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The allegations on Supreme court and CJ are true

Mansoor A Qureshi

Jun 8, 2006
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Dear Folks,
All i need to know about the allegations on supreme court, they are credible enough to take this sort of action by a so called head of state, or all this happening is due to some personal clash between HH President and COAS uncle mushy VS CJ Choudry?
Firstly, everyone is talking about Emergency, the root cause of emargency in Pakistan is not Mr. President alone, it a combination of events, look @ CJ behavior he is acting as a opposition leader, supporting Sharifs to come back, releasing Lal Masjid suspects atlarge, these lawyer never in the history of Pakistan were sincere to common man. Innocent poor people never got justice, on the contrary they supported the elite class. You must have seen them on Media, how they fight on streets against Govt. This agility, i am certain they were missionaries in lawyers attire not lawyers, why they dont get aggressive in civil courts for poor population, why Pakistani want B.B or Sharifs to ruin the country again. "Its a Hazarat Ali quote: Aazmaeey to dobara mat azmaaoo". Pakistan i media were totally negative in dipicting our country to international world, ridiculing our dignataries by impersonating them in stupid TV programs. We as a Pakistan our not sincere with ourselves.
I support Mr. Musharaf Pakistan come first then anyone else.
I am surprised people post their replies without knowing the reality. As far as Musharaf Vs. CJ is concerned the fault primarily lies with Musharaf. The reason is that Musharaf as per constitution is not entitled to run for presidency. Even when he took oath of office in 2002 as a result of 17th amendment to the constitution he was only allowed five years exemption which shall lapse on 15th November 2007. After that all relevant clauses of constitution shall apply to him as these shall apply to any other person willing to run for presidency. To the best of my knowledge Article 41, 62 and 63 define who is entitled to run for the post and who is not. In the case of Musharaf one obstacle was there in the constitution that disqualified him. He had to wait for two years to run for presidency since he was in the service of GOP.

Now coming to CJ he had no option but to ensure that rule of law was upheld in the country. In the case of missing persons law does not permit any agency to detain people without arresting them and then that too for a specified period. After that they have to be produced before a court of law. Now perhaps some of you don’t know many of these people are missing for years and not months and it is the duty of the Government to locate them and ensure their safety. Even if these were terrorist their cases should have brought to courts with proof. The government failed to do both. What options SC had other than to summon government. In the case of lal masjid too court only acted after the operations had been conducted. What logical explanation one can give for closing the mosque after the operation other than the one that it was trying to hide something. So my dear friend CJ only tried in vain to implement the rule of law.

As far as media is concerned for the first time people of Pakistan were getting stories from both sides and government’s position was not very strong legally or morally. That is why media has also faced the music.

Due to busy schedule this is all I can say at the moment. Good day to every one.
It appears that most hon members dont know what a Supreme Court is supposed to do. Supreme court is the highest court in the land, implying its function being primarily as the final appeal court. Similar to the house of Lords in the UK. The idea being that if one is dissatisfied by the decision of the normal court, one goes to the High Court. If the individual still thinks that he didnot get justice, he appeals to the Supreme Court.

Alas not so in Pakistan. Here the downtrodden have to face the trials and tribulations at the dsitrict courts but the wealthy go straigh to the High Court. Very powerful go directly to the Supreme Court by passing the High Court as well. In my opnion this is sheer travesty of the justice system.

Also in no country of the civilised world ( cant say about India) there is a provision in the constitution that Judiciary can take action on their own. ( Suo Motu). There are hundred of cases going on for years ( cases against BB had been going for more than 10 years) CJ doesnt care much the resolution of those. Instead he opens up his newpaper at breakfast, reads something he doesnot like, decides that it is in the public interest and takes Suo Motu action. Comes to his office and orders IG or the SSP to appear and answer questions.

This the jist of it. Thus I put a large part of the blame of the current mess on CJ and the Justices.
It appears that most hon members dont know what a Supreme Court is supposed to do. Supreme court is the highest court in the land, implying its function being primarily as the final appeal court. Similar to the house of Lords in the UK. The idea being that if one is dissatisfied by the decision of the normal court, one goes to the High Court. If the individual still thinks that he didnot get justice, he appeals to the Supreme Court.

