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The Arabazation of Islam

I think the point being made here is that the feeling among some people who believe that the measure of their "religiousity" is gauged by how much they reject and hate other cultures and religions which is definitely wrong.

There are good and bad in every culture and we (people of the sub-continent) can be proud of the scientific achievements of the ancient Indus valley civilizations (in present day pakistan) even though they were non-muslims as well as be proud of the architectural and governance achievements of the mughals.

Similarly we should reject the wrongs done by previous cultures be it the sati practice or caste system of predominantly hindu culture or the destruction and looting of temples by predominantly muslim invaders (which is against Islam anyways).

Doing this would in no way reduce the faith of a muslim/hindu/buddhist e.t.c but develop a better and truer understanding and appreciation of the common history that we all share. By the way, there are many sects in hinduism that also profess belief in one god and do not indulge in idol worship (e.g. Lingayats).

Iranians are proud of their pre-islamic persian history, Egyptians are proud of their pre-islamic (pharoah and pyramids) history so there is no contradiction in being proud of the pre-islamic Indian history which was one of the advanced civilizations in the ancient world.

and thats the Problem:Muslim heritage CONTRADICTS hindu heritage. Its like trying to mix oil into water.
One believes you must while the other forbids.

Islam does not mean Arabasation, YOu can be a Muslim and adopting certain things in your/a culture provided in does not go against the teachings of Islam.

Unless, alirulesall123 you are saying that Pakistanis should be proud of thier Indian culture (and not the Hindu way of life) and being a Muslims then thats ok.

However I would like to point out that we need to be careful that our proudness of our culture DOES NOT TURN INTO NATIONALISM and divide our people further. This message does not apply only to Pakistanis but as a Muslim as a whole and Muslim around the world which we live in sorrow state .
Mr. Khans you are right, but we seem to be not capable of telling that to those who are making us fight each other and in turn we do what ever they say and not what is right.

We have failed us and continue to do so by our own stupidity. We have no one to blame but us.

the solution is easy. and is in the sayings of our Beloved prophet. P.B.U.H.

Verily your deeds will be brought back to you, as if you yourself were the creator of your own punishment.

"Who is the best man?" Muhammad replied, "He is the best man whose life is long and whose actions are good." "Then who is the worst man?" "He whose life is long and whose actions are bad.

Very True....!!!
If someone thinks that ethnicity makes him superior in ISLAM then he or she is as much as a JACKASS compared to the one reacting to this thinking
well if MUSLIMS stop quarelling amongst themselves we can unite and move forward but that ain't happening so instead let them think they are superior....and let us think we are equals!!!

the arabs have money without BRAINS....we have brains but use it in all the wrong things & have got no money!!

if muslims start treating each other as equals and justice prevails then i guess the OTTOMAN EMPIRE...infact HAZRAT OMAR's period will return....BUT that ain't happening so boys....start fixing yourself before you complain....
I have lived in Dubai, Saudi Arabia and other ME places for long. This is totally wrong that Arabs consider themselves to be superior. Yes, we Pakistani (infact all Asians) have proved ourselves to be just plain ignorant, illiterate and garbage multipliers where ever we reside. Go to any area where Asians reside - and bingo - the smell in the area just plain introduces our culture. This causes our impression to go down in whatever countries we reside in. Thankfully, we learn real fast in the west, in adapting to their language, western culture, dress as casual wear, mannerism and behavior. However, if we are told to learn or respect, the language or mannerism or culture of any other Islamic country (Arab, Persian, Malaysian or Turkish) - we consider it against our values or culture. Learning their language is the first step towards promoting mutual harmony and upgrading our impression – something we refuse to do.

There's nothing against our values or culture. Nobody is suppressing us to do anything against our culture. If we decide to reside in some other country, we must learn to abide by their law and respect their culture, no matter how much we dislike it. If we hate the country - we should just plain leave.

Now this is also wrong that they have no brains to properly use their wealth. UAE and Saudi Arabia are doing world wide trade in billions of dollars, and they have fast transformed themselves into modern countries with best of infrastructure, health facilities and now modernizing their education system. The world is eager to invest in ME and promote trade ties. Every other day, they have world leaders at their doorsteps to promote their conglomerates. Just visit their Wiki pages to judge the value of their economies.

If we had as much wealth, I'm sure it would all have been sitting idle in Swiss banks, UK or French banks. So instead of finger-pointing we must improve ourselves! Lets be realistic.

Muslims must unite on all forums especially the OIC. We must not allow plain stupid articles (an individual's musings) to create disunity among Muslims.

One small edit: Musharraf was awarded highest civilian award of Saudi Arabia and UAE - there must be some reason.
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Why should we love our prophet's (pbuh) culture? He is our prophet because of religion, not because of his culture. Pakistanis need to stop emulating arabs, and just be ourselves.

You fool how can your ignorance blind you to such a degree??? We must follow the way of life of the Prophet Muhammad (S)!

The Prophet Muhammad (S) is the greatest of all prophets and creations of Allah! He is the most honest, righteous, pious, kind, sincere, and perfect of Allah (swt)`s creation! Alhamdulillah! As his follower we must follow his lifestyle.

But going back on topic, you are bickering about useless things!

Alhamdulillah, there is no arabizations of Islam... Islam is perfect and as long as in our culture their is nothing that is against Islam, it is fine!

Arabic is a very sacred language to us, because the Quran is in that language... If anyone wants to speak it, mind your own business!

All are equal in Islam, Alhamdulillah!

The best among you is the most righteous among you... That is an Islamic teaching!
Qur'aan is in Arabic so we must learn Arabic to recite and pray. Sunnah is basically the life of prophet (S.W.A) and we have to follow it more or less thus Arabic influence is unavoidable if you are to stay as practicing Muslim.

What percentage of non-Arab Muslims learn Arabic well enough to understand the Quran without referring to translations in their own language? 10%? 50%? I know that without an English translation of our Christian Bible it would be very, very difficult for me to study it on my own and to try to memorize passages. Thankfully we do not have to learn Greek or Aramaic to study the teachings of Jesus. The Bible is equally valid (to us) in English, Urdu, French, Arabic or whatever language is one's "mother tongue".
There's nothing against our values or culture. Nobody is suppressing us to do anything against our culture. If we decide to reside in some other country, we must learn to abide by their law and respect their culture, no matter how much we dislike it. If we hate the country - we should just plain leave.

Well said.. some cab drivers in the US won't take any passengers who have alcohol in the backpacks or suitcases... I mean how retarded is that. Yea you have every right to not take a passenger if he is drunk but if he just has alcohol in his bag what the hell is your problem than?

Stop trying to change the Laws of other countries because you don't like the way they do things. Go back to where you came from if your not going to abide by the countries rules, laws and regulations that you live in.

When in Rome do as the Romans did.. its as simple as that.

No one is telling you to give up your culture but you have no right to tell others to change their culture if your living in their country
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