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The allegations on Supreme court and CJ are true

the only party to oppose them and the only party who has fought for democracy, the only party who lost so many workers because of Zia's hate on them, Will only want justice to be done for them.

The vote bank of the PPP comes from the poor of Pakistan they can never forget what Bhutto and his family sacrificed for Pakistan.

:rofl: :rofl: That was hysterical :tup:
The post wasn't aimed particularly to anybody except Niaz, however, you say BB is nothing like her father, I did not say she is like her father, there was only one Bhutto. However, she is his daughter and she has the the same people in her party who were part designers of the constitution, she has the same people who fought against the Zia traitors regime under the name "Movement for the Restoration of Democracy," and she has the same people who designed the infrastructure of Pakistan. These people have never lowered themself infront of a dictator.

If you believe what propaganda that was made against BB by the MSL-Nawaz then you should read the history of the PPP, if you think that BB is corrupt then you need to know that she has lost nearly whole of her family for Pakistan, her Brother was poisoned in France by the ISI led by Zia traitor, her father was hanged on fake evidence, Murtaza Bhutto was shot dead by a police officer and in turn the Police officer was shot dead by the Agencies and her Mother co-chairperson and at first chairperson was baton charged shortly after Z.A Bhutto was arrested, because she wanted to protest she was struck on the head with the baton and she suffered impairment in hearing.

What kind of a corrupt loses everything and still wants democracy. The Zia factions are fathered by himself of them are is MQM who he created against the PPP, the Chaudri brothers who were in his Parliament and Ijaj-ul-haq Zia who is minister of religion now and the others, its clear why BB is named corrupt, because the others are angels.

Dude, Bhutto has more than three European governments and judiciaries that have evidence of her corruption/found her guilty! You don't excuse her corruption because someone else in her family has been treated unfairly!
You are weired, if you lost a love one you would diagnose yourself with that statement? this miscreant race of power hungry dictators have destroyed Pakistan, the only party to oppose them and the only party who has fought for democracy, the only party who lost so many workers because of Zia's hate on them, Will only want justice to be done for them.

The vote bank of the PPP comes from the poor of Pakistan they can never forget what Bhutto and his family sacrificed for Pakistan.

Would I be bitter and cynical if I lost a loved one? I don't know - I don't think anyone can answer that question until they experience loss themselves.

All I am saying is that it is illogical to use personal loss as an indicator of someones selflessness, virtue or competence, as you seemed to be implying about BB. She should be judged by her actions, and not be given a pass, as a politician, for the tragedy that befell her family, since her actions will play a part in the destiny of 160 million people.
I am not a particular fan of Bhutto clan as I blelieve that they are as corrupt as they come. Having said that; it is an undeniable fact PPP along with Muslim League ( Both Q&N) are the only main stream parties in the country who have vote bank in all four of the Pakistan's provinces. All other parties are regional.

This has been proven time and again including the last election, where PPP had more votes cast in their favour than any other party. For whatever reason; probably irrationally; many do vote for PPP in general elections and we should be tolerant enough to accept this fact as eventually it is the will of the people that counts.

Since good leadership doesnot grow on trees or as it says in the Punjabi song " aye putr hattaan tey nai wickdey" meaning you cant buy the sons at the shop. Pakistan has to make do with what we have got. I would personally favour a civilian Musharraf with BB as PM. Not that I like it but because IMO this is the least of the evils.

Besides, thankfully PPP is liberal. The only other leader of national stature ( Nawaz Sharif) used to go to Zia's tomb each year and vow to continue Zia's mission. I would therefore prefer BB over NS.
Salam to all,

First of all i would like to say, yes its true the Politicians created by Agenices are sitting with Mushi its Fact, its Mqm who was against Military Courts in 1998 and the supreme court of Pakistan, stopped the funtions of those military courts by giving stay, and now these Military courts again formed and now Mqm was not saying anything.

Its fact that in 1999 there are only thee Political parties working against Establishment , which are PPP, MQM and ANP. and now only three parties working with Establishment, which are PML Q, PML F and MQM, so i think situation is now quiet differ.

Thirdly about the allegation of Cj, if they were correct , then there are thousand of thousand of these kind of allegations present aginst MUHI, and PM and Angel Minsters, and if the Cj removed because of its corruption, then i think almost 90% of Minsters will be arrested and hanged.

Danish saleem
Salam to you too:)

Its not just corruption, this fact is known to all that mushy felt threatened by independant judiciary, neutral media's impact on peoples' perception about the government and political movement PPP gaining momentum. There are only three mainstream eral political parties present in Pak on national level. PML-N, PPP, MMA(whatever is left of it). MQM is a terrorist organization, PML-Q is bunch of opportunists.
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