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The clock is ticking for USA....

China's governing system is nowhere near perfect but given that it has a country of 1.3 Billion to manage its doing pretty well, needless to say sacrifices have been made by millions for it to reach the level its at today but unfortunately it is a necessary evil.
How sanitizing is the word 'sacrifices'. You made it sound like those millions willingly went to their horrific deaths.

China's censors are aimed towards inflammatory talk aimed at the communist party, if they had wanted to quell the strikes they could have easily used military / policing to stop it.
So the communist party is much more insecure than the American Democrat or Republican party.

Capitalism is typically better for an economy because it basis its foundation on greed which humans excel in, but this also drives progress which is good for its civilization on whole. But it still has to be controlled by someone at the helm which can make good impartial decisions ensuring the country moves in the right direction which creates the capitalist/communist hybrid system adopted by China.
Ah...The old 'benevolent dictatorship' argument trotted out again. Let us know when you find one.

Maybe you can shed some opinions on this from a US point of view.
US presidents are usually backed by big companies to fund their election campaign, wouldn't this cause a conflict of interest as the companies would expect his party to make decisions to help their businesses which may not be in line with the publics interest? How would this compare with China's system?
By what do you mean 'backed'?

The FEC and the Federal Campaign Finance Law Brochure
How sanitizing is the word 'sacrifices'. You made it sound like those millions willingly went to their horrific deaths.

So the communist party is much more insecure than the American Democrat or Republican party.

Ah...The old 'benevolent dictatorship' argument trotted out again. Let us know when you find one.

By what do you mean 'backed'?

The FEC and the Federal Campaign Finance Law Brochure

The query is directed at Captain America, if I want the opinion of someone with his head up his a*s you would be the first on the list
China may grow old before it gets rich, new study warns - World - www.smh.com.au

So you are going take lessons on capitalism and rely on a country who is straining to learn about capitalism and yet will probably be too old to reach the level of prosperity the US have achieved for longer than that country's modern history. Keep it up. :lol:

May once again let you down, China's population decline because of policy, so also through policies to increase, China's family planning policy has changed some, China's policy is flexible and change according to need.
The query is directed at Captain America, if I want the opinion of someone with his head up his a*s you would be the first on the list
This is a publicly accessible forum where everyone's comments are available for all to see. So get your head out of your own anus and accept the fact that you can be challenged at any time by anyone.
The level of the Chinese Communist Party is in power than in the United States should add up all the political parties is good, if you have mind to consider the foundation of China and the United States under the foundation, China's actual situation and the actual situation facing the United States. Looking at the results, you will know CCP's ability to be much better than the United States all political parties.
This is a publicly accessible forum where everyone's comments are available for all to see. So get your head out of your own anus and accept the fact that you can be challenged at any time by anyone.

Sorry in order to challenge someone you need to post something intelligent in the first place. And from your comments I doubt very much you've been out of the US often or even visited China or India.

Your opinions must matter a lot, to make 3,000 post and not thank a single person for theirs? Thats amazing we should all bow down to the great Gambit. :woot:
Sorry in order to challenge someone you need to post something intelligent in the first place. And from your comments I doubt very much you've been out of the US often or even visited China or India.
The forum's 'Search' feature must be awfully difficult for you.

...we should all bow down to the great Gambit. :woot:
Not everyone. But you may start if you wish.
Sorry in order to challenge someone you need to post something intelligent in the first place. And from your comments I doubt very much you've been out of the US often or even visited China or India.

Your opinions must matter a lot, to make 3,000 post and not thank a single person for theirs? Thats amazing we should all bow down to the great Gambit. :woot:

Yeah I noticed that too, I think he has some sort of social problem.
May once again let you down, China's population decline because of policy, so also through policies to increase, China's family planning policy has changed some, China's policy is flexible and change according to need.

