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The birth of a liberal movement in Pakistan

Shoaib Malik have well known Muslim wife and their marriage has more to do with treatment of Indians with Sania.
Shoaib is not sitting in key positions and ironically is treated badly due to Indian control over Pakistan govt. full of traitors like Taseer.

But Shoaib was part Pakistani team playing Srilanka and could have passed passed crucial details such as movement of the srilankan team to Taseer ...who could further forwarded this information to his Indian wife and arranged for an attack on srilankan team!!:azn:
2 Kinda ppl need to exterminated(not in the real sense):
Religious Extremists
Liberal Extremists!

That is very well said..! Extremism in every sense is bad. We have an extremism problem for sure but the way this "movement" is started, it is only going to polarize society more instead of decreasing the gaps between them.
assalam alaikum

there was some kind of rally in lahore in support of ST not many maybe undrer a hundered and there were rallies in the support of the law i saw thousands in karachi fazlu was making his speach , munawwar and abu alkhair etc and other parts of the country. i dont if leberal our forum attended the rally in lahore how many were there ?

=graphican;1402625]Islam if implemented in its spirit has protection and all the liberties you can expect out of a society.. When people misuse laws or are misguided doesn't make them followers but those are identified as misguided people.. I would have appreciated more if there was a movement to cleanse misconceptions instead of showing a polarity to Principles of Islam.

Islam its implement in full force in Pakistan there are mosques , mullahs , preachers & practitioners every where to confirm this. Most in Pakistan are muslims and Islam is in our blood , we follow Islam and its preachings in our daily lives according to our defination and interpretations. If we try another movement as you suggested to cleanse misconseptions it would again lead no where .. i think by this time pakistanis have realised confusing religion with state affairs will bring no change and rather harm the image of Islam.

for "Taseer became symbol for the liberals and Mumtaz Qadri for the rightists"

Thats called the "bad sample" in both ways. Neither Qadri followed the book nor Taseer was a flag-barrer of liberals. He died but didn't embraced death during the fight standing for the liberals or fighting as a fighter. He got assassinated though he had liberal views.. it sad in itself but not a "sacrifice".. so lets not glamorize the victim nor the culprit.

qadri was a lunatic cold blooded murderer , whether he was used or it was an indivisuals act the whole world has condemned it .... as far as ST was concerned one doesnt really have to pick up a sword and go after extremists , he was more vocal and was threatened few times however he never gave up and was eventually murdered and if you are not agreeing to the fact note that he was a governor in a country where where serving presidents and PM's were murdered in cold blood.
That is very well said..! Extremism in every sense is bad. We have an extremism problem for sure but the way this "movement" is started, it is only going to polarize society more instead of decreasing the gaps between them.

you are right and there is extreme polarization in our society today.you can see the irony in the most simple act of eating while one is done sitting in some fashionable corner of a fancy resturant(where assumingly the majority will be liberal) and the other is done in the slums of khema bastis and old narrow dark houses where there isnt even enough food avialable to quench the hunger properly.I wonder how liberal can such a person get where thr whole life revolves around social,political,moral and legal injustice and the only solace left to them is religion to which they hold on like the last piece of bread on earth.unless this so called liberal movement can provide that equality to 80 to 85% of the population of pakistan all its gona achieve is some space in some editorials,blogs and forums and few hundred people in some street protest where latest fashion and social gossip would be the height of discussions.
assalam alaikum

there was some kind of rally in lahore in support of ST not many maybe undrer a hundered and there were rallies in the support of the law i saw thousands in karachi fazlu was making his speach , munawwar and abu alkhair etc and other parts of the country. i dont if leberal our forum attended the rally in lahore how many were there ?


yes there were few people however in khi it was jamat s islami and another banned jamat cashing up , they did brought in few supporters but note that pakistanis dont give mandate to such lunatics as proven by election results since last few decades
If you guys think that Salman Taseer, Zardari, Gilani, etc are faces of liberalism in Pakistan, then i guess this "liberal" phenomenon is standing on pretty thin legs and won't survive. and i really hope that it doesn't.

Liberalism is not bad phenomenon. The concept and meaning of liberalism is to liberate the soul from all sorts of social structures and material strains. that includes freedom from shackles of slavery, political freedom, freedom to live a free and justly. and this is why Pakistan was came into being to liberate the muslims of subcontinent from hindu domination in all spheres of life.

But these corrupt liberals constantly use examples of Iqbal and Jinnah to deceive the ignorant masses into buying their personal agendas often influenced by foreign powers.

Iqbal and Jinnah sacrificed everything in their lives to give the hopeless muslims of the subcontinent a name, a country, a place to live in and preserve their identity. Iqbal and Jinnah were noble people. They sacrificed everything in their lives. They were credible people with characters and noble intentions and far sighted.

What have these characterless corrupt and immoral "liberals" done for the country?

I think Pakistan really needs another Gen Zia to come and bulldoze this corrupt face of liberalism once and for all that is hidden under the waderas/mafia political dynasties.
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If you guys think that Salman Taseer, Zardari, Gilani, etc are faces of liberalism in Pakistan, then i guess this "liberal" phenomenon is standing on pretty thin legs and won't survive. and i really hope that it doesn't.

