ultimate Solution:

First of all, we need to realize the lapses within our foreign policy, as we have discussed in Part I and Part II of foreign influence of US and other interest of US rather than annihilation of Taliban only, furthermore, while preparing our strategy to counter such organizations which are linked directly or indirectly with global terrorists outfits, we need to understand the effects on regional hegemony players such as India and other neighboring countries. We must realize that TTP’s presence and Afghan proxy war has reduced pressure on India and at the same time has created chances to harm Pak-Iran relationships by creating trust deficiency due to possible cross-border terrorist attacks by them, where as presence of pro-Afghan policy is also necessary to reduce possible influence of anti-Pak elements via Afghanistan to Pakistan.

Thus keeping all such points in our mind, we must decide that:

Is TTP’s presence and parallel existence of their version with our constitution is acceptable or not?
The answer is ‘No’ according to my analysis as TTP’s base is dependent upon ‘violence’ and complete annihilation of all those mindsets whose philosophy reciprocates or contradicts with their ideology.[12]
The constitution of Pakistan provides basic rights to all minorities and according constitution 1973 of Pakistan, the government authorities are ambit to provide them safe guard and equal rights of citizenship.[13]
So, our basic objective is now clear, however the major problem is for how to tackle such terrorist outfits. Thus I suggest the following counter-terrorism policy:

My proposed counter-terrorism model:

Now what I propose is that we must follow the ‘Divide and rule’ strategy.

My proposed model is also consists of five elements rather then 3-D and consists of following points:

-Control and educate
-Recover and rebuild

1) Identify:

-We need to identify those mindsets in TTP and it’s allies who are waging war against us as well those who are ready for peace settlements. We also need to recognize those hands that are supporting their economical backbones such ie Regional hegemony players.
-We also need to interrogate those channels or routes through which they are getting funds and power. This includes those so called NGOs and organizations who are claiming to work for welfare such as Earthquake victims etc.
-We also need to identify those politicians, media persons who are working producing sympathies for Taliban or supporting anti-Pak elements by supporting such outfits.
Thus the first point focuses upon identification of terrorists, their supporters and foreign elements.

2) Isolate:

This element supports ‘divide and rule’ strategy’ which mean that after identifying the difference between those elements who are ready to have peace settlement such as 36+ groups have agreed, we have to separate and Isolate those elements who are not ready to have peace and are persisting to wage suicide bombings and need to wage full fledge war against them.
This also covers that we need to break TTP’s connection with such elements that are supplying funds to them, and need to take strong action against those who are supporting them as well.
Thus the second point is focusing upon ‘isolation’ and then ‘full fledged operation clean-up’.

3) Neutralize:

This point covers the foreign policy of civil regime.
We must try to neutralize our relationship with neighboring countries such as Iran as well as Gulf region countries such as Saudi Arabia, United States, and Russia. We need to recognize those reasons due to which Pakistani foreign policy is biased and not working for Pakistani Interest.
We must ensure that new proposed foreign policy must have basic objective of support and provision of safeguard for Pakistani interest.
In case of India, we must believe ‘pressurize policy’ by bringing dialogues at UN level. We must raise the issue of Indians causing insurgency such as ‘operation deep strike’ in Pakistan and pressurize Indian regime via UN to avoid such insurgencies as such attempts are supporting terrorists directly.

We must address to UN saying that:
“Indian attempts such as ‘Operation Deep strike’ are helping terrorism to grow in Pakistan”. We must project and highlight that: “If we fail to counter insurgency due to Indian attempts then Pakistan will become unstable as a result of which we will not be in a position to fight as a front line ally. If UN want us to fight terror and is willing to see success, then it must refrain Indians to interfere and support terrorism by giving damage to Pakistan via insurgency”.

-Issues such as Drone strike must also be solved.US must be refrained to carry drone strikes as it is increasing sympathy for Taliban supporters, as they along with militants, innocent civilians are losing their lives as a result of which their victims are joining militants to seek revenge [14]

4) Control and Educate:

The control and educate term proposes to control those elements who are supporting terrorism by supporting such organizations. Such elements are found prominently in media sector, ministry etc.
Thus we should control our media.For this, PEMRA must make policy against those channels and their media persons who are favoring their outfits and showing such reports or programmers which are contrary to the interests of Pakistan .
We must re-define the definition of ‘freedom of speech’ which is the basic right given by Pakistani constitution as ‘freedom of speech for peace and freedom from terrorism’
We must run full fledge campaigns against their version of Islam and must support those operations which are carried out by Pakistan army as discussed in part 1[15]

5) Recover and Improve:

