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The country with Muslims but no mosque

Can someone please ban this troll. He can't speak German.
Selten so ein Trottel gesehen.
I've notified the mods already. You speak absolutely shitty German just so you know. Tschuss prick

Not using de-keyboard so don't mind the umlauts
Its alladeen News
You point fingers at ours and then get defensive when faced with reality?

Do you see me defensive tiny troll. No, you are wrong on multiple counts there. One, i recognize my country's failures as well as success. I am not a brain dead nationalist like you. My point was very subtle : unequal treatment of minorities by a state legally cannot be passed or excused by simply saying that the aforementioned state is "islamic".
From there on, we had your kind who wants to discuss nothing but try to outrage people (tell me what fun do you get out of that btw, are you so lonely irl that you have to resort to such internet shenanigans) bring in india, cow slaughter and what not.
Another gem from this member : germany will be sanctioned by trump. Lol. Show how much geopolitical knowledge resides in some of the members here.

Anyone who has been following news recently would come up with the same conclusion.
Trump and the Nazi lady of Germany don't see eye to eye on many different aspects be it politics or even economic aspects.
He (Trump) has always talked about the great balance deficit in trade with Germany which is over $40 bn and that will never be acceptable to Trump.

Not to mention, the disagreement between the two leaders regarding the defense spending per gdp of NATO members where America spends about 4% of its gdp on defense while Germany spends only 1 point something on defense.
Above all that, Germany is showing a rebellion attitude against Trump's harsh sanctions on Iran and his decisions over Iran's nuclear deal. Sanctions on Iran will be fully implemented in November and any country doesn't comply with Trump's orders then it will face sever and damaging ramifications be it Germany or even Israel.
Anyone who has been following news recently would come up with the same conclusion.
Trump and the Nazi lady of Germany don't see eye to eye on many different aspects be it politics or even economic aspects.
He (Trump) has always talked about the great balance defect in trade with Germany which is over $40 bn and that will never be acceptable to Trump.

Not to mention, the disagreement between the two leaders regarding the defense spending per gdp of NATO members where America spends about 4% of its gdp on defense while Germany spends only 1 point something on defense.
Above all that, Germany is showing a rebellion attitude against Trump's harsh sanctions on Iran and his decisions over Iran's nuclear deal. Sanctions on Iran will be fully implemented in November and any country doesn't comply with Trump's orders then it will face sever and damaging ramifications be it Germany or even Israel.
Dear sir, all of these are disagreements None of them are even close to being reasons for imposing sanctions.
Go google the list of countries on whom us have placed sanctions and maybe you will get your answer.
Do you see me defensive tiny troll. No, you are wrong on multiple counts there. One, i recognize my country's failures as well as success. I am not a brain dead nationalist like you. My point was very subtle : unequal treatment of minorities by a state legally cannot be passed or excused by simply saying that the aforementioned state is "islamic".
From there on, we had your kind who wants to discuss nothing but try to outrage people (tell me what fun do you get out of that btw, are you so lonely irl that you have to resort to such internet shenanigans) bring in india, cow slaughter and what not.

A country with 97 percent Muslim Population will make laws tailored to its demographics. Thats what democracy is.
Saudi Arabia is not a secular nation. Why some European countries act as hypocrites, says they are secular but act as crusaders?
Most European countries are not secular. Britain is a theocracy with the Church of England holding prime place and the Queen being the representative of the divine.
Tejas is not "ours" to brag.

Unfortunately you are brainwashed, it is actually western govts involved in funding these groups to make lives of Muslim miserable in Muslim countries and then get a reason to invade them. West created AQ and Taliban to crush USSR and destroyed Afghanistan and parts of western Pakistan. West created ISIS to crush Asad and Iran and destroyed Syria, Iraq and Southern Turkeye, West created nonsense about so called bio weapons and destroyed Iraq. After destroying their nations you claimed that they are muslims so they should not enter western countries, my question is why should'nt they? It was the west who destroyed their lands.

Uyghurs are living in their lands and yes there are some bad apples on which we support China, what's the point?

You certainly did not get the point of the message.
Maybe this is helpful...
You are the woman in the story.
A country with 97 percent Muslim Population will make laws tailored to its demographics. Thats what democracy is.
I think you are talking about majoritiarianism, which is a very casual excuse to deny minorities their right. From your logic, any ethnic/religious majority is right by creating laws which are unfair under a democratic framework which discriminates against other minorities.
You know i´m not a friend of Pakistan and all that region but i have to admit that you guys respect your history as we do. At least to a larger degree than arabs. What they build in Saudi Arabia or Dubai are absolute monstrosities.

Dubai for example is a dead city without soul.

You have to admit that I find most of your views repulsive but factually its not easy to deny that the world is heading to a more tribal mentality. I saw it 10 years ago some will understand it 10 years from now. People complaining about equality in other peoples tribes are in for a rude awakening.

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