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The Daunting and Formidable Egyptian Armed forces By 2021

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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The Egyptian army will enter 2021 with some of the most potent international weapons to double its strength and get the eighth position in the rankings of the most powerful armies of the world, and this is due to 10 important facts :

1- The induction of the Multirole SU-35 Super Flanker in the air force, one of the strongest fighters in the world Specialised in Air supremacy and Air superiority .. but can also carry devastating ground and sea attacks..


2- The induction of one of the most powerful medium-range air defense system in the world the German IRIS-T SLM system. This system operates a very potent fire and forget missile.. The new missile is effective against all types of aircraft, helicopters, cruise missiles, guided weapons, air-to-surface missiles, anti-ship missiles, anti-radar rockets and large-calibre rockets. It also has high probability of kill against unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned combat aerial vehicles and other small manoeuvring threats at very-short and medium-range distances.


3- The induction of the heaviest and most powerful frigate in the Middle East, FREMM Bergamini; These stealth Italian Carlo Bergamini class warships are clearly destroyers, but being called frigates for political reasons. These vessels are larger than the French Aquitaine class ships..
It covers down on the rest of the fleet, it gives a forward presence, independent ops, escort capability ... and value added to the larger Helicopter carriers Mistral..
With the surface-to-air extended self defence system (SAAM ESD, Surface to Air Anti Missile System Extended Self Defence) firing Aster 30 missile, the firing ship is able to both protect itself (self-defence) and other consort ships..


4- The induction of the German MEKO A-200 stealth frigate in the Egyptian navy alongside the French FREMM, the Italian FREMM and the American Perry Class upgraded this year with very strong fighting capabilities..A fighting ship capable of full 4-dimensional warfare (AAW, ASW and ASuW, BCW)..The frigate is equipped with two four-cell launchers for MBDA MM 40 Exocet surface-to-surface missiles. Two eight-cell vertical 16 Umkhonto IR surface-to-air missiles are fitted..


5-The induction of one of the most potent tanks in the world, the Russian main battle tank T-90MS, which is a lightweight and fast tank with a huge fire power..
The T-90MS MBT is equipped with powerful weapon systems, modern automatic fire control systems, cutting-edge protection, robust and powerful engine, and reliable transmission.
The 125mm cannon allows to engage targets at long distances with high accuracy, which keeps the MBT safe from the enemy Anti-Tank Assets effective area. Modern Machine Gun Mount is extremely efficient against various light targets due to a stabilizer. The Fire Control System provides sustained target search, detection, identification and tracking under any weather conditions, day and night, from a halt position or on the move.


6- The induction of two additional satellites used for military as well as civilian purposes ..


7- With a 95% probability the EuroFighter Typhoon will enter into service with the EAF, which is the main fighter for most of the European countries, such as Germany, England and Italy, it is a very strong addition on its own and more so when combined with the Rafale..


8- The 4th Type-209 MOD 1400
The HDW Class 209/1400mod is a compact and reliable submarine featuring the most recent technology, high combat strength, an extraordinary battery payload and low signatures.


9- Two C130 Super Hercules aircraft, the latest version of this category for military cargo, transport, parachute personnel and a flying hospital.


10- Military industries will flourish, especially in armored vehicles, after Egypt succeeded in marketing the ST100 MRAP armored vehicle to Saudi Arabia and the UAE..


And there is so much more to come..
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Seems Egypt is going to take over Arab world command. A building of Arab army in progress.
Get K77 for it

We'll see. Supposedly that's the deadliest and longest range A2A missile, even greater than the Meteor (or any of the Chines PL XX's) but ATM, it will be satisfactory to equip it with R-73, R-77 and R-27 as well which will be standard on the Su-35s and that came with the Egyptian MiG-35s.

The bigger issue for us right now is what could possible make or break the Typhoon deal and that is the Meteor missile (which currently is the best A2A missile out there with the largest no-escape zone) and is supposed to be delivered upon export approval for several waiting countries including Egypt for all its Rafales. But, it must be a DEFINITE part of the Typhoon deal as well, otherwise that jet won't be very attractive considering the A2A missiles that fighter fires besides the meteor are mostly the AIM-120, AIM-9X and US/British-made stuff which we're not allowed to have because it scares the crap out of Israel. So, if the Meteor somehow ends up getting denied to Egypt (which so far it hasn't and is on the waiting list), then the Typhoon deal might not happen. But we know Italy is anxious to make this mega deal happen and should be able to leverage the Meteor for Egypt to make the Typhoon part of the mega deal and if it does, then the Rafales will get them shortly after as well and along with the Russian BVR missiles, the EAF will be right on top of the list of potent air forces and no more bitching about the F-16s, even though they have the latest AIM-7Ms which are also BVR missiles with a range of 70km. It also operated the Matra Magic 530 BVRs for its fleet of Mirage 2000s.


