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The Diaspora’s Duty

When one understands the ground realities in Pakistan where 'democracy' is a farce in the hands of the feudal elites, it is naive to continue propagating the myth of democratic institutions in Pakistan. It is more than naive; it is downright criminal and treasonous, since it allows the bloodsucking feudals -- who are the single greatest threat to Pakistan's future -- to continue their charade at the expense of the country's well being. Is there anyone who can keep a straight face when Zardari and Gilani openly defy the Supreme Court itself in the name of 'democracy'?

Okay, fine. Then why experiment with democracy at all? Let the khakis remain in permanent power then. Of course, that doesn't work either, does it? So what is left? A Islamic Caliphate? Or perhaps something else?
Unfortunately for the scum of India, they are the ones who sit in the US and calculate what Aid to give to Pakistan, while the scum of Pakistan decide which Square to blow up in the US.

LoL hubris, most of the indians I have met in the US wash plates and drive taxi's. ;)

---------- Post added at 08:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:23 PM ----------

Okay, fine. Then why experiment with democracy at all? Let the khakis remain in permanent power then. Of course, that doesn't work either, does it? So what is left? A Islamic Caliphate? Or perhaps something else?

What is it the concern of a Yank - to interfere in our internal affairs. The Pakistani people will decide their own fate. And foreigners like you don't get a say.
LoL hubris, most of the indians I have met in the US wash plates and drive taxi's. ;)
What were you doing there ? Washing plates along with them ? Most of the Indians i meet in the US are at conferences whose research output in 3 International conferences is the sum total of Pakistanis in 5 years. And guess how many Pakistanis do i get to meet there ? Zilch.

What is it the concern of a Yank - to interfere in our internal affairs. The Pakistani people will decide their own fate. And foreigners like you don't get a say.

My say is determined by factors other than a vote. ;)

An 8 billion dollars loan repayment is due in February. Let's see.
Democracy is not an end in itself; it is merely a tool to achieve an objective. In the wrong hands, even the best tool is dangerous. People who can't differentiate between the tool and the tool wielder are perhaps more dangerous than the criminals themselves, since they are easily manipulated by the shysters. One of the advantages of living in a true democracy like in the West, as opposed to the charade in Pakistan, is a better understanding of what democracy entails -- not on the voter -- but on the elected officials, viz. accountability and responsibility. "Leaders" who do not abide by their share of the democratic contract relinquish any claims on the protections of democracy.

When one understands the ground realities in Pakistan where 'democracy' is a farce in the hands of the feudal elites, it is naive to continue propagating the myth of democratic institutions in Pakistan. It is more than naive; it is downright criminal and treasonous, since it allows the bloodsucking feudals -- who are the single greatest threat to Pakistan's future -- to continue their charade at the expense of the country's well being. Is there anyone who can keep a straight face when Zardari and Gilani openly defy the Supreme Court itself in the name of 'democracy'?


Can implementing the rule that no person serves for more than two terms in Pakistan help the Nation?
Can implementing the rule that no person serves for more than two terms in Pakistan help the Nation?

What person in power has ever left by due process so far for even one term, let alone after two?
I guess DAWN is Pakistan version of our Daily star. Just like this dawn Daily star always rants about secularism, Islamic "extremism" and what not. I call this kind of media out lets ****** propaganda outlets run by forgein masters. But unfortunately this kind
of ****** newspapers & TV channels are all over the muslim world. Brainwashed & intellectually
bankrupt seculars & liberals are real enemy of the muslim world. :angry:
What person in power has ever left by due process so far for even one term, let alone after two?

But by keeing the condition of two terms, maybe the military will not interfere as much as it does normally and also probably more honest and eligible and educated person comes to power (if the public can somehow come to know whether a certain candidate is indeed educated and eligible to sit in the parliament)
But by keeing the condition of two terms, maybe the military will not interfere as much as it does normally and also probably more honest and eligible and educated person comes to power (if the public can somehow come to know whether a certain candidate is indeed educated and eligible to sit in the parliament)

There is nothing "normal" about military interference in politics, nevermind the extent of "as much" or what needs to be done to reduce it. It should be ZERO.
There is nothing "normal" about military interference in politics, nevermind the extent of "as much" or what needs to be done to reduce it. It should be ZERO.

