That's why I said NPT is hypocritical. There couldn't be any worse treaty than that, considering these countries which have nuclear weapons are called super powers. I too doubt they would ever give up their nuclear weapons.
But it has to start somewhere. That's why I said, China could do something about it. We cannot resent to the fact that they would never give up and we give up our efforts.
Not, it is still useful as it prevents other countries to get nuclear weapon from its signatories, and guess who are not its signatories.
You think NPT is hypocritical because it doesn't allow India to have nuclear weapon under the treaty.
If he is indeed serious, then he could start by disarming US nuclear weapon unilaterally or at least cut its size down to the other's comparable size which 600 will be enough. Those criticism does not overweight the benefits of positive image he got from the public as a man of peace, and the plan will never get pass the congress or senate or UNSC anyways.How do you know if Obama was serious or not. He was actually criticized by american media for thinking he could persuade all to give up their nuclear weapons. But at least he is trying.
As I said before nuclear free South Asia is China's interest, the question is whether India will disarm its nuclear weapon. Don't forget that India tested its first nuclear devices 24 years earlier than Pakistan. Of course it is threatened. Don't drag China into this disarmament also, since China's nuclear weapon is not pointed toward India. If once India agree to drop its nuclear power status, then China will definitely be able to convince Pakistan to do the same.Even India said, if every one gives up, it'll too. But, Pakistan which is conventionally inferior to India to wage a war against it, is opposing it. It is understandable. China could definitely help in this regard.