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I am an Athiest and i find that funny :P

Also i couldn't control my tempation but since you posted that pic =p

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Do you believe each and everything has been explored by Scientists :pleasantry: till now? And nothing is left to be explored?

Nope I beleive there is loads of things that are left to be explored IMO we haven't even explored 3% of the whole universe but yea we are working on it :cheers:

and no they don't
Nope I beleive there is loads of things that are left to be explored IMO we haven't even explored 3% of the whole universe but yea we are working on it :cheers:

and no they don't

You yourself answered the question raised by you in this pic!!!!


You yourself answered the question raised by you in this pic!!!!



You don't get it. If i said science knew everything then i would be straight out lieing. Like i said there are some question which science hasn't awnsered but we are working on it.

Any how we are going offtopic so i'll stop here
Where are you lot throw you're knot with relegion and trust in 2000 year old book. But you can't even prove god by any evidence but i'll be fair here we can't disprove god either :P

any how we are going offtopic so i'll stop here
Where are you lot throw you're knot with relegion and trust in 2000 year old book. But you can't even prove god by any evidence but i'll be fair here we can't disprove god either :P

I think you mean Evidence! Proof only exist in Mathematic but Evidence however is an observation that demonstrate support for possibility. Then the hypothesis is tested and tested and tested, more observations are gathered to form a conclusion and when these conclusions are reviewed and tested they become a THEORY.

Now see if scientists are not been able to PROOF their 3% science which you seems to believe totally then how can you expect us present a PROOF of creator of this world in the way you want. If you really want proof then everything on this earth can be taken as a proof! You yourself is an evidence of GOD. Do you think that life is created out of nothing? Man is created out of that Darwins' single cell? Then how the hell that cell was created? randomly? Oh!!!!
I think you mean Evidence! Proof only exist in Mathematic but Evidence however is an observation that demonstrate support for possibility. Then the hypothesis is tested and tested and tested, more observations are gathered to form a conclusion and when these conclusions are reviewed and tested they become a THEORY.

Now see if scientists are not been able to PROOF their 3% science which you seems to believe totally then how can you expect us present a PROOF of creator of this world in the way you want. If you really want proof then everything on this earth can be taken as a proof! You yourself is an evidence of GOD. Do you think that life is created out of nothing? Man is created out of that Darwins' single cell? Then how the hell that cell was created? randomly? Oh!!!!
again by 3% i ment i was talking about the universe as for you're question when a huge star explodes it relases organic matter which then forms stars and we know this already. If a near by astroid can get the the organic informat who says life can't start from space ? If it landed in a perfectly hapitaly zone life could orginate.

but yea i am not looking forward to a relegious dabte here though if you can i would like to ask you a question. Now i might be able to beleive in a desist god but sereiously a belif in personal god is -____-. why would something creat you just so you can worship them ? and if you don't you go to hell... seems pretty illogical to me.

Also when you make an extraodinary claim you need to give extraordinay proof which no one has . Also i would like to point out if there is a all loving god out there why are the children hurting ? how many people died and suffered from the recent flood in pakistan. I am not sure if its true but one of my Muslim friends told me that god loves more then the combined love of 75 mothers. If thats true then why didn't he stop the flood just look around you the whole world is F'ed up and still you think beleiing in god is gonna slove all of our problems.
Also I would state that science hasn't even explored 3% of our Universe, I would put it around 0.01 percent or even lesser.

Now in this single life cycle (with all of the CRAP surrounding todays lifestyle), can I wait for science to complete their research so that they get to a conclusion. The human life-form (this flesh & bones life form) has got its limitations. It would never be able to scale the length & breadth of this Universe.
What if I want my answers in this life cycle? What do I do?

I read somewhere that Socretes used to sleep in a broken pot (never slept in a cozy comfortable bed like us), ate dry bread crumbs, wore the roughest fabric/cloth of that time (made of camel's fur/wool).
Those people could dig out the Truth, not whiners like us :cheesy:
again by 3% i ment i was talking about the universe as for you're question when a huge star explodes it relases organic matter which then forms stars and we know this already. If a near by astroid can get the the organic informat who says life can't start from space ? If it landed in a perfectly hapitaly zone life could orginate.

This is where you seems to be following path of religious people! Can you present proof/evidence? You are talking about possibility, then everything is possible!

but yea i am not looking forward to a relegious dabte here though if you can i would like to ask you a question. Now i might be able to beleive in a desist god but sereiously a belif in personal god is -____-. why would something creat you just so you can worship them ? and if you don't you go to hell... seems pretty illogical to me.

This is where you need to study various religious scriptures. This is a long long debate. Help yourself.

Also when you make an extraodinary claim you need to give extraordinay proof which no one has.
Also i would like to point out if there is a all loving god out there why are the children hurting ? how many people died and suffered from the recent flood in pakistan. I am not sure if its true but one of my Muslim friends told me that god loves more then the combined love of 75 mothers. If thats true then why didn't he stop the flood just look around you the whole world is F'ed up and still you think beleiing in god is gonna slove all of our problems.

Firstly, the non-existence of God cannot be proven. One cannot prove a universal negative. Alternatively, the existence of God is provable.
Secondly, again, you cannot comprehend GOD's doings. One thing may appear devastating can eventually turnout to be good! Is this not the case? Think!
There are certain things in Islam which are hidden from us normal folks. Great saints & true sufis such as Ghazali etc. knew them, & there are people who still know the WHOLE equation of life.
I don't know it of course, but inshaAllah would someday. But it requires a lot of internal cleansing, and I am too corrupt on the inside presently.