You're right, it will be easy to change the "one-child" policy according to need. :cheers:
The query is directed at Captain America, if I want the opinion of someone with his head up his a*s you would be the first on the list

I dont think this rudeness is necessary. But I will answer the question as well as I can. Poltical contributions come both from unions as well as non unions. They do influence the politicans. There has been attempts to limit that influence. Obama is supported by unions because he has promised to support laws that would allow unions to form with out elections by just the majority signing a membership card. I think that would be a disaster. USA is far from perfect, just seems the best thing around so far.
You're right, it will be easy to change the "one-child" policy according to need. :cheers:
But it does not change the deeply ingrained preference for males over females. I see no need to post sources showing the disparity of this in China. What about immigration? Will the Chinese government limit immigration in order to retain the young adults vital to any country? Will the Chinese government, not only remove the 'one child' policy, but actually order families to have more than one child?
China Group: Facebook Used to Sow Unrest
Beijing-Backed Think Tank Accuses West of Using Social Networks To Sow Unrest

"China Renews Google's License despite Friction
Regimes Winning Online Battles, Group Says
(AP) A Chinese government-backed think tank has accused the U.S. and other Western governments of using social networking sites like Facebook to spur political unrest and called for stepped-up scrutiny of the wildly popular sites.

As China's online population - the world's largest - surges past the 400 million mark, its Communist government is growing increasingly sensitive to any online threats to its authority. Although Beijing operates an extensive system of monitoring and censorship to block material deemed subversive, the Internet is still the most open and lively forum for discussion in a society where traditional media are controlled by the state.

Twitter, for instance, has emerged as a gathering place for dissidents and other politically minded Chinese wanting to voice their complaints and share information. Though the government routinely bans sites like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, technologically savvy users can easily jump China's "Great Firewall" with proxy servers or other alternatives"

Something has to be bad wrong when a goverment is afraid of Facebook, Twitter and You Tube. Can you really not get on these sites in China.
I dont think this rudeness is necessary.

Fair point, unfrotunately I have this reaction to one sided opinions :disagree:

But I will answer the question as well as I can. Poltical contributions come both from unions as well as non unions. They do influence the politicans. There has been attempts to limit that influence. Obama is supported by unions because he has promised to support laws that would allow unions to form with out elections by just the majority signing a membership card. I think that would be a disaster. USA is far from perfect, just seems the best thing around so far.

It does seem that the influence on the presidency by big businesses is in decline (especially after this economic disaster) which is a damn good thing. IMO some of the big cooperations have really messed up the US with short term greediness (GM tearing down public transport network, Failure of the banks etc) which would actually have benefited the whole country and its citizens if properly regulated, I hope Obama does a better job then some of his past predecessor.

That said the US governance and education system does a great job by encouraging a hotbed of new innovations which is a class of its own. I think this alone is what makes the US so special and sets it apart from everyone else.
Fair point, unfrotunately I have this reaction to one sided opinions :disagree:

It does seem that the influence on the presidency by big businesses is in decline (especially after this economic disaster) which is a damn good thing. IMO some of the big cooperations have really messed up the US with short term greediness (GM tearing down public transport network, Failure of the banks etc) which would actually have benefited the whole country and its citizens if properly regulated, I hope Obama does a better job then some of his past predecessor.

That said the US governance and education system does a great job by encouraging a hotbed of new innovations which is a class of its own. I think this alone is what makes the US so special and sets it apart from everyone else.

I think it was a number of things, USA was one of the first goverments that though people should rule them selves. Freedom of religion. Freedom of speech. People from many differant countries. It is said a tree with many roots is allways the strongest. I think more then a quarter of the US patents are by immigrants, Luck of the draw in haveing oceans on both sides. Freedom of speech is a big one, sunshine laws, I dont trust polticans and if was not for the freedom of press I am not sure how much more corruption and abuses of power would take place.
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Soon USA will have to move over for China to take over the title "World's largest economy". LOL

USA's economy is just less than thrice the Chinese economy.
And seeing China's population composition and its mainstream industries.
China is no where near USA.

The future,as i have read on the net saw interviews of experts,isn't too good for China.
Firstly,one child policy is hurting China in the back.
Secondly,China emphasizes of dealing in light material,which proves to be beneficial to the economy in the short term,not in the long one.
Thirdly,China is sooooooooo very over-confident and boasting about its growth rather than mending it's other internal problems,USA doesn't face any of those whatsoever.
So China surpassing USA?:hang2::lazy:
will merely be a dream for them,at least for the next 50-60 years.
And this is not my opinion,i have concluded such a post by knowing the opinion of the experts.

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