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The Algerian Armed Forces.

Algerian navy NATO joint military exercise involving the LPD 474 Kalaat Beni Abbas off Algiers costs.

Algeria is negociating several divisions or SAM system "Antey 2500".


"in the past year, Algeria has ordered two Russian diesel-electric submarines of Project 636 in the amount of approximately $ 1.2 billion, and in April 2015 a batch of 16 Su-30MKA, now preparing a contract for several divisions of the system "Antey-2500".
Algeria To Order Russian Airspace Management System Acacia-E.
dzarmy 10 26 15 acacia me.jpg

Algeria is likely to order an airspace defense automatic control system, Acacia-E from Russia.

“We are now in the final stages of signing a contract with Algeria on delivery of these systems, and we hope to sign it this December,” Andrey Riznyk, Executive Board member of the United Instrument Manufacturing Corporation said in an interview to Tass last Saturday.

In addition to Algeria, there were other countries interested in the system. “We negotiate this actively with our traditional customers; India and Vietnam. Besides, we have been contacted by Malaysia and Brazil who are are also keen to have the Acacia-E system."

"This is a control system primarily for the Airspace Defense, Aircraft Defense and the Air Force, the export version is known under the name Acacia-E. The system can observe and analyze the ongoing situation, can track up to 200 targets simultaneously, describing full target details and even making decisions whether to fire on specific targets without human involvement,” he said.

“We are also considering 14 prospective customer countries, which may be interested in purchasing this system. More specifically, we are going to take Acacia-E for a demonstration to Brazil, India, the UAE, China, and Vietnam,” Riznyk said.

Algerian Navy Sailing ship , EL MELLAH, to be delivered by 2016 from a Polish shipyard.
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As for Mediterranean the role I see for Algeria is when entire Muslim world decides to liberate Palestine. Sooner or later this would have to be done, until the issue of Palestine is not resolved no peace can come in entire world. Palestine issue and Jerusalem is the key to world peace.
Zarvan, it is up to the Palestinian to liberate their land they counted too much on the Arabs help, and look their situation now! Morocco supposed to be the protector and the overseer of the El Quds, she hasn't even emmit a murmur for the last IDF storming of the mosque and lately voted with Israel against the decolonisation of the Arab lands. Saudi Arabia is working hand in hand with Israel to destroy Syria, Iraq and mostly Yemen
Egypt has just finishing walling, after they flooded all their tunnels, a Gaza lifeline...
For Algeria, her position toward Israel is well known and hasn't change since 1967 and it is not going to change as long as Israel is occupying Palestinian lands. Having said that, I do not think that Algeria, will join any Muslim war against Israel and will limit herself to directly helping the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian as she has been doing since her independence. Algeria doesn't regard Israel as an enemy no more than Arab states that caused us a lot more damage than Israel ever did.. In fact Israel never did caused us any harm comparing what the Arab league and other Muslim countries did to us in the nineties..
To Zarvan, with all my respect :
The fact is not that Israel isn't an ennemy.
Algeria is "in state of war" with Israel since 1967. The fact is that Algeria hasn't any plan to attack Israel or something like that.
Because, it is the responsability first of palestinians and arabs of the ME. If they do war against Israel Algeria will too.
Algeria has always made the job in 1967 and 1973.

But now stop dreaming, arab and muslim countries are cowards, dominated by Usa and Israel and is the reason why Algeria Will not do anything.

Excuse me but Morocco, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuweit and others are just capable to make war to their Brothers or other arabians (Lybia, Hezbollah, Syria, Yémen) but they are afraid of Israel. Israel terrorises all the countries of ME.

Why do they fight in Yémen, help terrorists in Syria and never do anything for Palestine ???
Because they are afraids, and because they are Sionists countries. Yes Saudia Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Morocco etc... Are sionists.

So first those countries are to recover their sovereignity before anything.

Algeria Will not do anything with arabic-muslim Sionists countries. It' s better to stay alone and stronger if necessary.

