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The Chinatown bus driver who killed 15 Chinese passengers found not guilty

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Actually, the charge did not gone throught is not about race or hatred or whatever, but the Prosecutor just aiming too high.

If he would have dropped manslaughter and negligent homicide, if the prosecutor go for 2nd degree vehicular manslaughter, he might have got it.
Kind of surprised how the Chinese government didn't get involved by appointing top-class lawyers for the victims.

Were the victims Chinese nationals?

From the report above, it sounds like they were Chinese-Americans.

Also, was there a lot of racially charged publicity around this trial?
Racial discrimination comes in an ugly way in the states in which all Asian ppl were attacked by some rednecks. only the sick retards like OP thought the rednecks would distinguish South Koreans from Chinese just because South Koreans are rednecks' favored lackeys, ever remember what happened in LA? Wake up you sick fxxk, your parents must have been raped by the Chinese I get it you hate them, but for all Asians in the states, it is 'bout time for all Asian ppl to fight racial discrimination together.
Racial discrimination comes in an ugly way in the states in which all Asian ppl were attacked by some rednecks. only the sick retards like OP thought the rednecks would distinguish South Koreans from Chinese just because South Koreans are rednecks' favored lackeys, ever remember what happened in LA? Wake up you sick fxxk, your parents must have been raped by the Chinese I get it you hate them, but for all Asians in the states, it is 'bout time for all Asian ppl to fight racial discrimination together.

another Chinese with his ****** mouth on PDF. Oh well, the trait continues...

The word Fil T H Y is censored here?:disagree:
there is no evidence of racial discrimination shown in this case, but apparently OP thought the Chinese were racially discriminated and because there is nothing else he could find any satisfaction of success in his real life, so he was so eager to show off this false pride.

It is because of such retards that some people in the west think it is ok to discriminate some groups of people if not all minorities. remember the case in which a Sikh guy (or was it a Sikh temple? I lost my track) was assaulted by a redneck recently? some media was like" it is unfortunate that he was mistaken by the attacker for a Muslim", what the fxxk does that mean? so it would have been ok to attack him if he were really a Muslim? so it would have made sense that he was attacked? The retarded OP thought he is happy that Chinese got racially discriminated, similarly some people think Muslims should be discriminated, but at the end, all minorities got attacked. Do you know what some rednecks posted after watching red dawn? "I would love to kill some asians after watching the movie"

I am glad that the Koreans that I know in the states are not that stupid.
you are no better than OP if not worse. I really found you pathetic especially Indian people also got attacked in the states, and the reason why some Indian people were attacked was due to the mindset of you and OP. Again, I should feel lucky that my Indian friends in the states are not like you.

another Chinese with his ****** mouth on PDF. Oh well, the trait continues...

The word Fil T H Y is censored here?:disagree:
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