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The disease of ogling at every passing woman


Oct 25, 2016
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United Kingdom
I recently visited Pakistan after a decade. I was overwhelmed by the unmatchable hospitality I received by my extended family. I visited beautiful monuments, masjid, museums, colourful bazaars and wonderful parks in the capital Islamabad and it's hustling bustling neighbouring city of Rawalpindi. During my time in Pakistan I couldn't help but notice a very uncomfortable and almost intimidating experience of men randomly staring/gazing at women anywhere and everywhere given the opportunity. Places such as the famous monument in Islamabad during a hot humid mid afternoon. Groups of men would huddle and ogle at any female that passed by even if she was with her family. This occurred to my very own female relatives who were dressed modestly and in full Islamic attire. As I witnessed this I decided to confront one of the perpetrators as i felt it to be a form of harassment. The young man hurried away with his companions to avoid any confrontation or escalation in tension. No matter where I went I witnessed the same disease of men holting in their daily lives to look..... and I mean to look/stare/ogle at any female passing by. There seems to be some serious sexual frustration in Pakistan where some men are unable to control thier gaze. Clearly needs addressing!
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The issue is teenagers having free time with nothing better to do. If there were proper sports centers, entertainment facilities and technical centers with part-time jobs then I think we could overcome this culture of 'puundi'. Also there needs to be some control from the parents over their children, right now parents are too busy with their jobs that they often neglect what their young ones are doing. I don't ask for 100% monitoring but its the responsibility of parents to make their children do something worthwhile like sports, fitness, learning some technical skill in free time.
The issue is teenagers having free time with nothing better to do. If there were proper sports centers, entertainment facilities and technical centers with part-time jobs then I think we could overcome this culture of 'puundi'. Also there needs to be some control from the parents over their children, right now parents are too busy with their jobs that they often neglect what their young ones are doing. I don't ask for 100% monitoring but its the responsibility of parents to make their children do something worthwhile like sports, fitness, learning some technical skill in free time.
It went beyond teenagers as even middle age men where involved.
I recently visited Pakistan after a decade. I was overwhelmed by the unmatchable hospitality I received by my extended family. I visited beautiful monuments, masjid, museums, colourful bazaars and wonderful parks in the capital Islamabad and it's hustling bustling neighbouring city of Rawalpindi. During my time in Pakistan I couldn't help but notice a very uncomfortable and almost intimidating experience of men randomly staring/gazing at women anywhere and everywhere given the opportunity. Places such as the famous monument in Islamabad during a hot humid mid afternoon. Groups of men would huddle and ogle at any female that passed by even if she was with her family. This occurred to my very own female relatives who were dressed modestly and in full Islamic attire. As I witnessed this I decided to confront one of the perpetrators as i felt it to be a form of harassment. The young man hurried away with his companions to avoid any confrontation or escalation in tension. No matter where I went I witnessed the same disease of men holting in their daily lives to look..... and I mean to look/stare/ogle at any female passing by. There seems to be some serious sexual frustration in Pakistan where some men are unable to control thier gaze. Clearly needs addressing!

Thanks to the semi exposure to bollywood, and lack of Islamic education and values from the parents.
If indians have become rapists and mob lynchers from bollywood, it oughta have some affect on the general public in Pakistan as well.
The only solution is confrontation, and laws to address this as harassment.
People raise harami, that's why.

I live in the UK and don't doubt for a second that men will check out beautiful women, but people are discrete, nobody stares, oggles or hoots. Only total harami will and its relatively rare.

even girls ogle here ,,

i was out for tea at a local naan joint, in my casual gym attire , sipping tea ,, theres this lady in a car with her husband and she was' staring' at me no reason..

felt weird .. we have no manners really . its like your personal space is being violated !

Stop wearing Yoga pants
Educate them and also put strict punishments for those caught in the act. The quote below is true too. You can't have a very liberal media sector which spews out filth and at the same time tell society to have Islamic values. These actors and other garbage have to be moderated.

I remember when I last went Pakistan. I was on one of the main bazaar roads, waiting for my cousin, a girl walks past probably younger than me and then these 3 guys (who looked much older than me and the girl) standing across from me started to catcall her. Such bad behaviour. Then my cousin comes and he says, I'll introduce you to my friends. He then introduced me to the 3 guys... :what:

Another time I saw some other boy on a bike harassing a passing girl and he kept riding into her path.

I knew it was bad then but when I think back about it then it becomes even worse.

Thanks to the semi exposure to bollywood, and lack of Islamic education and values from the parents.
If indians have become rapists and mob lynchers from bollywood, it oughta have some affect on the general public in Pakistan as well.
The only solution is confrontation, and laws to address this as harassment.
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During my time in Pakistan I couldn't help but notice a very uncomfortable and almost intimidating experience of men randomly staring/gazing at women anywhere and everywhere given the opportunity.

But I've never seen anyone doing this some women just overvalue themselves or think they are center of attention and everyone is staring at them but in reality no one stares or cares unless you are very good looking or what is called here hoor pari
I will begin with the following;

"Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their private parts; that will make for greater purity for them. Indeed Allah is well acquainted with all that they do." [Al-Qur'an 24:30]

Lowering the gaze has been emphasized upon in both Qur'an & Sunnah and there is a good reason for that.
Sinful acts that we may consider minor such as lying, ogling etc actually leads to the much bigger issues. That is why Islam always taught us to nip these small evils in the bud.

I personally believe that one of the major factors in the moral downfall of our society is the nefarious ogling.
Today I was visiting a markaz, and there was a woman coming with 2 other guys (co-workers I presume). And right beside me were 2 taxi drivers. I kid you not, he said "Woh dekh shera kaun aya hai....", and then they proceeded to stare her to kingdom come.
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