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The Child-Murderer alias Al-Asshead's barrel bombs kill 517 civilians in a fortnight


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia

A child is rescued from under the rubble of a collapsed building in the Maysar neighbourhood of Aleppo on Saturday. (Reuters)

Published — Monday 30 December 2013

Last update 29 December 2013 11:33 pm

BEIRUT: Regime airstrikes on the northern Syrian province of Aleppo have killed at least 517 people since Dec. 15, including 151 children, a monitor said on Sunday.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said a string of regime aerial attacks on the province, including second city Aleppo, with raids using explosives-packed barrels, had also killed 46 women.
At least 46 opposition fighters, including 34 rebels and 12 jihadists from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, but the majority of the dead were civilians, the Observatory said.
Recent weeks have seen a relentless aerial campaign targeting towns and villages across Aleppo province.
On Saturday, helicopters dropped TNT-packed barrels on a vegetable market and next to a hospital in Aleppo city, killing at least 25 civilians, including children.
The Britain-based Observatory, strongly condemned the raids, and urged the international community to intervene. “The Observatory considers all those who remain silent in the international community as complicit in the massacres that have been committed and continue to be committed by the Syrian regime,” it said.
Meanwhile, the leader of the eurosceptic UK Independence Party Nigel Farage said Sunday that Britain should take in Syrian refugees.
The comments are unexpected from Farage, who has led opposition to the lifting of limits on migrants from Bulgaria and Romania on January 1, 2014.
British Prime Minister David Cameron’s government has rejected calls from the UN and rights groups to resettle some of the most vulnerable of the estimated 2.3 million people who have fled the Syrian war.
“I think refugees are a very different thing to economic migration and I think that this country should honour the spirit of the 1951 declaration on refugee status that was agreed,” Farage told the BBC.

Assad’s barrel bombs kill 517 in a fortnight | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

Oh, Allah (swt) destroy the Child-Murderer and tyrant and his criminal and anti-Muslim gangs that are killing thousands of Muslims in the land of Al-Sham, heal the wounds of the wounded and give victory to your religion and people and punish the perpetrators in Syria and their financial and military supporters with a firm hand. Ameen.


A child is rescued from under the rubble of a collapsed building in the Maysar neighbourhood of Aleppo on Saturday. (Reuters)

Published — Monday 30 December 2013

Last update 29 December 2013 11:33 pm

Assad’s barrel bombs kill 517 in a fortnight | Arab News — Saudi Arabia News, Middle East News, Opinion, Economy and more.

Oh, Allah (swt) destroy the Child-Murderer and tyrant and his criminal and anti-Muslim gangs that are killing thousands of Muslims in the land of Al-Sham, heal the wounds of the wounded and give victory to your religion and people and punish the perpetrators in Syria and their financial and military supporters with a firm hand. Ameen.

Inshallah brother he will die just as savages and oppressors have before like firaun,Gaddafi, and just as them this pig will die the way he lived the death of a pig may Allah deprive him of children just as he deprived families and may Allah punish his followers.
If they are civilians then God will give them justice in the day if judgment
Shell-shocked Syrian girl after bombardments on civilians (1 out of thousands of such daily bombardments) that the war criminal and mass child-murderer Al-Asshead was behind and his hideous and criminal Nusayri regime sponsored by criminal states such as Russia and the fake wannabe Arab Mullah led "Islamic" Iran.

Just another day in Syria and just another bombardment by the Nusayri war criminal and mass child-murderer.

Back in November 2011 the estimate was that 11.000 Syrian children had died.

The 11,000 child victims of Syria's war - Telegraph

A new report by the London-based Oxford Research Group, entitled Stolen Futures – the Hidden Toll of Child Casualties in Syria, provides some of the most distressing figures to emerge from civil war. Of the 11,420 victims aged 17 and under, more than 70 per cent died from “explosive weapons”, air strikes and artillery shells fired on civilian areas.

All of that is the work of the Child-Murderer.
Oh, Allah (swt) destroy the Child-Murderer and tyrant and his criminal and anti-Muslim gangs that are killing thousands of Muslims in the land of Al-Sham, heal the wounds of the wounded and give victory to your religion and people and punish the perpetrators in Syria and their financial and military supporters with a firm hand. Ameen.

what about the financial and military supporters of military junta in egypt that has also killed thousands of egyptians????????????
what about the financial and military supporters of military junta in egypt that has also killed thousands of egyptians????????????