We must work on to recover all those damages due to war on terror. We must work on to recover damage of our economical and social infra-structure.
This angle also covers the lapses regarding to victim management due to natural disasters and bombast, poor governance and focuses upon strengthening police and armed sectors ,Intel sharing, provision of latest arms and ammunition and better ways to counter terrorism as well as focuses upon improving internal LEA culture, covering trust deficiency between them and fast provision of judiciary system and improved co-ordination between civil and armed sectors by taking prominent action against those corrupted elements within our ministry and other important sectors, also ensuring relief to subject by provision of scholarship programs, relief on daily use prices and reduction of pressure, frustration ,fear and anarchy by initiating cheap cultural and entertaining programs at local areas by mayors,nazims elected political parties.
[1] according to Gannon, Kathy, "Militants gaining ground in Pakistan", Associated Press report at USA Today ,
[2]Bajoria, Jayshree (6 February 2008). "Pakistan's New Generation of Terrorists". Council on Foreign Relations.
[3][Rohan Gunaratna, Inside Al-Qaeda (New York: Berkley Publishing Company, 2003), pp. 75-8]
[4] ^ Hennessey, Kathleen (10 August 2010). "N.Y. bomber has al Qaeda tie, White House says". The San Francisco Chronicle.
[5]^ Jump up to:a b c Savage, Charlie (1 September 2010). "U.S. Adds Legal Pressure on Pakistani Taliban". The New York Times. Retrieved 1 March 2011.
[6] Dean Nelson (2007-07-15). "Bin Laden’s deputy behind the Red Mosque bloodbath". London: The Times. Retrieved 2008-05-11
[7] From: Pakistan Observer |Counter terrorism models for Pakistan by Dr.Muhammed Khan.
[8] [9][10]From No radical shift in new anti-terror strategy, (2013-07-06) Dawn and The Express Tribune, August 13th, 2013.
[11] From No radical shift in new anti-terror strategy, (2013-07-06) Dawn Wikileaks: Bank rolling militancy in Pakistan.
.[12] [13] [14]From: The Echidna of terrorism part 2 ^Infrastructure of TTP and Lapses by slav defence
.and ^ Enterpise Team (Jun 1, 2003). "The Constitution of 1973`". The Story of Pakistan. The Story of Pakistan. Retrieved 2011-10-15.From: The Echidna of terrorism part 2 ^Infrastructure of TTP and Lapses by slav defence
[15]The Echidna of terrorism: Part 1|Operation Silence by slav defence

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aeronaut I have mentioned sources and has placed citations as you have asked-
Well researched article and I hope your civil govt. and your ISI will take input from you.
We need to eliminate Religious Bigotry, Sectarian violence and Extremism from the country... It will reduce sympathizer of hard line Islamist... .... No doubt that A cretin's brain digests philosophy easily into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry, Hence type of illegal madras education from some brain washed Mullah that are using their own interpretation and setting it with vengeance. Infact, TTP mentality is alive in every street in some form....... Best solution is to invest in education sector and there should be equal education in Pakistan...... and make it as compulsory requirement for every children to attend the school..
We need to eliminate Religious Bigotry, Sectarian violence and Extremism from the country... It will reduce sympathizer of hard line Islamist... .... No doubt that A cretin's brain digests philosophy easily into folly, science into superstition, and art into pedantry, Hence type of illegal madras education from some brain washed Mullah that are using their own interpretation and setting it with vengeance. Infact, TTP mentality is alive in every street in some form....... Best solution is to invest in education sector and there should be equal education in Pakistan...... and make it as compulsory requirement for every children to attend the school..
you said everything perfectly!
but just short of a burrning reality, which is as long as these illegal illegal madras & thier undereducated mullahs having thier fingers on the triggers of thier illegal guns, there would be no one to listen to your POV?
& to adopt the real peace loving , full of hummanity our great religion ISLAM?
Indeed,problems are Inter-related to each other,and we must take nessary steps to resolve them,but on permanent basis rather then temporarily basis.
Inorder to resolve these issues which are fabricated to the very base of our civil and security sectors,we must now take nessesary steps which may consist of long term/slow proceses,and we may experience hurdles to halt such process as well.However we are not left with any other choice but taking risks by playing gambit with such outfits, as if we don't then situation will get out of our hands completely.
@Slav Defence
4) Control and Educate:

The control and educate term proposes to control those elements who are supporting terrorism by supporting such organizations. Such elements are found prominently in media sector, ministry etc.
Thus we should control our media.For this, PEMRA must make policy against those channels and their media persons who are favoring their outfits and showing such reports or programmers which are contrary to the interests of Pakistan .
We must re-define the definition of ‘freedom of speech’ which is the basic right given by Pakistani constitution as ‘freedom of speech for peace and freedom from terrorism’
We must run full fledge campaigns against their version of Islam and must support those operations which are carried out by Pakistan army as discussed in part 1[15]

