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The Battle for Orakzai & Khyber Agencies

So whats the count on TTP killed in Orakzai Operation?
Pakistan clash kills 28 militants, two soldiers

PESHAWAR, Pakistan — At least 28 militants and two soliders were killed Wednesday in a gunfight with Pakistani troops in a restive tribal area, officials said.

The clash took place in the village of Dabori in lawless Orakzai, one of seven districts in Pakistan's semi-autonomous tribal belt, where the military has waged an offensive against the Taliban since late March.

"At least 28 militants were killed and two soldiers were martyred in the fighting," local administration official Sajjad Ahmed told AFP.

A senior security official also confirmed the incident and death toll. It is impossible, however, to confirm casualty statistics independently in what is a closed military zone inaccessible to aid workers and journalists.

Pakistani forces opened a new front in Orakzai on March 24 in a bid to flush out Taliban who escaped a major assault last year on South Waziristan, which the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) leadership turned into its headquarters.

The TTP, a key architect in a bombing campaign that has killed 3,300 people across Pakistan in three years, grabbed the global spotlight after the United States accused the group over a failed car bomb plot in New York on May 1.

Washington says Pakistan's tribal belt, which lies outside direct government control, is an Al-Qaeda headquarters and a stronghold for militants plotting attacks on US-led troops fighting against the Taliban in Afghanistan.

AFP: Pakistan clash kills 28 militants, two soldiers
Looks like militants days in Orakzai are numbered.


Salute to the martyrs.

How do you not know if they are lying? TTP lies to boosts its number, why wouldn't the military? If you think about it, they should have wiped out ridiculously huge chunk of their manpower, and yet the TTP keeps on fighting.

Convenient they stopped new agency from going in...
How do you not know if they are lying? TTP lies to boosts its number, why wouldn't the military? If you think about it, they should have wiped out ridiculously huge chunk of their manpower, and yet the TTP keeps on fighting.

Convenient they stopped new agency from going in...

Military may lie also, but not all the time.

And military has a systematic way of verifying these numbers, through direct confirmations from the troops engaged in fighting who see enemy going down or seeing militants dragging their injured or dead ones, through intercept of voice communication of the militants, through other local sources as these bodies are either sent to their home towns or buried somewhere local.

If military has to exaggerate, then why did not we see huge numbers of militants killed in the SW operation, even now we seldom hear about clashes and militants death, the reason is, they all ran away and have gone to NW or to Orakzai agency.

Orakzai is their last base, after which only NW would be left to be cleaned, so the militants are giving a tough fight this time, as they know if this place is gone, they will have to leave Kurram agency, and their link with all the other tribal agencies would be gone and the military would be surrounding NW from all sides except from the Afghan side.

Military always tries to not let the habit of exaggeration come into play, as it can have negative impact and a trend in the military units to give false figures.
yeah this Orakzai operation's been going on for two months now and still our troops are locked in intense clashes and counterattacks. These sons of bitches militants are putting up a tough fight there.
We don't need Hakimullah's brutes, we need his skull. That with Azam Tariq's so we can light candles in em for mela charaghan.

The leadership has to be captured
Pakistan to decide NWA timing: US

* Gates says Washington’s focus on increasing cooperation on terrorism than pushing for ‘qualitative change’
* Gen Kayani alluded a year ago to N Waziristan mission plans

WASHINGTON: The Pentagon expressed confidence on Thursday that Pakistan would mount an offensive in North Waziristan, but said Islamabad would decide on the timing.

US President Barack Obama dispatched White House National Security Adviser Jim Jones and CIA Director Leon Panetta to Pakistan earlier this week to urge Islamabad to step up pressure on the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan following a botched May 1 car-bombing in New York’s Times Square.

But US Defense Secretary Robert Gates, speaking at a Pentagon press conference, said Washington’s focus was on seeing “how can we intensify our cooperation in dealing with this mutual threat” rather than on pushing for any “qualitative change” in Pakistan’s approach.

Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the US military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff Gen Ashfaq Kayani had “indicated” to him more than a year ago that he had “plans to execute that mission” in North Waziristan.

But Mullen said the timing was “really up to him (Kiyani)” and the US understood that the Pakistani military was already “stretched” by operations in other tribal areas.

