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The curse of polytheism | Genius of Islam

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Jan 28, 2019
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Watch this video to see how all these religions have so many twisted messed up corruptions added to them to the point they are about devil-worshipping satanic religions.

Islam is extremely resistant to change and corruption and hence the most pure, beautiful religion exactly how it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad(SAWW) 1400 years ago from God

It is really eye-opening video
Religious topics are banned
But Indians be opening a lot of Hindu centric threads
So I don't know now

Watch this video to see how all these religions have so many twisted messed up corruptions added to them to the point they are about devil-worshipping satanic religions.

Islam is extremely resistant to change and corruption and hence the most pure, beautiful religion exactly how it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad(SAWW) 1400 years ago from God

It is really eye-opening video

No, just no 😅
No, just no 😅

Stay ignorant, dumb and deaf animal, your choice. This video is only for people with a good heart who want good and can see truth.
Religious topics are banned
But Indians be opening a lot of Hindu centric threads
So I don't know now

This is a documentary about polytheism. If this Apolon guy is allowed to spread hatred then why can't a good documentary be allowed?

I really wish people watched it, commented on it instead of just commenting nonsense offtopic stuff
Stay ignorant, dumb and deaf animal, your choice. This video is only for people with a good heart who want good and can see truth.

We had this "good and truth" in Greece almost 400 years as brutal tyranny. We obviously did not like it.
We had this "good and truth" in Greece almost 400 years as brutal tyranny. We obviously did not like it.

I have no idea what you are referring to and I don't care. Also, I hope you understand the difference between Muslims and Islam...it seems like you do but are just here to spoil a thread about Islam.

Watch the video and comment or just leave. Not interested in your historical nonsense
I have no idea what you are referring to and I don't care. Also, I hope you understand the difference between Muslims and Islam...it seems like you do but are just here to spoil a thread about Islam.

Watch the video and comment or just leave. Not interested in your historical nonsense

Greece was 400 years under ottoman occupation and it was horror. So obviously we did not like it

That said polytheism is cool. Our old greek religion with zeus, hera, ares ect is nice. Also the old egyptian gods. Norse gods get popular again too. Thor, Odin.
Greece was 400 years under ottoman occupation and it was horror. So obviously we did not like it

That said polytheism is cool. Our old greek religion with zeus, hera, ares ect is nice. Also the old egyptian gods. Norse gods get popular again too. Thor, Odin.
Hmm did greek gods have incest and raped people?
Ignoring the brutal atrocities of Ottomans toward Orthodox Christians is the fallacy of Muslims. We ought to recognize what the Ottomans did was sinfully wrong.
Greece was 400 years under ottoman occupation and it was horror. So obviously we did not like it

That said polytheism is cool. Our old greek religion with zeus, hera, ares ect is nice. Also the old egyptian gods. Norse gods get popular again too. Thor, Odin.

Plato believes in Monoteism right ? Plato is Aristoteles teacher as well. Aristoteles is Alexandre the great teacher
Ignoring the brutal atrocities of Ottomans toward Orthodox Christians is the fallacy of Muslims. We ought to recognize what the Ottomans did was sinfully wrong.
You do know what kinda genocides, ethnic cleansing happened in Greece, Baltic states etc?
Can you stop being stupid for the love of God, please?
Alexandre the Great went to Middle East and met with Judaism religion. I get feeling that Alexandre the Great follow Judaism since Monoteism is also introduced by Plato by using logic. The history about Alexandre who met with Judaism can be found in Judaism scripture.
Greece was 400 years under ottoman occupation and it was horror. So obviously we did not like it

That said polytheism is cool. Our old greek religion with zeus, hera, ares ect is nice. Also the old egyptian gods. Norse gods get popular again too. Thor, Odin.

What has Greece to do with this thread?

The video shows exactly how polytheism is actually satanism and being a playtoy of satan. It is actually stupid to believe in polytheism as one small company can't run with two CEOs, it is idiotic to believe this beautiful universe can be run by multiple gods.

All these polytheism religions are nothing more than sexual deviances and fantasies, satanic sacrifices and rituals, pretty much the definition of evil and bad.
No, but the Ottomans did have incest and raped people.

You are a liar.

Incest is a common theme in Greek mythology, such as in the story of Zeus and his sister Demeter. It was Zeus who first initiated a physical relationship, but Demeter turned him down. Somehow, Zeus forced himself on her in the form of a bull (other versions say he took the form of a snake).

This incestuous tangle of gods and goddesses doesn't stop there, however, as it was fairly commonplace in Greek and Roman religion for deities to engage in strange sexual relationships with their brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles

Like I said, satanic sexual deviances are deep rooted in these polythiestic religions.
That said polytheism is cool. Our old greek religion with zeus, hera, ares ect is nice. Also the old egyptian gods. Norse gods get popular again too. Thor, Odin.

It's fun when you read it as ancient history but it wasn't so much fun for people who were being fooled, exploited, taken advantage of, ruled in the name of and sacrificed to all these Gods. At least with Christianity and Islam you are limited to exploiting in the name of one God only. :)
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