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The Attack on Pakistan's Erieye

'Mainstream local' - what does that mean? And what rumour got denied -- please post link to denial.

Ok let us establish who is the real LIAR and who's mentality and thought process should be questioned.

So you say that the Mehran Base Commander was not removed for 5-8 months eh?? A simple google search will show you that he was suspended and replaced within days of the attack. Who is telling LIES now?? So now we've sorted that out - Why has Kamra base commander not had the same treatment? if indeed your views of extensive damage to Saab fleet are correct?

In Pakistan only a tiny minority use the internet to get their news while almost the entire population uses it in the US - so you should expect a different response to 'internet rumours' -- Regardless of this fact - you say that the rumours of U.S. Commander being removed were not reported in the mainstream press and yet U.S. released a denial eh?? Again just try a simple google search and see how many NEWS WEBSITES not forums were reporting that the Commander was removed due to the Libya incident. Got many links of any news websites saying that the Saab fleet was wiped out during the Kamra attack??

I suspected i'm talking to a person who don't pay attention to what others are saying and i was correct. In the last page which got deleted I told you. Express News in their urdu edition published a 5 line news that Mirage rebuild facotry destroyed in a fire incident which causes a loss of billion of ruppess. PAF denial came the same day verbally and published in newspapers next day. Author of the news Assad Kharral.

Next time same person again said in his report which published in express tribune that Awacs has been destroyed. No denial came.

Now coming on to your second delusional logic. Now i came with a proper answer to make you understand what is called a internet rumour.

Who kept J-10 rumors alive? Who said J-10 B will be bought by PAF? yeah PAKDEF and this DEF.PK so a chinese website conducted an interview of Air vice marshal Javed Ahmad and he denied "Internet rumors" PAF will buy F-10

So much for saying PAF pays so much attention to Internet rumors.
This what i had posted some months back........ separating fact from fiction

u are wrong on all accounts !!

below are some of the details of the attack on kamra, separating facts from fiction and the bs that has been spread on this forum. still i have not included all the details specially about the severity of damage sustained (still the intelligent members can make out the actual position on the ground regarding the true nature of the damage). regardless all of details below are a fact :

-their are/were four awacs (saab) and one training ac. that brings the no. of saab 2000 to 5 in PAF inventory.
-as i said in one of my earlier posts, on the day of the attack their were three ac parked in one hanger and one ac parked in a separate hanger.
-now it is the bigger hanger with three saab ac parked inside that got hit.
-no saab ac was air born at the time of the attack, as the terrorists waited for the last ac to complete its training sortie and land and get parked in the hanger, before launching the attack. that is the reason why the hanger door was 1/3rd open and a refuel bowser was parked outside the hanger. which incidently was the first thing that was hit and blown up. once again we did suffer damage.
-the one awacs in the other hanger never got touched as the terrorists never made it that far.
-the terrorists also knew and targeted the air crews debriefing room and destroyed it to a large extent the only reason why the air crew survived was for the fact that after a long sortie they were hungry and were having snacks in the tea bar. they could hear the terrorists.
-the no of the terrorists was/is alot more than what has been reported.
-preliminary investigation (as i had reported earlier in one of my post) has found that the terrorists handler/ring leader was from around these parts and some months ago had rented a home in the village, in ramzan the local masjid was full of people sitting for atiquaf and the ring leader informed the imam masjid that a few of his relatives who are from tabligi jamaat would like to spend the atiquaf in the village mosque. and that is how they never got picked up in the sweeps that were conducted by PAF security personal, specially after the got a warning alert of an impending attack.
-it was c-130 fitted with flair that was ordered to get airborne from chaklala (and remained airborne till the completion of the whole operation) played the most pivotal role in locating the terrorists. it basically directed the whole operation.
-by the time the news of the attack got aired on the electronic media, the operation was already over with killing/capturing of all the terrorists inside and out side the base.
-the role of dsg is over played and infact it was due to their failure that this attack was able to penetrate the defenses.

