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The Algerian Armed Forces.

Airbus A400M in trial test in Algeria.

It is parked on the tarmac at the air base in Boufarik yesterday, the Airbus A400M demonstrator is hard to miss amid dozens of Ilyushin and C130, but even from a distance, its height and information about its capabilities are more than promising.
Offered by Airbus for the army , the Algerian air force are in the process of renewing and enriching its fleet of transport aircraft. Tests of the A400M will be carried in real conditions in test ranges reserved for this purpose.
The AAF has already conducted similar tests on the C17, the A330 MRTT, the C130J and is expected to receive soon the IL476.
Germany approves Rheinmetall armoured vehicle plant delivery to Algeria

Written by defenceWeb, Monday, 25 August 2014

Germany's Economy Ministry has approved plans by defence group Rheinmetall to deliver an armoured vehicle assembly plant to Algeria, according to a reply sent by the ministry following a request from a member of parliament.

Rheinmetall's delivery to Algeria includes a production line to assemble the Fuchs armoured vehicle, as well as other parts valued at more than 28 million euros ($37 million), according to the document. German magazine Der Spiegel had earlier reported on the approval, according to Reuters.

The planned factory, located about 400 km east of Algeria's capital Algiers, is to build nearly 1,000 armoured vehicles, Der Spiegel said, adding parts would be exported to the country, where workers would assemble them. It was earlier reported that 980 Fuchs 2 vehicles will be built as part of a 2.7 billion euro deal. Apparently Algeria has agreed not to sell the vehicles to other countries.

The deal is the result of a visit to Algeria by German Chancellor Angela Merkel in 2008 and was largely approved by the previous government, Der Spiegel said.

Algeria has ordered around ten billion euros worth of military equipment from Germany in the last few years, including two Meko A200 frigates from Thyssen-Drupp and SUVs and trucks from Daimler. Last year Algeria purchased 825 million euros worth of tank parts, SUVs and trucks from Germany.

In 2011 Germany authorised the export of 54 Fuchs vehicles worth 195 million euros to Algeria, as well as other military vehicles worth 286 million euros, according to Der Spiegel.

Algeria is greatly expanding its military and just this year ordered two Kilo class diesel electric submarines from Russia, and in 2015 the Algerian Navy will take delivery of the landing and logistic support ship Kalaat Beni-Abbes. 42 Mi-28N Night Hunter attack helicopters and six Mi-26T2 cargo helicopters were ordered this year in a nearly $3 billion deal from Russia. Also this year it emerged that Algeria’s military has acquired self-propelled artillery from China.

Earlier this year, Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel said he would tighten rules on arms exports, curbing sales to states such as Qatar and Saudi Arabia, whose purchases had previously helped make Germany the world's third largest arms exporter, Reuters reported.

Germany earlier this month permanently halted Rheinmetall's planned export of combat simulation equipment to Russia, going beyond recently imposed European Union sanctions which block future defence contracts.

As a result, Rheinmetall cut its 2014 operating profit aim, and now expects group earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) of between 200 million euros and 220 million euros, down from a previous target range of 230 million to 250 million.
From the back door,I'm sure it is PLZ45/55
and the skirt confirms it too. What throw me at first, is all the pictures of the Chinese plz's didn't have a skirt while the German's do...Then I found a picture of the command and control vehicle.

anyway, the Chinese/Algerian military cooperation is deeper and wider than the imagination. We will cover this particular subject in due time.:cheers:
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The Raptor II, produced by Denel Dynamics (SA), is an extremely high-precision rocket-powered weapon with a wide range of alternative heavy warheads of 600 kg each , with an effective operating range of 150 km (90 miles). It can be fitted with GPS/INS guidance, lor a low light television or imaging IR seekers. When fitted with GPS/INS, it can be operated in the fire-and-forget mode; without this option, the target must be designated by a laser. Its targetting system can be reprogrammed in flight and it is an all-weather weapon.in a redesign, designated as Raptor III, the rocket motor will be repaced by a small jet turbine that would increase its range to 300 kms or 180 miles. A longer-term concept is the Raptor V, which would be a radical redesign with a new airframe, propulsion system, multimode seeker and other improvements is being mulled over.

Beech 1900D cockpit.
  • Secret Difa3: the mysterious bombing of Tripoli would be Algerian
  • For Secret Difa3, Algeria has good reason to carry the raid against the weapon depots controlled by Libyan Islamists.

    After the State Department retraction of the Egyptian-Emirati responsibility in the mysterious air bombing of a stockpile of weapons in Tripoli, the Algerian track resurfaced.

    For Akram Kharief, journalist and editor of the blog Secret Difa3 specializing in defense issues and geostrategy in North Africa, many indicators suggest that the Algerian air force carried the raid with the acquiescence of the western powers, even if he carefully worded his assumption. The Algerian expert on defense believes that Algeria is the only country - next to the West , involved in the Libyan chaos, is equipped and experienced to carry out a surgical attack of this type, at night and at a distance of nearly 600 km from its air bases in the east. Algiers had received informations on the taking control of an important weapon depot by the Libyan Islamist militia, which is a danger to her national security,." Akram Kharief told Maghreb Emergent, the Western powers would support Algeria's actions, because they share the same concerns as Algiers, on the dangers of taking control of a strategic stockpile of weapons by an extremist groups. American diplomacy eventually pulled back the statement, where initially attributed the raids to the Emirats, which would have taken off from a base Egyptian located near the borders with Libya.