I highly recommend a documentary called "The Alchemist of Happiness". It's available on Google video (not utube) & Amazon. See what it has to say.
This is where you seems to be following path of religious people! Can you present proof/evidence? You are talking about possibility, then everything is possible!

This is where you need to study various religious scriptures. This is a long long debate. Help yourself.

Firstly, the non-existence of God cannot be proven. One cannot prove a universal negative. Alternatively, the existence of God is provable.
Secondly, again, you cannot comprehend GOD's doings. One thing may appear devastating can eventually turnout to be good! Is this not the case? Think!

Sure flooding people's home and destroying there lives could turnout to be good. And here is the think we don't have to prove god you do. When you put forward the exictence of such thing the burden is on you to prove it. I mean you can't disprove zeus , faireis or the flying spagati monster but you don't beleive in it right ?

Also how are you so certin that you're god is the real god. Also god is a man made concet it has all of the man made feelings. I mean look god shows love god shows anger god shows hate. A being so high and powerfull couldn't have had these emotions.

Also you don't have to accept everything i say , who the hell am i that should tell you what you should beleive or not but still just think about it rantinly for a moment.

btw going back on evolotion you can't deney all the fossil eveidence >->.

Anyways i would like to end this with one question if there is a god who created god o_o?
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Anyways i would like to end this with one question if there is a god who created god o_o?


In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him

Surah Ikhlas is a very important Surah from the Holy Qur'an because it proclaims the Oneness (Tawhid) and Absolute nature of Divine Essence. This concept is presented in the first ayat. The second ayat declares that Allah is Eternal, i.e., He is beyond the bounds of time and space. The third ayat describes that Allah does not give birth nor is He is given birth and the last ayat declares that Allah is beyond comparison. Surah Ikhlas directly supports the first declaration (shahadah) of Islam: "There is no god but Allah". In this context, Islam is based on belief in one God (monotheism).

On lighter note:

"Who created God"
This is just rhetoric and playing with words. In all practicality this scenario doesn't exist, and here's why:

Assumption: Every thing is created by "A"

Question: Who created "A"?
Answer: "B" created "A"

Question: Who created "B"?
Answer: "C" created "B"

Question: Who created "C"?
Answer: "D" created "C"

And so on and so forth.

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
He begetteth not nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him

Surah Ikhlas is a very important Surah from the Holy Qur'an because it proclaims the Oneness (Tawhid) and Absolute nature of Divine Essence. This concept is presented in the first ayat. The second ayat declares that Allah is Eternal, i.e., He is beyond the bounds of time and space. The third ayat describes that Allah does not give birth nor is He is given birth and the last ayat declares that Allah is beyond comparison. Surah Ikhlas directly supports the first declaration (shahadah) of Islam: "There is no god but Allah". In this context, Islam is based on belief in one God (monotheism).

On lighter note:

"Who created God"
This is just rhetoric and playing with words. In all practicality this scenario doesn't exist, and here's why:

Assumption: Every thing is created by "A"

Question: Who created "A"?
Answer: "B" created "A"

Question: Who created "B"?
Answer: "C" created "B"

Question: Who created "C"?
Answer: "D" created "C"

And so on and so forth.

ah nice awnser but here is the think. This is the usall debate i have with people who beleive in a relegion (Excluding you offcorse ;) ) Tbh i can't say this 100% but i beleive there was nothing before the big bang and they go on like "You're an idiot if you say that there has to be something" and then i agree with em i say okay sopouse there was a god now what was there before him and reply is "Nothing was there before him he was there before the beging of time and will exict till the end of it" Then i say How can you say that everything is created right ? and they say "yea everything accept god"

See the hiporacy but here is the thing when i say there was nothing before the big bang i don't tell them with a 100 certinty scince you can't really found out what was there but when they awnser me they say with 100% god exicted before the big bang and there only proof is quote from there book.

but yea i guess we won't get any where with this question :/
ah nice awnser but here is the think. This is the usall debate i have with people who beleive in a relegion (Excluding you offcorse ;) ) Tbh i can't say this 100% but i beleive there was nothing before the big bang and they go on like "You're an idiot if you say that there has to be something" and then i agree with em i say okay sopouse there was a god now what was there before him and reply is "Nothing was there before him he was there before the beging of time and will exict till the end of it" Then i say How can you say that everything is created right ? and they say "yea everything accept god"

See the hiporacy but here is the thing when i say there was nothing before the big bang i don't tell them with a 100 certinty scince you can't really found out what was there but when they awnser me they say with 100% god exicted before the big bang and there only proof is quote from there book.

but yea i guess we won't get any where with this question :/

then how the universe or the matter came into existance,???, what created matter?
then how the universe or the matter came into existance,???, what created matter?

Thats what i am trying to say "nothing created matter it came to exictence by the big bang there was nothing before it" If you beleive in the bing bang thats what you get though we could get a diffrent out come if we use the M-Theory. If you can get the book "The Grand Desgin" By Stephen Hawkings it explains how a universe didn't acctuly needed a god to creat it. That is if you're open minded and skeptic ;). It explains the subject in great detail much better then i can explain to you online.

Though you see we are again stuck at the same argument :/
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