^This is the part I disagree with because the information cloak does more harm than good. I believe we should rather turn the weapon against them: use the media as a PSYOPS operation, turn the international and national opinion for us. It should be noted that conspirasy culture is alive in our society due to our previous censorships on the media, it's done more harm.
@jaibi my above statement didn't mean that we must reveal personal information regarding to Pakistan army's operation against talibans but the actual context is by supporting operation is that,we must highlight the key factors due to which Pakistan army is carrying such operations or has carried various operations against Talibans.
Let me explain merits and psychological reasons for waging such media campaign.
We know that our media sectors consist of those elements who can be considered as Taliban sympathizers,how they have supported talibans and spread/injected their theory directly/Indirectly: for example Operation Sunrise/Silence.
After successful operations were carried out by PA,these elements began to project that Operation Silence/Sunrise was a wrong decision,they were questioning of methodology by showing dead bodies and claiming that white phosphorus bombs were used etc.
Thus hindering all the efforts of peace settlement carried out by PA and policy makers at the beginning of seige, which has created a confusion and thus people psychologically felt sympathy and they ignored unintentionally the actual threat due to which this operation became a necessity.
You are saying that we must turn international media in our favour etc,but you must also consider western mentality.
Remember,they will prefer to project negitive elements against Pakistan rather then supporting it.
Although you can win their support in case of waging war against Talibans,but in case of peace settlement with them,you will never see them supporting you,and I don't think so that I need to explain you in details,as you are intelligent to understand the psychological factors related to political, strategical tactics and it's relationship with psychological media warfare and it's relationship with their biased policy and interest.
Remember key point:Always show what talibans have done,but do not show that the operational procedure ie how PA has killed them,as this will create confusion and will cause an increase of sympathy for these talibans.
Where as international media can be used to support operation against taliban,as it matches with NATO/US do more policy.
Due to above mentioned reason censorship to some extent is Necessary as well,as we have to extract required benefits and to sustain the desired impression for peace and to reduce negitive elements and extremism.
Modi has the supreme solution for terrorists and terrorism :- "Terrorists only understand the language of bullets, talk with them in that language."(He said this in an election rally sometimes ago on what would be his future internal security policy of India. No terrorists, no terrorism.There is no terrorism in Gujarat because of some fine 40 encounters carried by his government there in the last 10 years.) :sniper:

To OP:-1)Clear the area.
2)Hold the area.

3)Develop the area.(GoI's present policy)
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Very good...but what about so-called peace seeking outfits?:D
In case of India, we must believe ‘pressurize policy’ by bringing dialogues at UN level. We must raise the issue of Indians causing insurgency such as ‘operation deep strike’ in Pakistan and pressurize Indian regime via UN to avoid such insurgencies as such attempts are supporting terrorists directly.

As they say, charity begins at home, meaning that Pakistan too needs to stop the proxy war against India that has been going on since the past three decades with terrorist groups such as the LeT, JeM etc., who are termed as 'strategic assets' of the Establishment. This cannot be a one sided match. Does Pakistan expect India to take things lying down?

State sponsored terrorism against India needs to stop so that this eye-for-an-eye policy being played out by both countries can cease for the benefit of both countries in the great geopolitical game being played out by the West especially in Afghanistan for their own national interests.
mere khayal me taliban ki Arr me aur bohut sare group mulki wa ghair mulki apna kirdar ada kar rahe ha har kese k apne maqasid ha.
jese k swat me jab taliban power me hogae tu wo log jo zati dushmani raktay thay badla lene k liye taliban me shamil hogae aur jo manshiat ki karobar karthay thay unho ne b taliban k sath melne me afiat samje aur wo badqismat log b jo sirf madrase me pare thay.
isliye bat cheet se he ye masla hal hosakta kionke aik terrorist marne se 2 ya is se ziada aur peda hojate ha badla lene k liy aur tesra ye k yaksa taleeme nisab hona chahiye jo islam ki asli talemat ho aur fata me taleem aur logo k haqooq k liye toos aqdamaat karne honge.......
As they say, charity begins at home, meaning that Pakistan too needs to stop the proxy war against India that has been going on since the past three decades with terrorist groups such as the LeT, JeM etc., who are termed as 'strategic assets' of the Establishment. This cannot be a one sided match. Does Pakistan expect India to take things lying down?

State sponsored terrorism against India needs to stop so that this eye-for-an-eye policy being played out by both countries can cease for the benefit of both countries in the great geopolitical game being played out by the West especially in Afghanistan for their own national interests.

Orion Hunter...
The Government of Pakistan has recognized LEJ as a terrorist organization in August 2001, and the U.S. classified it as a Foreign Terrorist Organization under U.S. law in January 2003 due to which its finances were blocked worldwide by the U.S government-
Where as in January 2002 the government of President Pervez Musharraf banned the JEM group.

So,now these are not considered as 'state sponsored terrorism' as government of Pakistan has recognized them and blacklisted them along with other terrorists outfits.
So we have begun charity from home,in a context that Pakistan is taking officially appreciable actions against such outfits.

According to daily times newspaper,2010:
The Punjab government later on, banned again 17 militant organisations, which have repeatedly resurfaced under new names, after four previous bans — in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2008.

Thus government of Pakistan has taken strict actions against such outfits and still striving hard of as much as they can,in the same way as Indian regime took action against RAW funded 'Operation Deep Strike'

Thus Mr.Hunter...this is the main lapse which is the key factor in case of ruining peace dialouge between Pakistan and India,that we don't appreciate of actions taken by our regimes, due to inner hatred/aggression/lack of trust fed by our war mongering media.
Remember,it is easy for our warmongers to type on keyboard and bashing each other,but practically,we cannot afford to wage warfare against each other,because none of us can afford nuclear war.
I assure you that those sick minds who are chanting this right now will be the first who will run aboard like 'chickens' leaving their nation and people behind in misery.


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