Alas not so in Pakistan. Here the downtrodden have to face the trials and tribulations at the dsitrict courts but the wealthy go straigh to the High Court. Very powerful go directly to the Supreme Court by passing the High Court as well. In my opnion this is sheer travesty of the justice system.

Also in no country of the civilised world ( cant say about India) there is a provision in the constitution that Judiciary can take action on their own. ( Suo Motu). There are hundred of cases going on for years ( cases against BB had been going for more than 10 years) CJ doesnt care much the resolution of those. Instead he opens up his newpaper at breakfast, reads something he doesnot like, decides that it is in the public interest and takes Suo Motu action. Comes to his office and orders IG or the SSP to appear and answer questions.

This the jist of it. Thus I put a large part of the blame of the current mess on CJ and the Justices.

Niaz, yes we have provision of suo motto in India ( we can debate if India is civilised or not) , but it is used rarely .

With regards to who can go directly to supreme court i.e. very powerful , is it true that these laws are made by executve and not by judicary ? and judiciary is simply following laws laid by executive in constituion. If so why blame judges ???
It appears that most hon members dont know what a Supreme Court is supposed to do. Supreme court is the highest court in the land, implying its function being primarily as the final appeal court. Similar to the house of Lords in the UK. The idea being that if one is dissatisfied by the decision of the normal court, one goes to the High Court. If the individual still thinks that he didnot get justice, he appeals to the Supreme Court.

Alas not so in Pakistan. Here the downtrodden have to face the trials and tribulations at the dsitrict courts but the wealthy go straigh to the High Court. Very powerful go directly to the Supreme Court by passing the High Court as well. In my opnion this is sheer travesty of the justice system.

Also in no country of the civilised world ( cant say about India) there is a provision in the constitution that Judiciary can take action on their own. ( Suo Motu). There are hundred of cases going on for years ( cases against BB had been going for more than 10 years) CJ doesnt care much the resolution of those. Instead he opens up his newpaper at breakfast, reads something he doesnot like, decides that it is in the public interest and takes Suo Motu action. Comes to his office and orders IG or the SSP to appear and answer questions.

This the jist of it. Thus I put a large part of the blame of the current mess on CJ and the Justices.

Understood and agreed Sir Niaz,
But why most of the politicians and elected assembly members failed to address and resolve the problems of the common man, CJ stopped the sell of steal mill, the establishment was going to sell it for peanuts like they sold out habib bank and issue like this, you must admit that without the intervention of CJ the steal mill had been history, if someone is doing good work why to stop him, atleast as far as i am concern, there is no hope left for a common man, only Allah can save Pak from all this, things are out of control of mushy , his lust and greed for being in power is a never ending story

Since the court never gave a verdict, we cannot say whether Musharraf was constitutionally eligible or not. The case would have been simple had the 17th amendment not been passed (by a two thirds majority), but the constitution was amended, which gave rise to the argument over his holding two offices. If there wasn't any ambiguity, then the SC would not have dragged the case on for so many weeks listening to arguments from each side. Do you think the courts first decide whether "murder" is a crime, before determining whether a man committed murder? No, they go straight to establishing innocence or guilt. Not in the case of Musharraf and his two posts though.

I completely disagreed with the SC's decision to suspend the sale of the steel mills. How many years have we suffered losses from it? There is a reason why there wasn't a tremendous amount of investor interest or high bidding for it.

To expand it and modernize it, which is the need of the hour, will require billions in investment, which the government cannot afford. There was nothing wrong with selling it to a consortium that would invest in it and improve its capabilities. You have to look at things beyond simply "dollars and cents". Pakistan imports most of its steel requirements, how much foreign exchange could we save were PSM diversified and its capacity enhanced? How much "independence" would that give us in such a crucial sector? How much money do we gain by selling the PSM, even at a throw away price, by virtue of not having to bail it out for billions every so often? There are a lot of things that need to be looked at to determine whether the sale of a strategic asset like the PSM is in Pakistan,s interest or not.

The same goes for the PIA, which should have been privatized a long time back. I am sure the losses that the government suffers have probably cost Pakistan more than were it to have given PIA away.
Dear Folks,
All i need to know about the allegations on supreme court, they are credible enough to take this sort of action by a so called head of state, or all this happening is due to some personal clash between HH President and COAS uncle mushy VS CJ Choudry?

