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The Difference Between India and Pakistan - Basile's Travel Blog

It is more or all about a lopsided and flawed perception of Pakistan and India(changing or has changed thanks to Modi and PM IK), like Pakistan is looked like failing or falling, the reality is opposite. And India is seem (was seen) as rising and incredible India, that has been proved flawed and now incredible India has become intolerant India.

For some strange reason, the majority of "educated" Indian youth seem to have become Regressive, joining or speaking for Regressive movements that the previous two or three generations of educated Indian youth had worked or spoken against.

The worst opponents of Indian Progressive youth leaders like Kanhaiya Kumar and Shehla Rashid are mainly youth who support right-wing movements.

Lahore, LUMS Pakistan...

I don't have headphones at the moment so will watch the vid later. :)
Both poor countries with pockets of well off. No need to start a competition here.

I'm sick of people here getting so angsty over the slightest praise of India or criticism of Pakistan. It's just childish.

Just another stale article full of cliches.
With the same old theme of "how similar India Pakistan are,yet different,,blah blah".clickbait.
if one only visits bhayyaland(north India n eastern part of Pakistan) ,, of course they will find little difference between the two countries.

I don't understand,,, how South India Or northeast india r similar to Pakistan.(or pashtuns r similar to Indians) .

For the Westerner, the only real Pakistani is a militant Deobandi Punjabi, and the only real Indian is a frail mystic Bhayya.
This whole blog above is lopsided as it is outdated....

Check the newer ones, the people(neutral) who are living in India and has visited both countries...

Barely a 4 month old survey...

India ranks below Pakistan, Sri Lanka in Global Hunger Index, report says not Open Defecation-Free yet

The annual index is designed to measure and track hunger at the global, national and regional levels and to assess progress and setbacks in combating hunger. India is now ranked below Pakistan (94), Bangladesh (88) and Sri Lanka (66) among South Asian nations.


This guy is a resident kiwi in India and got a Indian wife.

@TheGreatMaratha watch from 11:50, it's your own people views about Pakistan, what to say about foreigners.

Nehru was PM of India from 1947 to 1964 and gave stability and also founded hundred of universities and Indian Institutes of Technology. India also inherited nearly all of the industrial areas of South Asia in 1947. India had the engineers produced from these universities to take advantage of the Computer revolution starting in 1970s. My father attended university in 1970s in Canada and most of his engineering and Computer professors were Indians with PhDs.
Nehru was PM of India from 1947 to 1964 and gave stability and also founded hundred of universities and Indian Institutes of Technology. India also inherited nearly all of the industrial areas of South Asia in 1947. India had the engineers produced from these universities to take advantage of the Computer revolution starting in 1970s. My father attended university in 1970s in Canada and most of his engineering and Computer professors were Indians with PhDs.
All of our premier universities were set up post independence, iits, iis, etc. Pakistan got Punjab university, Lahore, the premier pre independence university. Unfortunately for Pakistan, you share with us the north Indian population which is not as much into academics as our south Indian. Also the 2000 bug gave Indian IT a leg up. Pakistan missed that bus.
99 % of our industries came up post independence due to help from Russia, heavy industry. Also Pakistan was into strategic stuff right from 1947 with 2 conflicts in 1st 20 years of existence. India had massive famines post independence and concentrated on land reforms, industrialization, green revolution, education, etc. We had no choice due to our non aligned stand.
Pakistan never had extreme poverty except in its east wing, which was neglected The alliance with usa and uk also took care of immediate financial needs.
yes , there are always similarities between neighbours , Pakistan is very close to its two nieghbours indians and afghans.
Just another stale article full of cliches.
With the same old theme of "how similar India Pakistan are,yet different,,blah blah".clickbait.
if one only visits bhayyaland(north India n eastern part of Pakistan) ,, of course they will find little difference between the two countries.

I don't understand,,, how South India Or northeast india r similar to Pakistan.(or pashtuns r similar to Indians) .

NO Pakistani - not one single one of them - has any idea of the diversity of India, and take all their cues from the similarity between them and north Indians. They have no idea of what radical differences there are likely to be between a random hundred people in the Metro, in Bangalore or in Hyderabad.

Good luck with trying to convince them of anything else.
I have seen people getting triggered by their preconceived ideas and reality. A cursory and surface analysis of two made this guy write on two nation theory and commonality of the folk... and end with something like self imposed separation... the whole composition stank of writer's unease ... from bringing up wagah ceremony to Indian "wealthiness?" .... He found Iranians and Pakistanis to be cooperative and he rationalized it with lack of foreign travelers in these countries. I mean, come on! It burns my soul because how much I understand this thinking and mind set! They cannot accept a lending hand without someone seeking a reciprocating favor or ulterior motive.

For one thing, Pakistan should stop this mad circus at wagah! There is simply no need to match India up in everything... there are things best left alone or simply to walk away from... secondly, not everyone smiling is smiling with you, could be smiling at you!
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Gippy Grewal Interview After Visiting Pakistan || Gippy Grewal in Pakistan
Lahore, LUMS Pakistan...

LUMS, the Europe of Lahore... The vid paints quite a different picture to how a lot of the world sees Pakistan.

That picturization of "Introvert" as a knife-wielding psycho with a burning match-stick. :lol:

And what was that at 5:20 mins... "Kamli... dhan, dhan, dhan". :lol:
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However in Pakistan, most marriages happen within the family – more than half the weddings are between first degree cousins. T
Did an intelligent individual such as yourself pause at ANY point while reading this clickbait article (inevitably more profitable clickbait that will win the internet popularity contest and generate more money for the writer simply because of the weight of numbers of Indians who will copy, forward and repost this article) to question whether such claims hold up to scrutiny?

Such articles are very cunning and subtle by superficially appearing impartial as they speak favourably of BOTH Pakistan and India while slightly favouring Hindustan, ostensibly as the article suggests due in part to financial variations. In reality, this is an unsubstantiated propaganda piece, barely able to disguise its racist trope as it gleefully claims half of marriages in Pakistan are consanguinous. Really? Half?

Someone reasonable and inherently neutral regarding the Indian-Pakistani conflict will read the whole article and believe this nonsense because the rest of the article appears balanced and reasoned hence lending credibility to this single nonsensical and damaging claim.

Perhaps the most interesting part of this is that you honestly think people might fall for this since you decided to post it.
When you see both india and pakistan from the inside. Pakistan looks way more wealthier and there is no competition there. The population is 7 times less and the roads and some of the infrastructure is much better overall.

No traveller in his right minds would say otherwise

ExaCtly. The author has an agenda and is twisting reality to serve that agenda and generate clicks.
has any idea of the diversity of India,

I agree to this about the diversity in India and many a times it turns out to the adversity in India.

Look there is no diversity in a small town like Winnipeg in Canada, everyone has the same Caucasian look, white color, every one owns a similar looking home, every family has about two cars, everyone earns the same and pay exorbitant tax, the education and health is free for everyone...that makes it so boring, banal and lacking in diversity, not a good place to live compared to India.

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