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Also i find it hard to keep up with this thread besides we are going off topic so if you don't mind can message me on my page. Kay thanks anyways i am off for the night if you wanna debate messgae me on my page i'll try my best :P
Lol.. these arguments never gona end..

If there was a big bang and earth was created, there are thousands of, millions of bangs happening in the sun, on the earth, in Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan.

Heroshima and Nagasaki was also a Big BaanG, why we see no new life forms?
Instead some of existing life forms are getting extinct.

Were we lucky? Big Bang, the universe and all the life forms came to existance, just like that.

Was it a coincidence? A one off....
Was it luck?

Every thing is this world is and has happened for a reason,
Whats the reason for this world? Live, Die? And?

What is Morality? Who we tend to complain to?

Is it Genetic Evolution?

Whats Evolution?


Big Bang? What Big Bang :undecided:
Thats what i am trying to say "nothing created matter it came to exictence by the big bang there was nothing before it" If you beleive in the bing bang thats what you get though we could get a diffrent out come if we use the M-Theory. If you can get the book "The Grand Desgin" By Stephen Hawkings it explains how a universe didn't acctuly needed a god to creat it. That is if you're open minded and skeptic ;). It explains the subject in great detail much better then i can explain to you online.

Though you see we are again stuck at the same argument :/

what do you mean there was nothing before big bang??, i have just read abt the big bang theory which created the earth, dont know abt other big bang theory
Lol.. these arguments never gona end..

If there was a big bang and earth was created, there are thousands of, millions of bangs happening in the sun, on the earth, in Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan.

Heroshima and Nagasaki was also a Big BaanG, why we see no new life forms?
Instead some of existing life forms are getting extinct.

Were we lucky? Big Bang, the universe and all the life forms came to existance, just like that.

Was it a coincidence? A one off....
Was it luck?

Every thing is this world is and has happened for a reason,
Whats the reason for this world? Live, Die? And?

What is Morality? Who we tend to complain to?

Is it Genetic Evolution?

Whats Evolution?


Big Bang? What Big Bang :undecided:

no shattered is refering to the big bangs, which give big to hundreds of children every day :lol:
no shattered is refering to the big bangs, which give big to hundreds of children every day :lol:

Big Bang :) let me share a joke i find on one website.

They say, Georges Lemaître and Charles Darwin were lame and lazy Scientists.

One could not find out how the world came into existance, so his excuse was Big Bang-- Voila, and other came up with excuse of Evolution- Natural Selection.

Georges Lemaître woke up and found two beautiful Audi R8 in his garage, one hard-top and other a convertable.

Since he was trying to make a car for long time, he thanked God, wrote made by Georges Lemaître on the cars, called his friend Charles Darwin and took the cars out to show the world.

On the way, a Kid asked Georges, how did you make the hard-top one?

Thinking that even if i tell him he is not gona understand, so he told the Kid that in my Garage a Big Bang happened and Voila-- there it was a 5.2 liter V10 Audi R8.

The Kid not satisfied asked Charles Darwin, and how did he made the convertable?

Charles Darwin replied.. Evolution--

Do you believe each and everything has been explored by Scientists :pleasantry: till now? And nothing is left to be explored? Do you believe scientists of today's world are having ultimate knowledge?

Can you cite any one religion that has explored more than what science has? Religion quotes an "all powerful" person called god, but there is no proof that it is what he/she has prescribed. And there is absolutely no effort to explain how the universe came into being. At least science is trying to do something.

Religious people often take refuge under something that cannot be argued about. No one is disputing the existence of "god", or the reason why everything exists. But a religion is just a book (as in the case of the Abrahamic ones), or a set of values and customs (as in Hinduism) or spirituality (as in Buddhism). These are in no way conclusive that religions are an authority on facts.
Lol.. these arguments never gona end..

If there was a big bang and earth was created, there are thousands of, millions of bangs happening in the sun, on the earth, in Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan.

Heroshima and Nagasaki was also a Big BaanG, why we see no new life forms?
Instead some of existing life forms are getting extinct.

Were we lucky? Big Bang, the universe and all the life forms came to existance, just like that.

Was it a coincidence? A one off....
Was it luck?

take out 90 mins, You won't be bored...

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Lol.. these arguments never gona end..

If there was a big bang and earth was created, there are thousands of, millions of bangs happening in the sun, on the earth, in Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan.

