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The clock is ticking for USA....

Yes Business is Business. But you could always do that business with democratic government as well. Why is china going out of it's way to support those governments with arms, vetoing in every opportunity it gets. you must be naive to believe that it's doing just for business.

It's just supporting a similar political structure that it has. But is it will of average Chinese or the people in those respective countries?

It can't be business as usual.

Regarding innovation I might be wrong. But I definitely read that paper. I study management at Harvard, I read so many papers, its hard to remember each and every one. Sorry, I'll try and find it. But, to put it in perspective, the paper didn't say innovation is not possible in authoritarian states, it just says it is natural in democracies.

I second what Cardsharp has said. Where does people get the idea that a democratic China will be more friendly towards the West. If today China is a democratic country, China will be more hostile towards the west than the pragmatic government China has now.

Letter from China: Angry Youth : The New Yorker
Funny how the USA media had no mention of North Korea until after the IRAQ invasion, after the Iraq invasion the USA media did nothing but churn out articles about North Korea.

North Korea is an isolationist country, their only goals are isolation and reunification.

As for Iran every country should have the right to have nuclear weapons. It is not right when the country with the second largest nuclear stockpile prevents countries that are not aligned with it from building nuclear weapons while keeping its mouth shut about Israel's nuclear stockpile that is easily 100 large. The issue with Iran is not about nuclear weapons, it is a conflict between Islam and Israel.

Thats why China deals with these countries because they have done nothing serious enough to warrant invasion.

Firstly, I do not subscribe to your thought that every country should have a nuclear weapon. On the contrary, no country should have nuclear weapon. NPT, is hypocritical at best. It allows five countries to have nuclear weapons and continue their hegemony and rest has to abide to the rules. According to NPT, these five countries has to work towards eliminating nuclear weapons that includes China.

If every country has nuclear weapons, a lunatic (read admadinejad) could trigger a world war III, effectively eliminating humanity from the planet.

While we should not encourage Iran to have nuclear weapons, US and other countries should work towards drying up their nuclear pile. I think that's what Obama is trying to do. We are no longer living in 1940's. Any nuclear attack could trigger catastrophic reactions, that would make humanity hard to survive.

So my dear friend, you don't have to do anything but just don't encourage every one to have nuclear weapons. You are taking nuclear weapons too lightly just ask Japan of its effects.
I second what Cardsharp has said. Where does people get the idea that a democratic China will be more friendly towards the West. If today China is a democratic country, China will be more hostile towards the west than the pragmatic government China has now.

Letter from China: Angry Youth : The New Yorker

Well it would be mandate of the people and every body has to respect it. It definitely is not now, because it is few members in the party that are taking decisions for them.

I find it hard to believe that democratic China would threaten a democratic US. But, I will take your word for it.
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I think that 1.3 billion people themselves having no ability to criticise their government is a huge price to pay.

Chinese efficiency vs Indian Democracy is another steaming pile of bullshit.

Our leaders were just late to recognize the importance of industrialization and infra structure. Most of the national and local leaders are coming around though.

Gandhi didn't even want industries. The whole nation stayed agrarian oriented for too long. All the silly policy on cottage and small scale industry and the village economy.

Even today, the productivity difference between the largest indian and chinese cities isn't much. China has just managed to industrialize and get good infra to a bigger chunk of its populace.

We're critically behind on states like UP, Bihar, Orissa and WB, whose local governments haven't got enlightened like the South and West just yet and who have over 50% of the population in extreme poverty.

Most of the nation is behind China only in time (10 years) but the sick states have such poor governance that they aren't on track to grow fast.
Firstly, I do not subscribe to your thought that every country should have a nuclear weapon. On the contrary, no country should have nuclear weapon. NPT, is hypocritical at best. It allows five countries to have nuclear weapons and continue their hegemony and rest has to abide to the rules. According to NPT, these five countries has to work towards eliminating nuclear weapons that includes China.

If every country has nuclear weapons, a lunatic (read admadinejad) could trigger a world war III, effectively eliminating humanity from the planet.

While we should not encourage Iran to have nuclear weapons, US and other countries should work towards drying up their nuclear pile. I think that's what Obama is trying to do. We are no longer living in 1940's. Any nuclear attack could trigger catastrophic reactions, that would make humanity hard to survive.

So my dear friend, you don't have to do anything but just don't encourage every one to have nuclear weapons. You are taking nuclear weapons too lightly just ask Japan of its effects.

Yes, no one should have nuclear weapon and guess who has the largest nuclear stockpile of them, and made many threats in the history to use it against those who did not agree with it ideologically.
It is not about being dangerous, but being fair nobody has the right to police the world. There has been a lot of evidence that shows that was is less likely to happen between nuclear armed nations.

War between China and India broke out before China developed the bomb.

Many wars between India and Pakistan have broken out before India developed the bomb.

But with your analogy, there could be a lunatic who just to end this world will trigger a war that humanity couldn't survive. There were wars before, but not to the extent that they could eliminate humanity.

