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The Big Story:The Secret 'K' Missile Family

doesnt K-4 looks repainted us navy polaris missle:rofl:



Polaris A-3 Submarine Missile

The Polaris missile was a submarine-launched, two-stage solid-fuel nuclear-armed ballistic missile (SLBM) built during the Cold War by Lockheed for the United States Navy. It was designed to be used as part of the US Navy's contribution to the United States' arsenal of nuclear weapons, replacing the Regulus cruise missile. Known as a Fleet Ballistic Missile (FBM), it first flew from Cape Canaveral on January 7, 1960. Following the Polaris Sales Agreement in 1963 Polaris missiles were also carried on UK submarines between 1968 and the mid 1990s. Polaris began to be replaced in the US Navy by Poseidon beginning in 1972. In the 1980s both were replaced by Trident I.
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Really I can't understand the hybridisation of ballistic/cruise missile?? After 40km jump from K-15 how it be able to hug the earth like a cruise missile??

Am I supposed to laugh

The missile is supposed to have a flat trajectory and will be powered throughout its flight, that is why it is being called like a cruise missile, despite flying at a greater height
misterme2 said:
YOu guys always had better missiles (even though they are chinese origin) than us remember....you gave the Indians the green light buddy lo


The Prithvi sucked (the article is very critical too), however now they'll all be replaced by modern Shauryas ;)
first india used to repaint russian missiles and pass it as indigenous ones.now with ease of sanctions from usa it started repainting american missiles and with tag made in india.

K-4 is nothing but repainted polaris,
first india used to repaint russian missiles and pass it as indigenous ones.now with ease of sanctions from usa it started repainting american missiles and with tag made in india.

K-4 is nothing but repainted polaris,

Are you being sarcastic?

The figure is just an illustration. Pics of the K-4 haven't been released !!
The missile is supposed to have a flat trajectory and will be powered throughout its flight, that is why it is being called like a cruise missile, despite flying at a greater height
Flat trajectory at 40km;:rofl::rofl::rofl:

Whats then be its significance as a cruise missile
This missile has no relevance to the Indo-Pak scenario and India at least in the near future is not going to be a global military power. The Indian Army Chief has in the past clearly mentioned that Indian forces are primarily defensive.

How does India plan to benifit from this missile??
Are you being sarcastic?

The figure is just an illustration. Pics of the K-4 haven't been released !!
this is like any other bed time story.only missile works properly in indian arsenal are those it imports otherwise all are failure.K-4 is another usa misslie being passed as indian likr brahmos.

This pic of the polaris model was taken from the london imperial war museum. I happened to visit there around july. Alot of the models they have there are actually the real thing but I doubt this is one of them.:D
Great! Didn't know that our folks could keep a secret. :P. Hope it is inducted at the earliest.

ohh believe me India can keep secrets, we reveal only what we want to. There are many bodies of the DRDO and the MOD that operate on special projects that kept away from limelight. These projects are often only known to the top brass of government or the research fraternity.
Hey Everyone ,

I just want to share something here ,

according to recent article i read , DRDO Chief VK SARASWAT said

The Agni 5 is nearly read For Test in Jan 2011 :yahoo: range [ 5000 km - 7500 km ] can be increased

India has been developing many kinds Of missile , most of which are Kept secret ,

Some Of SLBM india working on

1. shaourya K 15 range ( 800 km )

2. K - 4 range ( 3500 - 5000 km)

3. K - X based On Agni 3 range ( 5000 - 7500 km )

4. K - V based on AGNI 5 range not known , but said to be Greater than 7500 km

this is what i read in that article

India is also working On cruise missile , SAM missiles with Israel .

most of them are still not revelaed

Another Thing is always It has been said that Pakistan Missile tech is superior than India , Its a False notion
Its a strategy , as i read In Abdul kalams Book .

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