The SAAB team has been in Pakistan for some months now, had their been just damage to a nose cone of one ac (bs that some senior retd AF officers had said on the media) than it could have been sent to sweden instead of them coming here and spending all this time (they certainly dident go site seeing).
there is no news blackout - it is difficult in todays electronic age. the MoD stated 1 a/c is damaged. now it is up to the reader to believe or not. its obvious the 'detractors' amongst us will continue to create 'suspense' for no reason at all. i know after talking to the OC of No.4 AWACS squadron (ZDK's) what the actual position is - and its NOT what these detractors think!. the PAF would certainly want its adversaries to 'think' that all a/c are destroyed or damaged so that a state of 'ambiguity' exists - do they have them or not!

Sir Allah karay what you are saying is correct.:pakistan:
The SAAB team has been in Pakistan for some months now, had their been just damage to a nose cone of one ac (bs that some senior retd AF officers had said on the media) than it could have been sent to sweden instead of them coming here and spending all this time (they certainly dident go site seeing).

There wouldn't even have been the need to send it to Sweden if the nose cone only had sustained damage!

It is replaceable with screws and bolts, and I am sure PAF would have replacement in stock!!

Nose cone damage/replacement isn't something new, since alot of nose cones get broken in a bird-strike.


General Note:

And can we please stop the 'detractors', traitors, anti-PAF thing. If 10 people on this very forum are saying something, it doesn't mean it is for fun and a 'saazish'. Saying the truth and accepting reality does not mean somebody is a detractor and traitor.

IMO, a better way to settle the issue if nothing else comes out would be to wait and see if the VIP Saab is re-configured, and if PAF does take the decision to change and it does change to a AWACS version, then we all will have the answer. Serial numbers will most probably change.

Practically everybody within PAF knows this now, so I don't think the sources of these senior members would be oblivious to the fact either.
It is also strange that the TTP have chosen the electronics to destroy such as the P3C and the AWACs which have nothing to do with them since they have neither ships or an airforce. So maybe our neighbours have managed to give us a bloody nose once again and we are left looking for some shred of dignity to cover our a$$es.

p3c have been used in precision attacks against TTP in FATA areas so it is logical that they were targeted.also these aircrafts are the most expensive ones.on top of that becoz of their sizes they are easy to hit.so with minimum of effort terrorists got maximum achievement
I suspected i'm talking to a person who don't pay attention to what others are saying and i was correct. In the last page which got deleted I told you. Express News in their urdu edition published a 5 line news that Mirage rebuild facotry destroyed in a fire incident which causes a loss of billion of ruppess. PAF denial came the same day verbally and published in newspapers next day. Author of the news Assad Kharral.

Next time same person again said in his report which published in express tribune that Awacs has been destroyed. No denial came.

Now coming on to your second delusional logic. Now i came with a proper answer to make you understand what is called a internet rumour.

Who kept J-10 rumors alive? Who said J-10 B will be bought by PAF? yeah PAKDEF and this DEF.PK so a chinese website conducted an interview of Air vice marshal Javed Ahmad and he denied "Internet rumors" PAF will buy F-10

So much for saying PAF pays so much attention to Internet rumors.

Looks like I'm not the only one who 'don't pay attention to what others are saying' --- What happened to your statement that the Mehran base commander did not go for 5-8 months ---- when in fact he was suspended within days of the attack??? Why is the Kamra commander still in his place if he let the Saab fleet get wiped out?? O wait it must be part of the same international cover up - right? And you accuse me of 'delusional logic'.
I dont know when we will come out from these dellusions. Its an open secret, I cant disclose my source but my source never gave me any wrong info Unfortunately as per my source one of the saab's were totally destroyed two parked inside the hangers were partially damaged.

Yes the erieye team was there recently and on principal they agreed to convert the training aircraft into full fledged AWACS and also also the repairs are being done to the damaged aircraft.