“He’s got two fronts. He’s got a military that’s lost a lot of soldiers, sacrificed a great deal, and so that it makes a lot of sense to me that he does get to pick this timeline,” Mullen said. “When I have dealt with him in the past, what he has said he would do in the future, he’s always done.”

Gates estimated that Pakistan already had seven divisions and 140,000 troops in and around the tribal areas, calling it a “huge effort”.

US investigators believe accused Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad, who was born in Pakistan and became a US citizen last year, received assistance from the TTP.

Gates said the TTP’s growing reach – from attacking the government to plotting a car-bombing in Times Square – showed that “we now have a mutual interest in trying to stop this group – stop it from carrying out attacks inside Pakistan, stop it from carrying out attacks outside of Pakistan, and especially in the United States”. reuters

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
The sooner, the better that NWA offensive begins. However, I wish it wasn't at US barking.
24 terrorists killed in fresh Orakzai blitz

HANGU: Pakistan Air Force (PAF) fighter jets bombed different parts of Orakzai Agency killing 24 terrorists and injuring 29, security sources said on Thursday.

According to sources, the fighter jets bombed the Sam Dara, Dabori, Mullah Khel Kaley and Hassanzai areas of the Upper Orakzai Agency. Three hideouts and vehicles belonging to terrorists were also destroyed in the operation. Security forces launched the Orakzai offensive on March 24 in a bid to flush out the Taliban who escaped last year’s major assault on South Waziristan, where the TTP leadership had its headquarters.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
8 militants killed, 2 soldiers martyred during clashes in Orakzai Agency

At least 8 militants have been killed, 9 injured and 2 security personnel embraced martyrdom during clashes between the security forces and the militants here in Upper Orakzai Agency on Friday. According to private TV channel, the clashes between the security forces and the militants occurred in Dabori an area of Upper Orakzai Agency killing 8 militants and 2 personnel of the security forces. It is pertinent to mention here that operation against the militants is continued by the security in Upper Orakzai Agency.

Qaeda under pressure from Pak Army action in Fata

Saturday, May 22, 2010

WASHINGTON: The US said that over the last year, al-Qaeda has suffered a number of important setbacks and the group remained under pressure in Pakistan due to Pakistani military operations aimed at eliminating militant strongholds in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas, the FATA.

In a briefing, Daniel Benjamin, the Coordinator at the US State Department, said, ‘Over the past year, the U.S. government has seen very encouraging signs that Pakistan not only recognizes the severity of the threat from violent extremists, but is actively working to counter and constrain it. Pakistani military operations in Swat and Waziristan have eliminated militant strongholds and damaged the operational abilities of extremist groups.’

‘Moreover, we are seeing increasing cross-border cooperation with Afghanistan and ISAF forces, which is instrumental in the reduction of key militant safe havens. And in the wake of the operation in Swat, we have seen public opinion turn more decisively against the militants,’ he said.

He said in the last few months we’ve seen two high-profile law-enforcement cases, individuals who appear to have been trained and handled from the FATA, operating within our borders.

‘Najibullah Zazi, a U.S. lawful permanent resident and airport shuttle driver, trained in Pakistan and recently pleaded guilty to charges that he was planning to set off several bombs in the United States. An American citizen, David Headley, has pleaded guilty in a U.S. court to crimes relating to his role in the November 2008 Lashkar e-Tayyiba attacks in Mumbai, which killed more than 160 people – including six Americans.’

He stressed Pakistan is a front-line partner in fighting extremists.

‘We provide a spectrum of assistance to Pakistani counterterrorism campaigns which range from police training to anti-money laundering efforts. Undoubtedly the hundreds of millions of dollars directed to Pakistani counterterrorism efforts have saved American lives and we shouldn’t forget that Pakistan has put out-of-business more al-Qa’ida operatives than any other country.’

He said, ‘We have seen tangible evidence of Pakistan’s commitment to clamping down on extremist networks operating within its borders. Several top Afghan Taliban leaders – including Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar – have been apprehended, and we are grateful to the Pakistani authorities for this.’

‘Immediately after the Times Square incident, we also began working closely with the Government of Pakistan on the investigation and they’ve been cooperative in assisting our efforts and we will continue to work with Islamabad on this important prosecution.’
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