>1000 died in Egypt since the first protests until today. I love how you didn't address the situation in Syria. The stupidity of your comment is most evident, it’s borderline plain stupid to make a comparison between Egypt and Syria. Although your comment suggests otherwise, I believe you aren't stupid. You made this comment merely because this thread was posted by Mr. Al-hasani. a Saudi Arabian that you are not a big fan of... which is also stupid. cheers.
Civilians are always the first casualties of war. IMO this is payback for what insurgents did in Adra to pro government civilians.
>1000 died in Egypt since the first protests until today. I love how you didn't address the situation in Syria. The stupidity of your comment is most evident, it’s borderline plain stupid to make a comparison between Egypt and Syria. Although your comment suggests otherwise, I believe you aren't stupid. You made this comment merely because this thread was posted by Mr. Al-hasani. a Saudi Arabian that you are not a big fan of... which is also stupid. cheers.
well thats because countries like turkey , ksa, jordan, israel, usa, uk, france, etc didnt stepped in to ignite a mutiny against the government.
>1000 died in Egypt since the first protests until today. I love how you didn't address the situation in Syria. The stupidity of your comment is most evident, it’s borderline plain stupid to make a comparison between Egypt and Syria. Although your comment suggests otherwise, I believe you aren't stupid. You made this comment merely because this thread was posted by Mr. Al-hasani. a Saudi Arabian that you are not a big fan of... which is also stupid. cheers.
and how do you know that???? yes on some of the issues i have huge difference of opinion with al-hasani but on some i have complete understanding,, this is how things are, there is no such thing as 100 perent agreement on each and every thing,,,

Civilians are always the first casualties of war. IMO this is payback for what insurgents did in Adra to pro government civilians.
also in alawitte villages of latakia governate in 2013,,,,
Word has it Assad has received Smerch from Russia :o: If true this won't bode well for insurgents.
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well thats because countries like turkey , ksa, jordan, israel, usa, uk, france, etc didnt stepped in to ignite a mutiny against the government.

Agreed. However, there has been three Egyptian governments since 2011 in which all used power to crush protesters. The countries you have mentioned above reacted differently towards each government. It also doesn't necessarily mean less people would've died without their support.

and how do you know that???? yes on some of the issues i have huge difference of opinion with al-hasani but on some i have complete understanding,, this is how things are, there is no such thing as 100 perent agreement on each and every thing,,,

I used logic. would you say "what about the financial and military supporters of military junta in egypt that has also killed thousands of egyptians????????????" if the one who posted this thread was .. idk .. a Japanese?

You got all defensive, saying what about this and that rather than addressing the issue. Cheers
Over the past few years, arab posters have constantly wished death upon Iranians, have always stated that they would love to see the US attack Iran and generally been their arab selves if you know what I mean.

Over the same years, arabs have been killed by the hundreds of thousands all the way from North Africa to every part of the Middle East.

Keep bringing Iran into every discussion. Meanwhile lose hundreds of thousands of your kind every decade.
Word has it Assad has received Smerch from Russia :o: If true this won't bode well for insurgents.
Syria is waiting since 2011 on 36 Yak-130s. They should deliver on that contract immediately. I don't think Smerch and Uragan rocket launchers are very useful in this type of war.
Syria is waiting since 2011 on 36 Yak-130s. They should deliver on that contract immediately. I don't think Smerch and Uragan rocket launchers are very useful in this type of war.

IMO aircraft are not useful in urban warfare. I'd rather Russia deliver RPG-32 to SAA / NDF than aircraft. RPG-32 are terror to personal, armor, fortifications.
I don't know whether this news is true or not .

But this is sad to see innocent people form both sides dying easily .

I hope this war ends in favor of Syrians as soon as possible .
Over the past few years, arab posters have constantly wished death upon Iranians, have always stated that they would love to see the US attack Iran and generally been their arab selves if you know what I mean.

Over the same years, arabs have been killed by the hundreds of thousands all the way from North Africa to every part of the Middle East.

Keep bringing Iran into every discussion. Meanwhile lose hundreds of thousands of your kind every decade.

I'm Arabian and i don't wish death upon Iranians. On the other hand, I've got many persian friends/cousins who would love to see the U.S/U.K. bombing those nutty ayatollahs. They even have a community here that calls just for that i have attended once.

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