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the guys who worship idols,perform rituals,sacrifices to the idol,even worship to the humans simply they wont understand the one god concepts

Those people who have been busy bashing Hinduism should know that this religion is one who has continusaly done introspection and removed a lot of practice that did not made sense. Not sure about other religions as I do not know them well enough, but on that account I am proud to be Hindu. I myself has seen many things removed as practice in our religion in last 2 decades. That goes to tell we are not just blindly following things.

Also people who quote wired things, do not know they generally happen in villages and done by illitrates who anyways does not know what they are doing and might nothing to do with religion.

Now continue bashing Hindu religion for no reason.
u got it kid,right?

Michael Eisner was the exective officer he didn't own it btw he has left disney since 2005.

Other then that you got you're sorces from a irraliable source which was.

Jew Watch - Jewish Controlled Press

You do know that there is a website called Jihadwatch and islamwatch which can give you load of bs just as same as this one the only diffrence will be instead of blaming it all on the jews they balme it all on muslims. If you beleive everything on Jewswatch then you might as well beleive everything on jihad and islamwatch. You got that kid :P?

yeah right,doesnt matter what u say

I am really begining to doubt your intlegence mate :/ You are taking my words out of context i said "as long as they aren't making money from it. It doesn't really matter" -__-'

The hindu idol worshippers are not expected understand Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions. They understand monkey, elephant snake, cow gods. A different culture and mindset.

Don't disrespect other relegion if you look at it you could find many illogical things in you're own 3 represnted relegions. "The earth is 6000 years old" or "Marry the virgin gave birth to jesus" oh yea like you have a great mindset. I would quote more but i don't wanna hurt anyone's feeling next time when you say something just imgagine how you would feel when someone says something like that against you're belefis.
Anyways i don't beleive there is anymore point arguing in this thread >->
This movie, documentary or whatever it is, is better than Lord of the Rings.

The suspense, the theories and the music makes it a killer watch, they should use this script to make a real theatrical film, Spielberg can win another Oscar if he took it on.

I would definately watch it.
This movie, documentary or whatever it is, is better than Lord of the Rings.

The suspense, the theories and the music makes it a killer watch, they should use this script to make a real theatrical film, Spielberg can win another Oscar if he took it on.

I would definately watch it.

haha Agreed ;)
I repeat: Azazeel (the master Satan) must be very proud of his & his team's Hardwork, now must be his most prolific time.

The days we are in didn't just happen by chance, it has taken thousands of years of toil.

But yeah I forgot I haven't seen satan ever, does he really exist :woot:
listen guys,y u r so desperate to prove its fake,its non-sense,bull-**** and blah blah..even we aint sayin that its ultimately authentic and genuine nor the guys who made that.we said there might be a clue or ideas how saitan might deceive us making fake claim of being jesus, mahdi, god etc which is his main intention.obviously to make successful his desire he will make a long term blue print and probably its the beginning...while we aint saying that it may not be 100% then y u guys keep shouting that its false,complete bullsh*t and all that? y u so desperate and is the big fuss for?shall we assume that there something burning on fire?:hang2:
who are you to question that ? Did Allah give you the authority to go around questioning other peoples understanding of god ? Its 2010, grow up.

fine now tell me who are kafir and mushrik?what allah said about them?keep silence about their activities?support them?didnt the prophet break all the idols in mekkah?so did hazrat ibrahim...i gave u the examples,it doesnt mean that m gna start a war or being violent...people can perform there own religion but as a muslim i(have to) believe that islam is the 1 and only true religion in the world...i don care about what others says
What's wrong with Indians?IF you don't like just don't post here.Indians got to prove that they are tw@ts.
if you people can take a look at that crap then do take a look at this...

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What's wrong with Indians?IF you don't like just don't post here.Indians got to prove that they are tw@ts.

Get over with your obsession with India, the matter was about Islam and Pakistan has no monopoly over the religion.
Get over with your obsession with India, the matter was about Islam and Pakistan has no monopoly over the religion.
yeah i am obsessed with India -This accusation Coming from someone whose 80% posts are on Pakistani Related Topics and an Indian who is a member of Pakistani Defense Forums.Tells us a lot about who is really obsessed.
^^ esp we have pakistanis like these here its so sad!!, just to gain some respect they pretend to be ultra liberal and westernized


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