All this herosim by the base commander is just a smoke screen. He had to come out from his comfort(nest) when he actually realised that what is actually on stake and infact by the ti,e he realized that it was too late. Now its upto you guys wether you believe this or not. My two pennies.

So according to your 'source' -- they are managing to keep this all under wraps? No doubt aquiring parts, expertise - even a full conversion and yet not a bit of news. Nothing even from the Swedes or international media. Hell of a conspiracy!
Looks like I'm not the only one who 'don't pay attention to what others are saying' --- What happened to your statement that the Mehran base commander did not go for 5-8 months ---- when in fact he was suspended within days of the attack??? Why is the Kamra commander still in his place if he let the Saab fleet get wiped out?? O wait it must be part of the same international cover up - right? And you accuse me of 'delusional logic'.

Ah now you gonna fight on petty issues. So what did i actually said? i said mehran base commander was shown the door after 5-8 months. Which means he was terminated from his Job. Does suspension of is equal to termination of JOB ? Seriously i expected you to have a common sense who could infer things easily. I knew he was suspended why? Because things got out of the hand. P 3 C orion destruction was shown on media. Whole matter took 16-18 hours to wind up. Thats why he was suspended. While in Kamra, base commander becoming a victim and erieye destruction remained hidden made the establishment to mold story according to their requirements. I mean it's obvious to hide things they have to keep base commander intact for public consumption.!
The Question remains..How the Terrorists struck on two separate occasions exactly when there were more then one "high value" assets in one Place?

Were the Aircrafts "Bugged"?
The Question remains..How the Terrorists struck on two separate occasions exactly when there were more then one "high value" assets in one Place?

Were the Aircrafts "Bugged"?

The aircraft can be searched for bugs, but why not look into the possibility of information leakage from internal sources also?
p3c have been used in precision attacks against TTP in FATA areas so it is logical that they were targeted.also these aircrafts are the most expensive ones.on top of that becoz of their sizes they are easy to hit.so with minimum of effort terrorists got maximum achievement

Bhai loog, Safriz, Nuclearpak, Mafiya, etc etc ...


Let them live in their world. :agree:
Bhai loog, Safriz, Nuclearpak, Mafiya, etc etc ...


Let them live in their world. :agree:

I hate to admit it, but yes.

There are some things you just can't change.

The Question remains..How the Terrorists struck on two separate occasions exactly when there were more then one "high value" assets in one Place?

Were the Aircrafts "Bugged"?

The attack was launched from two different sides. A team of four members entered from one side and five from the other and than they launched a collective attack inside the camp,” Ehsan told Dawn.com, speaking from an undisclosed location, confirming that all nine attackers were killed in the assault.

Keep this statement in your mind, and then thing that if the above is carried out with a time difference, then what havoc it will create. (Hint: allocation and movement of forces).

These folks do alot of recce, amounting to months of their targets, I am for one not surprised at all. A pathetic response did no good either.
I hate to admit it, but yes.

There are some things you just can't change.

Keep this statement in your mind, and then thing that if the above is carried out with a time difference, then what havoc it will create. (Hint: allocation and movement of forces).

These folks do alot of recce, amounting to months of their targets, I am for one not surprised at all. A pathetic response did no good either.

I am of the opinion that the aircrafts were transmitting their position,and thats why such accurate knowledge of their position.

works for the seller...
they get extra money for repairs and replacement or in the case of total loss they dont have to spend money on the contracted maintenance and repair...
I am of the opinion that the aircrafts were transmitting their position,and thats why such accurate knowledge of their position.

works for the seller...
they get extra money for repairs and replacement or in the case of total loss they dont have to spend money on the contracted maintenance and repair...

Accurate info is not that hard to get for the Taliban through other means. Especially at a place like Kamra, where you can find a couple of good recce spots if you know the place.
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