Excuse me but in Algeria we don't trust at all Arabic and muslim countries. Plus, they don't know how to fight and making war (in Yemen it's so funny to see Arabic soldiers, their faces lol, their physical look ... They haven't any skills for the war. Against Israel they Will be ridiculous).

So Forget "muslim World" it's a fantasy. Now they are for the most, dogs of USA or Sionists countries.
Algeria is the only arab and muslim country wich has defeated a Nato power in the history. (And Hezbollah wich has defeated Israel, with very capable and courageous fighters). Not necessary to have strong weapons... Necessary to fight until death, to sacrify a Big part of the people, to don't be afraid to be killed, to have all the people supporting fighters, kill the traitors and to know how to make the agressor respecting you.

Long live Palestine.
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A message to the "arabians" who hate Algeria in this Forum, from Palestine and from Palestinians themselves.:coffee:

An other message from Mohamed Assaf (great palestinian singer) to the haters of Algeria.:rolleyes1:

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November 1st, ceremony the El Dhafer, as guest star

The heavy corvette C28A was the guest of honor of the ceremonies commemorating the outbreak of the Algerian revolution, arriving in the early morning of November 1 to the port of Algiers and was the background of the parade, organized for the event .

Docked at the Kheir Eddine pier, El Dhafer (victorious) offered her best profile in the Bay of Algiers.

From the Boulvard along the sea front, it was possible to see the armament of the Corvette, the eight C802 sea missile launchers , both CWIS, anti submarine rockets launchers and improved navy Crotale version air Air Defence system

@Hassiba-Ben-Bouali ,
We don't desecrate somebody's flag, we, as Algerians, are better than that, we don't demean a Symbol of a country, and of its people because of the bad apples that govern it...
For a real country yes, but this one is forbidden in Algeria. This one represents a false State created in a land wich has been stolen.
It isn't a reason , my friend, the Algerian position toward Palestine is well known to Israel and it hasn't change. But to put a picture of her flag being pissed on by , it is demeaning to this thread, to our army and the Algerian people as a whole, that DZ PDF's and others spent countless hours to bring it where it is now, and two send wrong and a false representation of the Algerians that fought those ideas in the world forums. If you want some kind of eye for eye revenge, why don't you show that infant pissing on a Moroccan, Egyptian, French or Venezuelan flag? they are the one known to have burned, stamped and pissed on the Algerian Flag, Israelis have never did to my knowledge...
Rewriting :

How much Palestinians prefer Algeria ( their second country as Palestinians say) and Algerians before every other arabians or human...

And now how much can Algeria sacrify their kids for our brothers of Palestine, with our President Boumediene asking to Algerian soldiers before to be send to fight Israel ... death, sacrifice, and asking them to be "Chahid" with proud, without scare, and with dignity... Asking Algerian women to support and encourage Algerian males to go to death in Palestine and saying that Palestinian mums need the sacrifice of their Algerian sons and will celebrate and recognize their sacrifice and death !

In Algeria we say that "Algeria Will not be totally independant until Palestine Will"!!!!

And now a MESSAGE OF AN ALGERIAN SOLDIER to Palestinians, and .... To ISRAELIS !!!

this thread, is for the Algerian army , where only the subjects concerning the Algerian army should be posted and discussed..If you want to treat the Palestinian-Israelis conflict from an Algerian point of vue, open an a new thread...And if you can remove the picture of an innocent kid pissing on the flag and the youtube showing the Algerian soldier warning Israel from this thread, The Algerian PDF's that have participated in this thread, you included, will be indebted to you...for the obvious reasons..
I beg to differ!..Israelis danced on a hill overlooking Gaza while Israel's aviation was burning Palestinian children with phosphorus bombs in school shelters, Zionists have taken everything from the Palestinians and confined them to concentration camps like Gaza, ..west bank....blockaded them from land, sea and air and surrounded them with high walls and barbwire....... These Zionists haven't just usurped the Palestinians but they are also subjecting them to constant harrassment and humiliation.

Their Flag isn't a symbol of a "country" ..it's a symbol of oppression....a symbol of one of the greatest injustices in human history....... If the picture depicted any other flag I would agree with you however in this case I'm gonna make an exception.

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