These corrupt liberals constantly use examples of Iqbal and Jinnah to deceive the ignorant masses into buying their personal agendas often influenced by foreign powers.

Iqbal and Jinnah sacrificed everything in their lives to give the hopeless muslims of the subcontinent a name, a country, a place to live in and preserve their identity. Iqbal and Jinnah were noble people. They sacrificed everything in their lives. They were credible people with characters and noble intentions and far sighted.

What have these characterless corrupt and immoral "liberals" done for the country?

I think Pakistan really needs another Gen Zia to come and bulldoze this corrupt face of liberalism once and for all that is hidden under the waderas/mafia political dynasties.

Yeah Pakistan needs another Zia to come back so that he can turn it into another afghanistan or sudan! :rofl:
Yeah Pakistan needs another Zia to come back so that he can turn it into another afghanistan or sudan! :rofl:

Actually zardari is doing a pretty good job turning Pakistan into another Afghanistan right now, with record 600 suicide attacks on the civilians across the country and record over 100 drone attacks.

So yea, we need another Zia to come and stomp and then defecate on this face of so called fake liberalism with no morality or ethics and has made Pakistan what it is now.
Actually zardari is doing a pretty good job turning Pakistan into another Afghanistan right now, with record 600 suicide attacks on the civilians across the country and record over 100 drone attacks.

So yea, we need another Zia to come and stomp and then defecate on this face of so called fake liberalism that has made Pakistan what it is now.

Lol fake liberalism. I don't see any liberalism in Pakistan, I only see a mullah version of Islam that is destroying Pakistan. And it was your dear general zia who got us into this mess that we are in now. Thankfully he has killed but unfortunately his violent and extremist influence can still be seen today.
If you guys think that Salman Taseer, Zardari, Gilani, etc are faces of liberalism in Pakistan, then i guess this "liberal" phenomenon is standing on pretty thin legs and won't survive. and i really hope that it doesn't.

Liberalism is not bad phenomenon. The concept and meaning of liberalism is to liberate the soul from all sorts of social structures and material strains. that includes freedom from shackles of slavery, political freedom, freedom to live a free and justly. and this is why Pakistan was came into being to liberate the muslims of subcontinent from hindu domination in all spheres of life.

But these corrupt liberals constantly use examples of Iqbal and Jinnah to deceive the ignorant masses into buying their personal agendas often influenced by foreign powers.

Iqbal and Jinnah sacrificed everything in their lives to give the hopeless muslims of the subcontinent a name, a country, a place to live in and preserve their identity. Iqbal and Jinnah were noble people. They sacrificed everything in their lives. They were credible people with characters and noble intentions and far sighted.

What have these characterless corrupt and immoral "liberals" done for the country?

I think Pakistan really needs another Gen Zia to come and bulldoze this corrupt face of liberalism once and for all that is hidden under the waderas/mafia political dynasties.

I agree with you in 80% of your post. i will not like another Zia to come into power, he have done a huge damage to Pakistan and it's society although he have done few good things too. The problem is that in Pakistan Islam is basically used for persons own interests; Like Mullahs using for their benefits, Politicians for their benefits and mafians for their. Nobody is seeking the true Islam or its ideologies. If we really want to make a choice then we must choose either to implement full principles and laws of Islam in Pakistan like Saudia or choose the second option for the sake of so called liberals, a mix up of both Islamic principals and laws along with modern Jurisprudence. Our country have till day tried all the 3 forms of government: Pure Dictator, Dictator with the support from other political parties and Democracy. All have failed till date. Now i think we have moved on from the dictator rule but this fragile democracy which is governed by so called liberals is doing equal damage to us like under dictator rule. Atleast under Mussharaf era their was better law & order situation.

I personally have to condemn the murder of Salman Taseer bcz if he have done any thing wrong then it was the court which have to decide not a man. Anyway as i stated before in previous posts a drunk liberal like him don't have any importance for me. He has played his role along with other traitors like Zardari and party in ruining this country and robing this poor nation. He dosen't deserve the post of governer.

People here must differentiate between the righists and liberals. Following always blindly the preeches of Mullahs which are using religion for their personal benefits doesn't means that we are doing good for Islam neither following these corrupt and drunk politicians means that we are liberal! First of all provide justice to this society and you will see that 50% of our problems will get solved.
Taseer had Indian wife and he most probably was spying for India.
Most likely assisted in attack on Srilankan team aswell.
Nothing but a traitor.
His son hold Indian passport, what more proof of his Indian allegiance is needed?
Govt. need to explain his Indian nexus.

You are kidding right? Please tell me if you are srrious and mention sources.
Taseer had Indian wife and he most probably was spying for India.
Most likely assisted in attack on Srilankan team aswell.
Nothing but a traitor.
His son hold Indian passport, what more proof of his Indian allegiance is needed?
Govt. need to explain his Indian nexus.

Another idiotic conspiracy ? Or are you joking on this one ?
Pakistani Nationalist Sir is right, Islamic Exteremist & Liberal\Secular exteremists, both are cancer for Pakistan. Pakistan should follow its real culture, the Sufiesm, it's the soul of Pakistan, F**K rest of them the liberals & exterimist. That's why i hate both, the qadri & taser.
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