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I dont want to stress too much on this but since i have watched it all - you guys must know that it actually presents a neutral view point and not just an Islamic pov so i guess people here should give it a go - you wouldn't miss it for the world.

Solomons temple is another series being launched.
It was all very interesting to hear about this, as I was informed that after the great General Counsel, it was decided
that Lucifer would tutor Charles Darwin personally. So in setting up the principles of his theories of evolution, Darwin
was tutored by Satan himself, the master fallen angel. And at that time it was well understood, by this mastermind and his
spirit counselors that if a person were led to believe in the theory of evolution, it would in his mind and heart destroy
completely any confidence in the Biblical record of creation week, as detailed in the book of Genesis. This would also
effectively destroy all belief in the fall of human kind, and in God’s plan of redemption. Thus in one master stroke they
could do away with all of the foundational historical realities which point to the reality of man’s rebellion against his
Maker and his desperate need for salvation.
Now the high priest made a unique statement, he said that according to the spirit intelligences, anyone who teaches
other persons the theory of evolution is considered to be a minister of a great religious system. You see they actually
understood it to be a religious system, this theory of evolution. This is because it was ingeniously devised by the master
himself, as a system of schooling people to disqualify themselves - by making a spiritual choice - to reject the reality of
the Creator and of Christ’s future eternal kingdom.
And the priest explained to us that every teacher of this theory is recognized in the spirit world, as a person of great
value to the master’s kingdom, and such teachers receive a very special unction from Lucifer himself who gives them
great capacity and power to induce spiritual blindness, to totally convince and convert the mind. And that’s not all; the
high priest said that the master considers teachers of evolution to be so valuable to him that in the sight of all the
inhabitants of the galaxies, he assigns a special retinue of his bright and beautiful angels to follow that educator
throughout all the remainder of his/her life. He would thus have the billions of unfallen inhabitants of the galaxies to
know that he is bestowing the greatest of honors upon his chosen workers among humankind, until the great controversy
between he and the Creator is finished. Too say the least, this was all quite enlightening to hear.

this is really interesting to read.this article is written by Roger Morneau a former satanist who left evil worship later on.i aint saying that it is ultimate truth but quite informative.here's the link

open your eyes....what does general image and multimedia means?its not a defense section.and i dont have any interest to argue with u anyway:confused:
The hindu idol worshippers are not expected understand Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions. They understand monkey, elephant snake, cow gods. A different culture and mindset.

I couldn't help but comment...
Whatever you have posted about Hinduism is not wrong...but it's just the way you say it that stings...
Find pride in your faith without belittling that of others.
The hindu idol worshippers are not expected understand Judeo-Christian-Islamic traditions. They understand monkey, elephant snake, cow gods. A different culture and mindset.

plz don't go there....I know plenty of decent, respectful Hindus...
these trolls that you are replying to are a disgrace to Hindus everywhere.
Those whose eyes never see beyond the world of phenomena are like those who mistake servants of the lowest rank for the king -The Alchemy of Happiness, Imam Al-Ghazali

What we see with our bare eyes may not be the ultimate reality. This curtain would be pulled on us one day for sure, we will see :azn:

I know a lot about this stuff, and this information is from various sources. Just pray that you _atleast_ don't have to bear with those times...
What we see with our bare eyes may not be the ultimate reality. This curtain would be pulled on us one day for sure, we will see :azn:

I know a lot about this stuff, and this information is from various sources. Just pray that you _atleast_ don't have to bear with those times...

If we don't have to bear with it than our future generations will have to, who tend to be less informative about religion and tend to have higher chances to give into deception of evil.
If we don't have to bear with it than our future generations will have to, who tend to be less informative about religion and tend to have higher chances to give into deception of evil.

Agreed. But if that's the game-plan, nobody can do anything about it.

As for our part, we should try to remove our blindfolds individually, stop watching random BS on TV, start reading good books, meditate over the situation with our world (loneliness could be your great companion for that).
I would strongly suggest reading "The Alchemist of Happiness" by Imam Al-ghazali. You might find really strange, fascinating things there.
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