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The Christian Underground In 'Atheist' China

And would prohibit the practice of my faith, among others.

And being subservient to State authority. No thanks.

Eh, just stating that's how things work in China. You can run your country anyway you wish.
What's the difference? Do you think there is actually an invisible man in the sky created the universe in 7 days, listens to everyone's conversation, watches everyone's moves, loves his children so much that he created diseases to kill them, etc...BUT he wants you to worship him preferably on Sunday because he needs to rest?

Christianity breeds stupidity. Feel sorry for people who waste their entire life following stories written by camel jockies from 2000 years ago, whose knowledge of the world was 10 miles radius where they live. It's 2013 and people still believe in this? I thought having a higher IQ would prevent one from believing such nonsense. :china:

That's a rather stupid statement on so many levels.

First of all, humans have limited knowledge, and will always have. since you are one of the humans, I am pretty sure, you certainly don't know everything in this universe or even beyond this universe. When you said there could possibly be no supernatural beings, was that just your imagination, your belief? How do you know that? Did you conduct any factual research? To just dismiss any possibility of unknown world is ignorance and arrogance. It's just your belief versus their belief since neither you nor believers can prove or disprove existence of supernatural beings.

Second, even if you are correct that there is no super being, you or any government or 3rd party, has no right to tell an individual what to believe in. For the government to interfere in citizens' life, in modern politics, the government must prove that citizens' actions harm the public interest significantly. Please do tell me how I would harm the public interest "significantly" if I think there were supernatural beings or angels, or ghosts.

Always keep an open mind and respect others' choice, even if you don't believe in something.

As a claimer, I am not a Christian so I am not trying to defend religion for self interest. Religion is like any belief, should be respected, but not forced. Of course, when a belief system, whether it's Christianity, Muslim, or communism, is forced upon people by various means, that's evil and should be stopped.
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If you have faith in Jesus, you will be ... never worry about poison

16:17 These signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new languages;

16:18 they will pick up snakes with their hands, and whatever poison they drink will not harm them; they will place their hands on the sick and they will be well.”
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