Heroshima and Nagasaki was also a Big BaanG, why we see no new life forms?
Instead some of existing life forms are getting extinct.

Were we lucky? Big Bang, the universe and all the life forms came to existance, just like that.

Was it a coincidence? A one off....
Was it luck?

Every thing is this world is and has happened for a reason,
Whats the reason for this world? Live, Die? And?

What is Morality? Who we tend to complain to?

Is it Genetic Evolution?

Whats Evolution?


Big Bang? What Big Bang :undecided:

When a explolsion on a bigger core happens it realeases orgnaic matter. For when a huge stars explode it releases orgnaic matter this is how stars are formed and no this isn't a a hypotisis its a proven fact :P If you want me to go in more detail on the formation of stars let me know and i'll try my best to explain it to you or just link you to a good one :D.

There was no reason for this world it was just in the haibtal zone and life begun to emerg. if you look at it with a diffrent prespective why does mars or venus exict ? why make trillion's of stars we don't need em. We live and die and after that its over sereiously how much more do you want xD? I'll give you another example muslims beleive that animals have no spirts or soul what do you think happens to them after they die :P?

Evolotion is a proven fact. Weather it happend by natrulal selection or any other pehenomna yet to be discovered. also debate on evolotion can be a really huge debate :P

morality ha i don't think i need to awnser that question any more xD. Check out some of the video's i posted on WAQAS's page i am to lazy to explain that =p

and lastly why do people beleive in god.

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When a explolsion on a bigger core happens it realeases orgnaic matter. For when a huge stars explode it releases orgnaic matter this is how stars are formed and no this isn't a a hypotisis its a proven fact :P If you want me to go in more detail on the formation of stars let me know and i'll try my best to explain it to you or just link you to a good one .

Madam, it seems there is plenty of luck involved in formation of galaxies, stars, e.g domination of matter over anti matter, more gravitational forces bringing the stars together, distance of earth from the sun so water can exist, formation of complex living organs, cell, even the formation of ozone layer to block radiation..i mean it is really hard for me to believe that it was all luck and not some supernaturalforce that wanted it to be like this.

There was no reason for this world it was just in the haibtal zone and life begun to emerg. if you look at it with a diffrent prespective why does mars or venus exict ? why make trillion's of stars we don't need em.

Life is not confined to the earth only, Quran has said " "And among God's signs is the creation of the heaven and the Earth, and the living creatures He has scattered through them." some scientist do believe that there was life on Mars, again if luck is all what created the universe, somewhere else, some other planet might have gotten lucky aswell, Gliese 581g can be one of them, so there is a purpose for every planet.

We live and die and after that its over sereiously how much more do you want xD? I'll give you another example muslims beleive that animals have no spirts or soul what do you think happens to them after they die ?

Every thing happens for a reason, there is a reason stars explode, there is a reason black holes exist, there is a reason galaxies are formed, what science do is find reasons, its unscientific to say we just live and die.

I'll give you another example muslims beleive that animals have no spirts or soul what do you think happens to them after they die :P?

Its a misconception dear, Islam forbids cruelty not only to humans but animals aswell, theres a hadith saying "Whoever is kind to the creatures of God is kind to himself." causing unavoidable pain and suffering to the defenseless and innocent creatures of God is not justifiable under any circumstances. i emphasize on cruelty because "if Islam says that animals have no spirits or soul, we would not be prohibited to torture them.
and Honestly what happens to the animals when they die i dont know, i will look inti it :angel:

Evolotion is a proven fact. Weather it happend by natrulal selection or any other pehenomna yet to be discovered. also debate on evolotion can be a really huge debate :P

Insects can do alot of amazing things, they can hibernate for decades, sm can live without their head, they can snatch bodies of other insects, so yeah they can even evolve :) humans can walk on land, can swim, why cant we flyyyy, no evolution :blink:
i dont want to discuss that further :P
You debate with a smile, i like that :)
As muslim we all are concerned about the end of the world,hazrath isa a.s, imam mahadi and the saitan dazzal. here is the documentary which explains very nicely that how dazzal saitan is setting up stage for him against us for his arrival

Ii have all the documentry with me can I uploid it here but it is in urdu....
it is one the most amazing documentaries ever made...an eye opener ... i watched it many times ....
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