Understood and agreed Sir Niaz,
But why most of the politicians and elected assembly members failed to address and resolve the problems of the common man

since when were the politicians interested in the well-being of the common man - NEVER!
wake up and smell the coffee brother!
Pump the money and see the magic. Lawyers getting money from some source for this mobilization. 160 million people are tired of politicians. We have too little ants and too many grasshoppers.
But CJ acts were controversal. From day one he took oath, he was anti-mush. When army intelligence submit report in court, in which clearly mention, during his telephonic conversation he involve in inciting politicians to start coupe against Mush.....
It appears that most hon members dont know what a Supreme Court is supposed to do. Supreme court is the highest court in the land, implying its function being primarily as the final appeal court. Similar to the house of Lords in the UK. The idea being that if one is dissatisfied by the decision of the normal court, one goes to the High Court. If the individual still thinks that he didnot get justice, he appeals to the Supreme Court.

Alas not so in Pakistan. Here the downtrodden have to face the trials and tribulations at the dsitrict courts but the wealthy go straigh to the High Court. Very powerful go directly to the Supreme Court by passing the High Court as well. In my opnion this is sheer travesty of the justice system.

Also in no country of the civilised world ( cant say about India) there is a provision in the constitution that Judiciary can take action on their own. ( Suo Motu). There are hundred of cases going on for years ( cases against BB had been going for more than 10 years) CJ doesnt care much the resolution of those. Instead he opens up his newpaper at breakfast, reads something he doesnot like, decides that it is in the public interest and takes Suo Motu action. Comes to his office and orders IG or the SSP to appear and answer questions.

This the jist of it. Thus I put a large part of the blame of the current mess on CJ and the Justices.

Niaz you very well know the Dictatorship is ploting against Pakistan, the cases the Supreme coart fought was for justice, and may I remind you that thousands of people marched with the CJ to be re-instated and to day thousands are denayed to march against Musharraf atocratic rule.

I know you are a pro Zia-era man, however, things have changed the people of Pakistan are fed up of dictatorships, and the Army is fed up being very unpopular because of these dictatorships.

The day Musharraf asks the Army to come on the streets thats the day there will be coup, I am sure of it and this one will probably be the first bloody coup.
Pump the money and see the magic. Lawyers getting money from some source for this mobilization. 160 million people are tired of politicians. We have too little ants and too many grasshoppers.
But CJ acts were controversal. From day one he took oath, he was anti-mush. When army intelligence submit report in court, in which clearly mention, during his telephonic conversation he involve in inciting politicians to start coupe against Mush.....

I know ,its the CIA funding the lawyers and the CJ is a indian spy!:mod:
Picture is clear, after dismiss of CJ he jump in politics. While ago he was lecturing about duties and conducts. Didn't take breath and through hot speech on politics and present scenario.
Even he came through PCO. If he was honest from day one he should refuse to take the oath. Well atleast he should wait and complete two years time before the completion of his service.
Now, isn't he a political figure?
Niaz you very well know the Dictatorship is ploting against Pakistan, the cases the Supreme coart fought was for justice, and may I remind you that thousands of people marched with the CJ to be re-instated and to day thousands are denayed to march against Musharraf atocratic rule.

I know you are a pro Zia-era man, however, things have changed the people of Pakistan are fed up of dictatorships, and the Army is fed up being very unpopular because of these dictatorships.

The day Musharraf asks the Army to come on the streets thats the day there will be coup, I am sure of it and this one will probably be the first bloody coup.

Obviously you haven't noticed but the army seems to be on the streets already :lol:...Where did you go to gauge the feeling on the streets BTW? Or are you creating situations to suit your fantasy?
Niaz you very well know the Dictatorship is ploting against Pakistan, the cases the Supreme coart fought was for justice, and may I remind you that thousands of people marched with the CJ to be re-instated and to day thousands are denayed to march against Musharraf atocratic rule.

I know you are a pro Zia-era man, however, things have changed the people of Pakistan are fed up of dictatorships, and the Army is fed up being very unpopular because of these dictatorships.

The day Musharraf asks the Army to come on the streets thats the day there will be coup, I am sure of it and this one will probably be the first bloody coup.

Did u also noticed that the car he was traveling in had a ppp flag on it.
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