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The curse of polytheism | Genius of Islam

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You are a liar.
Ottomans and incest,I doubt it. But rape? Yeah. They did rape Christian women and apparently sometimes boys too.

Now tell me something,forget that guy there and tell me something,why did you post this thread? Are you here to talk about Islam and convert people or something?
It's fun when you read it as ancient history but it wasn't so much fun for people who were being fooled, exploited, taken advantage of, ruled in the name of and sacrificed to all these Gods. At least with Christianity and Islam you are limited to exploiting in the name of one God only. :)

Nobody was sacrificed to greek or egyptian gods.

Actually with the rise of abrahamic religions started the dark ages here. Total collapse of civilisation. It took almost 1000 years to regain what was lost.
Ottomans and incest,I doubt it. But rape? Yeah. They did rape Christian women and apparently sometimes boys too.

Now tell me something,forget that guy there and tell me something,why did you post this thread? Are you here to talk about Islam and convert people or something?

He said there is no incest or rape in greek mythology which is a clear lie.

I posted it because we are told to spread good and forbid evil. Also because it is such an interesting video.

Unfortunately, the people here are so full of hatred and bigotry that they wouldn't even watch the video because a Muslim posted it. Instead they are posting this political nonsense.

Still, I hope someone will watch it and find it interesting and learn about some new things.
What has Greece to do with this thread?

The video shows exactly how polytheism is actually satanism and being a playtoy of satan. It is actually stupid to believe in polytheism as one small company can't run with two CEOs, it is idiotic to believe this beautiful universe can be run by multiple gods.

All these polytheism religions are nothing more than sexual deviances and fantasies, satanic sacrifices and rituals, pretty much the definition of evil and bad.

You are a liar.

Incest is a common theme in Greek mythology, such as in the story of Zeus and his sister Demeter. It was Zeus who first initiated a physical relationship, but Demeter turned him down. Somehow, Zeus forced himself on her in the form of a bull (other versions say he took the form of a snake).

This incestuous tangle of gods and goddesses doesn't stop there, however, as it was fairly commonplace in Greek and Roman religion for deities to engage in strange sexual relationships with their brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles

Like I said, satanic sexual deviances are deep rooted in these polythiestic religions.

My favorite god is Apollon. And in Egypt its Hathor. Hathor is amazing since she is the godess of love, music and art but also of war and rage when she turns into Sachmet. Her name then is "mistress of fear"
He said there is no incest or rape in greek mythology which is a clear lie.

I posted it because we are told to spread good and forbid evil. Also because it is such an interesting video.

Unfortunately, the people here are so full of hatred and bigotry that they wouldn't even watch the video because a Muslim posted it. Instead they are posting this political nonsense.

Still, I hope someone will watch it and find it interesting and learn about some new things.
You are trying to convert people on a defence forum?
You are trying to convert people on a defence forum?

Why not? They even try to convert people in shopping malls. Ever encountered jehova witness or Scientology?

Your own article says its unlikely that it was a human sacrifice and looks more like a burial.

That said, when we had christianity in the dark ages we had thousands of human sacrifices each year. What else do you call witch burnings and all that madness?
Why not? They even try to convert people in shopping malls. Ever encountered jehova witness or Scientology?
Jehova's Witnesses have often tried to talk to me or give me a "passage from the Holy Scripture". They even left a letter for me once! Other times they just come near me and try to give me leaflets etc.
Jehova's Witnesses have often tried to talk to me or give me a "passage from the Holy Scripture". They even left a letter for me once! Other times they just come near me and try to give me leaflets etc.

Yeah, they are annoying but friendly. I encountered them at a trainstation and they were nice.
That said, when we had christianity in the dark ages we had thousands of human sacrifices each year. What else do you call witch burnings and all that madness?
Ok first of all: Witch burnings were a mostly done by Catholics and Protestants. And it's not like "oh human sacrifices each year". Stop exaggerating and thinking that Abrahamic religions brought "darkness". Stop blaming monotheism.
Ok first of all: Witch burnings were a mostly done by Catholics and Protestants. And it's not like "oh human sacrifices each year". Stop exaggerating and thinking that Abrahamic religions brought "darkness". Stop blaming monotheism.

The rise of abrahamic religion collapsed the world of antiquity and the dark ages came. Thats a matter of fact. Evrything was lost and life expectancy collapsed.

It was basicly a complete annihilation of civilisation.
The rise of abrahamic religion collapsed the world of antiquity and the dark ages came. Thats a matter of fact. Evrything was lost and life expectancy collapsed.

It was basicly a complete annihilation of civilisation.
That's the nonsense dodekatheists say all the time here. Ask a dodekatheist and he will tell you "oooh Byzantium was dark period because Christianity".

Let me explain you something and maybe you will understand.

In old greece man himself was the center of philosophy. Science, art and logic. Standing upright, honorful and proud.

The rise of christianity in Greece and the entire world of the roman empire changed that. Science and art became irrelevant. So much was destroyed. Just look what happened in Alexandria. Logic was dismantelled and replaced by mysticism.

The follwing centuries we could still hold our ground by betting in science "greek fire" for example. But the more religion took over, the weaker we got. The cross did not protect us. The cross made us weaker and in the end we got occupied by the ottomans...our people had to endure horror and terror for hundreds of years. Where was the church then? What did the cross help us? The patriarch worked together with the sultan and basicly functioned like a chain around our neck.

The rise of hellenism and pan-hellenism ignited our revolution that ripped the ottoman empire apart. When our ancestors fought the turks, the patriach in Constantinople preached that we should be calm and obedient and do what the sultan says.

The cross had betrayed our people my friend. It could not protect us against occupation and it was a chain around our necks during the occupation time. Only when we remembered our past, we could get free. It was hellenism that proved to be stronger than the ottomans, not the cross.

The church calls us sheep. But im not a sheep.

This is what motivated our freedom:


And i did really think alot about it today and came to this conclusion
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