I have only two negative thoughts about China. The first is the policy of concentration camps on the Uyghur issue, and the other is the control madness of the state over individuals on a scale up to practices such as social credit. Both of them have nothing to do with what we are talking about right now.You cannot refute the facts by attacking or by trying to discredit people. Although this method is the most used one by Chinese social media/forum users, at least it does not produce accurate results for this process.
No I do not have any anti-Chinese agenda, on the contrary, I am one of the turkish members with the most sympathy for China's near future global role in this forum. You can also review my messages at the very beginning of the process regarding Covid/wuhan pandemi. Despite those chinese(and false flaggers) members, who trolling almost all turkish-related titles with hate speeches like you...
This issue has nothing to do with me. I did not even open this title. But you are attacking to me directly even after 2 lines of message; and from 8,000 kilometers away, you are really!!! writing something about how much they love China while the peoples of Europe are experiencing one of the deepest traumas in modern history. The truth is that people don't care about China or US, but there's a growing anger towards everything that causes it, true or false. This creates a ground suitable for anti-Chinese focuses. No anti-Chinese writes them to you. But according to your logic, we have to say nothing contrary to the interests of China. Whatever needs to be said about China, the staff members who have an average of 50 titles every day in here, will tell us.
The irony is that I have not even criticized China above. Some members still cant see the illness of the situation in Europe. Today, maybe the biggest paradigm shift has been shaping since World War II. Due to what has been happening in the past 3 months, anti-Chinese populism in many parts of the western has started to find a basis. The fact that you reject this, make fun of news sources and even humiliate people who say it, does not destroy this phenomenon. You need more reliable strategy. The fact that you cannot understand this is probably related to your growing up under intense control and to become masses defending every policy of your state without hasitation. You have the problem of being an Individual here. At the same time, this is the biggest paradox of China which is on the way to become a superpower in the future.