So if this is the result of the Israelis crapping their pants over the EAF having the AIM-120, they must be changing underwear on a hourly basis watching all these deals happening and the weapons coming from sources OTHER than the US whom are willing to give the EAF what it deserves to be able to defend itself on an even keel with others, not at a disadvantage!? Screw that. What kind of an ally or friend short changes you? The EAF is only 1 of 2 or 3 that are not allowed the AIM-120 LOL! Even Jordan which is closer to the heart of Israel is allowed the AIM-120!!! Because we shot down a crapload of Israeli F-4 Phantoms, Mirages and Skyhawks (17) in 1 hour on one of the last days of the Yom Kippur war over the delta in the famous aerial battle of El Mansoura to the loss of only 3 MiG-21s, 2 of which crash-landed because they ran out of fuel, another detriment to the MiG-21 vs Phantoms. This was an indication that the crap from 1967 and the war of attrition was not happening anymore, and the tide was changing even though the EAF had considerable success in the war of attrition, it was the battle of El Mansoura that changed Israel's and the US' perspective about the EAF's capabilities. But Israel doesn't need to worry about the EAF so not sure why it panics like that?!?!

Very curious if the US finally did offer the AIM-120 with the F-15s it offered Egypt a few months ago in exchange of dropping the Su-35 deal? Did they honestly think that offering the F-15 without AIM-120s was going to convince the EAF? If they did, that might've been a better way to go than the Su-35 only because then all F-16s can be upgraded with AESA radars and get the AIM-120D as well? So if we knew what the offer entailed exactly, the EAF could've negotiated for the Viper upgrade including the AIM-120 for the entire F-16 fleet as well as 24 F-15E.

So while the US has denied Egypt's 4th largest fleet of F-16s in the world the AIM-120 and has been able to control that factor for almost 40 years, the French changed that with the Rafales and the MICA IR & ER and an approval for the Meteor and shortly thereafter, the MiG-35 deal allowed Egypt to have 46 fighters with the full compliment of Russian-made A2A missiles including the deadly off-bore sight R-73 using the HMCS, the R-77 and R-27. So those will also be standard with the Su-35 and possibly the K-77 we'll see and hopefully the Meteor also to make the EAF as powerful as it possibly can be.

The fun part will be comparing the capabilities of the Russian cruise missiles that have come for the MiG-35 with the bigger and heavier longer ranged ones coming with the Su-35 and up against the 50 SCLAPs that have all been fully delivered to the EAF.


This is also an interchangeable cruise missile between the Rafale and the Typhoon.


As well as the MICA missiles and the Meteors in this lower pic. The only non-interchangeable weapons are the HAMMER guided bombs in the picture below and the Brimstones on the Typhoon. But who knows, maybe they can be with a little software reprogramming? The Typhoon & Rafale together are a very appealing proposition that hinge on the availability of the Meteor missile.

Nice toys but useless and Egypt doesnt have bright future

Egypt should develop its own weapons to become real military power .... but Egypt can not do it
only Israel and Turkiye develops their own weapons in the Region

for example upcoming Turkish Weapons easly can harm Egyptian Armed Forces
S.Arabia,The Uae(Israel) and France wants to use SISI as a pawn against Turkiye
SIRTE and AL JUFRA will re-take by Libyan Government from terrorists and invaders .. and those toys can not change anything

Turkish UCAVs gave a big lesson to Russia,Iran,Assad Regime in Syria
Turkish Ballistic and Cruise Missiles are ready to give a big lesson to Egypt
S.Arabia,The Uae(Israel) and France wants to use SISI as a pawn against Turkiye
SIRTE and AL JUFRA will re-take by Libyan Government from terrorists and invaders .. and those toys can not change anything

Turkish UCAVs gave a big lesson to Russia,Iran,Assad Regime in Syria
Turkish Ballistic and Cruise Missiles are ready to give a big lesson to Egypt
I wish you cross the red lines
I really wish...
I wish you cross the red lines
I really wish...

we kicked all of you in Libya .. and you losers are still dreaming about red line

Egypt doesnt have military capability to attack Turkiye

but if the Turkish Armed Forces want then only 24 hours and no more Air - Naval Bases in Cairo , Alexandria and Port Said

We should bomb Cairo ,Alexandria and Port Said and We should show puppet SISI and other Arab Dictators their place ,,, even the US/Russia can not save you

Egypt has right to protect its border but Sirte , Al Jufra are nothing to do with Egypt,The Uae,France and Russia

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