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The birth of a liberal movement in Pakistan

The Qadri guy that killed the munafiq governor was a true Sufi. He was a Liberal. He's a Barelvi, and they are known for non-violent, they refrain from politics and seyaasi bickerings.

Buddy, you seriously need to be examined thoroughly, profiled and jailed (indeffinitely) for such utterly ridiculous thoughts.

I see a Canadian Qadri brewing in you. You better evolve or dissolve into dust. I don't see any hope that drugs will fix you.

Additionally, please leave PTI alone. We don't need loonies like you to poison our ranks. :help:

Moreover, who the **** let you stay in Canada, you're even unfit for your motherland Saudi Arabia!
We need a secular Hitler or Stalin to come to power in Pakistan to do a great purge of all Islamists.
I agree with you. We need Liberals.
Minorities are also not safe here.
Gojra 298 J.B is my village. When Gojra incident happened , i was there.
Illiterate Mullahs were announcing death against christian after hoax of Quran burn.
More than hundred of People gathered there in procession and Burnt alive the Innocent Christians and their dozens of houses.
Police was just watching and did nothing.
I can post here One dozen videos where Children and Muslims were attacking on houses.
We don't need any Mullahs ideology. They are Illiterate.
We need a secular Hitler or Stalin to come to power in Pakistan to do a great purge of all Islamists.

Thanks for the one liner , my advice to you is to study Hitler & Stalin before giving us your well researched view on how to remove Islamists [Definition pending]. We already have enough persona worshiping illiterates who simply have no idea who they are following and why.

Pakistan doesn't need any of the morons you are suggesting nor those who suggest them. We need people with grit knowledge , worldview & valor. People with a vision that must not be based on race , creed , language and they must not discriminate against anyone. None of that can be associated with your "ideals".
liberals in Pakistan are of two types......tamashbeen liberals and non-tamashbeen liberals....
tamashbeen liberals are mostly poor,originally come from india and are attention hungry.....they will do anything for money...come out on the streets...beat their chests if some robbery is done in some minorities home...they will give it an angle of state oppression...

non tamashbeen liberals come from elite class....they usually stick with their blogs and do all the hate spreading online....

tamashbeen liberals and non tamashbeen liberals both have same moral values and upbringing......in private parties and indoors you will see their women hanging with other stranger tamashbeens.....with wine glasses in hands and western clothing and charas afeem cocaine heroin being smoked in..... non-tamashbeen liberals love prawns and crabs and hold charas parties on ships.

tamashbeen liberals and non tamashbeen liberals both allow their women to show their shaved armpits to guests,and collegues..
plus they are in the habit of praising the wifes of fellow tamashbeen and non tamashbeen liberals women who are wearing low necks and sleeveless clothing......

tamashbeen and non tamashbeen liberals both allow their children dating and see no harm in it....girlfriend boyfriend thing is common and adultery is considered a thing of routine..they see no sin in it...their children become mature in young age and then carry on the legacy further......giving birth to illegitimate children is pretty normal....they date sikh indian women when their relatives call them to india from karachi.

after salmaan taseer many tamashbeen liberals converted to non tamashbeen status fearing their lives.

tamashbeen liberals and non tamashbeen liberals they are both friends of each other..and fake people in reality....in public what they say...they do its opposite indoors......if u visit any tamashbeen liberals twitter account or facebook friends list you will see all the corrupt people here and there .....in public they say they care for Pakistan and are against corrupt politicans when in reality if u check out there friends list on twitter or face book u will see all the corrupt people of the country there...............they are morally corrupt and they make friends with financially corrupt people......
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