If every country has a nuclear weapons, what happens in a destabilized country if a terrorist gets hold of a nuclear weapon? Would you want that to happen?
dude, i'll take 5 countries with nukes exercising asymmetric power than 100+ countries with nukes any single day of the year.

in case you can do permutations and combinations, the probability of a nuclear weapon getting used in case 2 is about 500 times higher.
I think that 1.3 billion people themselves having no ability to criticise their government is a huge price to pay.

Chinese efficiency vs Indian Democracy is another steaming pile of bullshit.

Our leaders were just late to recognize the importance of industrialization and infra structure. Most of the national and local leaders are coming around though.

Gandhi didn't even want industries. The whole nation stayed agrarian oriented for too long. All the silly policy on cottage and small scale industry and the village economy.

Even today, the productivity difference between the largest indian and chinese cities isn't much. China has just managed to industrialize and get good infra to a bigger chunk of its populace.

We're critically behind on states like UP, Bihar, Orissa and WB, whose local governments haven't got enlightened like the South and West just yet and who have over 50% of the population in extreme poverty.

Most of the nation is behind China only in time (10 years) but the sick states have such poor governance that they aren't on track to grow fast.

The efficiency is not about one's economic output. It is about the government's ability to get things done. Mob rule is not what China wants in its development. If one wants to criticize the government, fine with me, but you better earn your right to do so. Take this forum for example, can one imagine what it will be if the mods do not ban some people, and do not delete some of the posts here?
Well it would be mandate of the people and every body has to respect it. It definitely is not now, because it is few members in the party that are taking decisions for them.

I find it hard to believe that democratic China would threaten a democratic US. I will take your word for it.

If China were democratic 100% of the decisions would be HARDLINE as in China would not BACK DOWN to any other country. China would not be able to settle any of her 14 border disputes due to the fact that the officials are afraid of not getting reelected (basically the situation in India, India has solved none of her border disputes without force).

If China were democratic, the leader would be sending the chinese navy to perform military exercises right next to the USA to win votes and avoid looking weak.
Yes, no one should have nuclear weapon and guess who has the largest nuclear stockpile of them, and made many threats in the history to use it against those who did not agree with it ideologically.

But what are you doing about it. Isn't China powerful enough to persuade others to give up their nuclear stock? I haven't even read a single statement towards it from china in so many years that treaty has formed.

When Obama tried to do it, it was Pakistan that blocked it, for its obvious concerns towards India. China, could have helped in persuading Pakistan in giving up their insecurities. India would have agreed if China was ready to give up its nuclear pile. When you are pointing a finger at someone, remember there are four fingers pointing at you.
Yes, no one should have nuclear weapon and guess who has the largest nuclear stockpile of them, and made many threats in the history to use it against those who did not agree with it ideologically.

The USSR has the largest stockpile, and no they never threaten to use it against any country other than the USA, but thats only a response to USA aggression.

The efficiency is not about one's economic output. It is about the government's ability to get things done. Mob rule is not what China wants in its development. If one wants to criticize the government, fine with me, but you better earn your right to do so. Take this forum for example, can one imagine what it will be if the mods does not ban people, and delete some of the posts here?

i am not one of those who believes that the government has much do with growth in a free market system. it doesn't have to get much done except things like defense and common infrastructure where private actors don't have the power to get things done.

as long as the law works, private actors will make industrial and technological growth happen. just get out of their way.
Clock is ticking for America....

When you compare US and China, we only discuss GDP.

Yes China will overtake America in future, but it cant replace US.

First compare the Political system. One has democratic system, other has a controlled democracy as chinese claim.

US has world policies to save world from future nuclear war,it plays its role in stabilising democracy in other parts. It has its opinion on every major conflicts in world. While china is only considered in economic relation also that based on its on its profit only not on mutual basiis.

The quality of Human resources is also very important. And US is far ahead.

US is a open society, where people can come on basis of talent and grow and help other grow. But other is a closed country.

there are many points.
I think china's advantage of low cost manufacturing is not for long, some country will replace it in future.
The efficiency is not about one's economic output. It is about the government's ability to get things done. Mob rule is not what China wants in its development. If one wants to criticize the government, fine with me, but you better earn your right to do so. Take this forum for example, can one imagine what it will be if the mods do not ban some people, and do not delete some of the posts here?

But Mods could be good or bad. What happens if you get a bad mod, who deletes a good one and keeps the bad comments. If you wrest the entire power on one person or system, there is possibility of above scenario.

But obviously you really are not comparing forum to people's lives. Forum you can ignore but how can you ignore the government that is ruling you.
But with your analogy, there could be a lunatic who just to end this world will trigger a war that humanity couldn't survive. There were wars before, but not to the extent that they could eliminate humanity.

If every country has a nuclear weapons, what happens in a destabilized country if a terrorist gets hold of a nuclear weapon? Would you want that to happen?

A terrorist would never be able to get his hands on a nuclear weapon, a nuclear weapon costs a lot of money to build, a government is not just going to keep them not locked up.

Its about MORALS, if you have a gun and you prevent other people from getting guns then they are just going to resent you. What do you think is going to happen in this situation? somebody will find a way to build a better gun and kill the guy who was policing the world or everybody will attempt to gang up against the guy policing.

And why do people assume that nuclear weapons are THE MOST POWERFUL? in the future there will be weapons that are even more powerful.

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