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The Burkini Ban Shows Our Power

Wait. I forgot. You believe in evolution? :what:
1. Muslim means one who submits to Allah.

Muslim means one thing: Submit to Arab supremacy.

You do not need to believe me for that. I am directly quoting a Saudi cleric:


And ask any honest and brave sociologist about Islam. He would call it vehicle of Arab racial supremacism straight up.
Muslim means one thing: Submit to Arab supremacy.

You do not need to believe me for that. I am directly quoting a Saudi cleric:


And ask any honest and brave sociologist about Islam. He would call it vehicle of Arab racial supremacism straight up.

Don't waste your time enlightening them.

They will continue worshipping Arabs as their religious masters no matter what.
They will continue worshipping Arabs as their religious masters no matter what.
Your are also "birds of the feather" with the Islamists.

They worship Arabs

You worship Nepali "Japs"

Why. Could it because the Gurkhas proved their bravery in Amritsar in 1919?

That is essentially the point of islam
I would not go that far. Yes, there are certain permutations that carry that message but that broad brush you used ignores the nuanced reality. Christianity, Judaism also carry the same DNA markers.
You worship Nepali "Japs"

Why. Could it because the Gurkhas proved their bravery in Amritsar in 1919?

I would not go that far. Yes, there are certain permutations that carry that message but that broad brush you used ignores the nuanced reality. Christianity, Judaism also carry the same DNA markers.


Worship Gurkha japs? :blink:

What the heck is that supposed to mean?

I am a Bhutia. Not a Gurkha. My state hails both and many more groups.

What the heck are you trying to say man...?
You can go straight to hell. One second you say you believe in "God's sole sovereignty" and then in one instant you take it upon yourself to judge me?

Who appointed you to judge my faith? The almighty? Or have you arrogated that which belongs to almighty unto yourself?

Ps. I have to go now but we will pick this up later. But I will ask again who appointed you?

Ditto. But how do confirm

I will myself what I want. That is between me and my maker. How dare you? You are not a appointed agent of the almighty, how you dare arrogate a right that only is invested in the almighty.

Can you please shove your suggestion up your dark recess, with respect.

Yes muslims get to judge others based on revelation from Allah (swt) i.e the Quran and Sunnah of His messenger. Also there is a very basic tenet of Islam which is - Enjoying what is right and forbidding what's wrong and evil. Doing dawah and giving good advice to fellow muslims who are astray is essential duty of every single muslims. Eg. if a muslim mistakenly thinks out of sheer ignorance that drinking alcohol is OK and not a sin then its the duty of his family and friends or those muslims close him to correct him. You can NOT do dawah and give advice if you don't judge. Allah (swt) has laid out the criteria for making those judgements in very clear and unequivocal terms.

Don't secularist make judgements too? Muslims are now called by secularists and western liberals as homophobic , misogynist , radical , extremist , terrorist etc for holding onto orthodox islamic beliefs. What are these judgements based on? - These judgements are based on clear cut liberal secular values and standard that you people believe to be absolute truths. In fact you people don't remain content with just judging , you bomb and slaughter people based on your judgements.

Enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil


Judging by that which Allaah has revealed

That doesn't mean individuals can do takfir on others. And by the looks of it the poster you quoted did NOT do takfir on you either. Only islamic scholars trained in jurisprudence and sanctioned by the state can do that after careful investigation. What he did is call a self-proclaimed secularist a secularist. What else do you expect? Why are you so angry? If i call a self proclaimed hindutvadi PDF member a Hindutvadi should that guy become angry?

The poster you quoted or any muslim for that matter can and should rebuke heretical beliefs emanating from you or anyone else. All prophets , their companions and righteous people who followed them has done it for ages and that's why by the grace of Allah (swt) orthodoxy always triumphs over heresy.

And Allah (swt) knows best.

Then why don't you go to saudi arabia or something? Btw the fact that such poisonous ideals come from the mouth of another Turk.. is just scary..

Should all turks think like you? That's very arrogant and ludicrously condescending. Its really amusing that someone can even think like that.

@Kaptaan look at this secularists judging a fellow turk.

This is not secularism vs religion...this is civil rights vs popular vote....whether or not you should put civil rights of citizens up for vote by other citizens is debatable(as it technically goes against democracy)...I think the french do not even know what they want..their court(which I think should base its opinion on its constitution) says one thing the public says another....so either the french people are too stupid to understand their own ideals....or their ideals don't fit their choice.

Contemporary Civil rights are based on secular liberal beliefs and values.

The french secularism being inherently dogmatic and intolerant provides arguments for such ban. SO this is secularism VS religion.

Neither they are obligated to fit, nor any country is obligated to be fit for them.

And people like you are obligated to dictate how they lead their life?

Wait. I forgot. You believe in evolution? :what:

NO I don't believe in evolution.

But that picture is a nice way of trolling westerners and their boot licking hindutvadi lackeys.
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Muslim means one thing: Submit to Arab supremacy.

You do not need to believe me for that. I am directly quoting a Saudi cleric:


And ask any honest and brave sociologist about Islam. He would call it vehicle of Arab racial supremacism straight up.
Read the prophets farewell sermon and see how rubbing this statement is. Sorry for enlightening you.

"Indeed, there is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, nor of a non-Arab over an Arab, nor of a white over a black, nor a black over a white, except by taqwa."

Many Arabs are just naturally racist. That's just how some are. Islam tells us to not be racist. Satan was the first racist according to the Quran.
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I understand that 'nation' can conceptually mean many things. But if you are the 'best nation' then why are do all those who believe like you still live in the western world?. Should they not live where all of them believe in Allah?

if we dont then how would you learn about Islam and convert when time comes :)
Read the prophets farewell sermon and see how rubbing this statement is. Sorry for enlightening you.

"Indeed, there is no superiority of an Arab over a non-Arab, nor of a non-Arab over an Arab, nor of a white over a black, nor a black over a white, except by taqwa."

Many Arabs are just naturally racist. That's just how some are. Islam tells us to not be racist. Satan was the first racist according to the Quran.

Brother you are absolutely right. But don't malign the whole arab race and stereotype them , they are our brothers. Also don't bad mouth this person in the picture. The only information you have is this internet meme posted by a non-muslims and that too hindutvadis who hates islam with a passion. There are lots of propaganda against islam , islamic scholars and also arabs in particular. How many times has it that after all the damage was done , the false propagandas against arabs and muslim scholars were proven to be false eg. the false claim that a saudi sheikh allowed cannabilism.

SO plase do NOT bad mouth the person in question or the arabs in general based on online statements of bigots.
Brother you are absolutely right. But don't malign the whole arab race and stereotype them , they are our brothers. Also don't bad mouth this person in the picture. The only information you have is this internet meme posted by a non-muslims and that too hindutvadis who hates islam with a passion. There are lots of propaganda against islam , islamic scholars and also arabs in particular. How many times has it that after all the damage was done , the false propagandas against arabs and muslim scholars were proven to be false eg. the false claim that a saudi sheikh allowed cannabilism.

SO plase do NOT bad mouth the person in question or the arabs in general based on online statements of bigots.

I said some and most meaning not all. Many of them are racist.
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