But just see, had it not been the interference of military previosuly what havoc the politicians would have played in Pakistan in the 60+ years. I am not supporting military rule but as one PDF member pointed out in some thread that the economy always grew under military rule in Pakistan.

Why does it not grow under civilian rule?

Military rules for let us say 9 years, civilian government of 2-3 years doesn't reach the same ratio for growth rate as during military rule of 2-3 years.

And why does military take over after 2 or 3 years of civilian rule? When they see things going extremely worse they come to picture. So a two term may keep the civilian government in check to work for the country and if a politician does not do well in the first term he/she does not get the second term. But again for this the public has to be educated enough which unfortunately is not the case, and also it is easy to write but difficult to implement.
What were you doing there ? Washing plates along with them ? Most of the Indians i meet in the US are at conferences whose research output in 3 International conferences is the sum total of Pakistanis in 5 years. And guess how many Pakistanis do i get to meet there ? Zilch.

LoL - you will find the vast majority of indians doing the most menial and dirty jobs, truth hurts ;) my travels are not your concern - suffice to say, the indians I meet are very "helpful" indeed.

---------- Post added at 09:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:40 PM ----------

My say is determined by factors other than a vote. ;)

An 8 billion dollars loan repayment is due in February. Let's see.

LoL - so you're the CEO of the WB - and you lent us 8 billion dollars. Jolly good show, old chap.
LoL - you will find the vast majority of indians doing the most menial and dirty jobs, truth hurts ;) my travels are not your concern - suffice to say, the indians I meet are very "helpful" indeed.
Unfortunately, you are not good at what you do, even lying for that matter. So i am going to back up my statement with something from the PUMS Data of the US Census and the ACS Data found in the Employment and Occupational patterns for the year 2006. And the facts for you resound clearly, 4.8% of the Indian-American population are involved in manual services, farming and military while 25.8% are involved in Science and Engineering, while your best friends and bed-partners the Chinese are 12.7% in manual services and 19.9% in Science and Engineering. And Pakistanis do not even find a mention in this list. A similar account will be found for Indians in UK too, you can take that as your homework to educate yourself. As they say, Birds of a feather flock together. While i have been flocking with the scientific community there, you seem to have been flocking with the menial labour-service there.
well put .. two :tup::tup: to the writer ... yes Diaspora’s community is the most vocal supporter of military and fundo bigotry .. the same being minorities are enjoying all freedom in the west , yet they support the anti minority med evil blasphemy laws in Pakistan.. these people have little or zero knowledge about the ground realities yet they talk like an expert .. bunch of Hippocrates i should say .. infact i will rather call them DIAPER community
well put .. two to the writer ... yes Diaspora’s community is the most vocal supporter of military and fundo bigotry .. the same being minorities are enjoying all freedom in the west , yet they support the anti minority med evil blasphemy laws in Pakistan.. these people have little or zero knowledge about the ground realities yet they talk like an expert .. bunch of Hippocrates i should say .. infact i will rather call them DIAPER community

Your civilian government is incapable of quelling their appetite for money and it our fault that we will support the honest man? Is the PA that protected you pathetic people, not an extension of the people of Pakistan? You guys are the diaper community of Pakistan that want bragging rights about some sham of a democracy, while Swiss bank accounts are running out of space. You are the people that in the name of democracy let the poor suffer from floods, loadshedding, and inflation.

I like Military dictators, because numbers don't lie, but I don't believe it's their job to lead the country. I want Martial Law to be declared until some serious reforms are carried out against corruption and governance.

PS-Most of us that live out here, are still Pakistani. We are still patriotic to our country. We have family and visit Pakistan whenever we can.
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