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The cost of the dysfunction is incalculable. Whereas India is fast becoming a global power, Pakistan has become a global menace

Military leaders were never good at economics. Thats the price Pakistan is paying.
Military leaders were never good at economics. Thats the price Pakistan is paying.
To be fair, it was Bhutto who destroyed the economy with his nationalization program.
Doesn’t matter if its an Indian source - while not a “menace” because that is just Indian venom at play - Pakistan is a regional disaster of a state and nation
But don't worry guys, Zardari will increase reserves to 100 billion, then Nawaz will to 2.6 trillion, and 1 USD will equal to -280 PKR after Dar causes an integer overflow
Mods why are we tolerating this kind of garbage drivel written by Indians..

@waz @The Eagle @LeGenD

Time to curb this Indian farce just yesterday this element came with retard poll. This is Indian disinformation spam.

India is superpower of the highest poverty rate in the world

You belong inside a cow dung bath
Since when did The Economist become an Indian news media?
And is any of that crap you posted even remotely related to the thread?
First , the western countries like US UK Aus EU should cancel the passport of Pakistanis with dual citizenship or Permanent Residences who have set these places as a second base for their activities. China will give them all they want. Unless this starts happening they will be a problem for the West.
Doesn’t matter if its an Indian source - while not a “menace” because that is just Indian venom at play - Pakistan is a regional disaster of a state and nation
In Pakistan or Turkiye, I love people like you. You can tell that your criticism is genuine and not underhanded as it is the case with many Indian 'well-wishers'.

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