    The Monday of August 18 airstrike, at 2 am, destroyed targets south and east of the capital Tripoli, who had not experienced such air intrusions since the fall of Muammar el Gueddafi's regime. The mystery , soon amplified, since, neither the West or the Libyan authorities could identify the aircrafts. The United States, France and Britain, had immediately denied any involvement in the attack. Algeria had followed suit in their footsteps, highlighting its military doctrine of non-intervention outside its borders. A doctrine undermined by insistent information on "preventive" military operations that were conducted by the ANP in Libyan territory against jihadists.

    Daesh planning to establish bases at the Algerian and Tunisian borders.
Armament: helicopter carriers, corvettes, helicopters, Airbus ?

on 08/29/14

The ANP's dilemma:
Do more with the same troops number or less, given the reduction in the time length of national service?
The solutions: Troop mobility, maximum automation of operations and increased firepower and reach, while adopting a more aggressive in intelligence and making good use of the right to pursue and international collaboration.

The 2015 budget Act ,devotes a higher defense budget, allowing the continued modernization of the armed forces and its program of upgrades. Moreover, the acquisition announcements multiplied. Naval forces will soon receive three heavy stealth corvettes C28A, made in China , with radar and western electronics. The Chinese manufacturer has already announced that Algiers has signed a second order of three ships of the same ,to be built in Algeria.

They will be joined soon by what will likely be, the flagship of the Algerian Navy, the helicopter carrier Kalaat Beni Abbes made in Italy. All of these ships will be accompanied by a dozen helicopters Agusta Westland specializing in sea search and rescue as well in anti-submarine warfare.
Helicopters, Russian made this time, will start arriving in the Algerian Air Force bases.The Mi28, veritable flying tanks to counter-terrorism and the Mi26, the largest helicopter in the world with a transport capacity of a Hercules C130 will enable the rapid deployment of troops over large distances and a better border surveillance.
The Air Force, for the renewal of its fleet of transport aircraft, continue to explore alternative aircrafts and is now testing the flagship of the European aviation, the Airbus A400M.
The air defense forces of the country had ordered the ultimate in air defense, and confirmed by Moscow, of several S400 regiments.

Akram Kharief
Secret difa3.
For north Africa Algeria have a strong and modern Army, that can Deal with several Threats in the Region ! All the Equipment is purchsed from foreign Countries or produced in License ! Have Algeria no ambition to built an indigenous Defence Industry ?
For north Africa Algeria have a strong and modern Army, that can Deal with several Threats in the Region ! All the Equipment is purchsed from foreign Countries or produced in License ! Have Algeria no ambition to built an indigenous Defence Industry ?

they do. They are several production unit made in joint venture with China, Russia, Germany, Italy, England, Serbia, Spain, Poland and Ukraine to name just few. But the first five are the main partners by far.
Nuclear energy cooperation agreement between Algeria and Russia

ARTICLE | 3 SEPTEMBER 2014 - 5:41 P.M.

Youcef Yousfi, Minister of Energy. Sid-Ali / New Press
Algeria and Russia signed Wednesday here a cooperation agreement in the field of the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. This agreement, the documents were signed by Energy Minister Youcef Yousfi, and the CEO of the Russian State Corporation for Atomic Energy (Rosatom), Sergei Kiriyenko, is to define the axes and the conditions for cooperation between Algeria and Russia in the field of development and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Cooperation under this agreement covers such aspects of the training of human resources in science and technology, basic and applied research, research and development in the field of nuclear engineering and technology and the use of nuclear reactors for production of electricity and desalination of seawater. Such cooperation also for nuclear and radiation safety, management and treatment of radioactive waste and the application of nuclear technologies in the areas of agriculture, biology, water and medicine, including the production of radioisotopes. The agreement also provides for the creation of a center of study and research development in Algeria. "This is a framework agreement covering several areas such as the production of electricity from nuclear energy and the use of this energy for peaceful purposes, including medicine, agriculture and resources water, "Yousfi said on the sidelines of the ceremony. For his part, Kiriyenko said Russia "attaches great importance to this strategic agreement with Algeria." "Russia, which welcomes and supports the decision of Algeria to build a civil nuclear power in 2025, displays its full readiness to share its experience with Algeria and contribute to the development of this market," said the Russian official, adding that the Algerian-Russian agreement includes the construction of future nuclear power plant. Yousfi had already announced that Algeria plans to build its first nuclear plant by 2025 to cope with high electricity demand, ensuring that the country had sufficient reserves to operate a nuclear power plant. Proved reserves of uranium in Algeria are around about 29 000 tonnes, enough to run only two nuclear power plants with a capacity of 1,000 megawatts each for a term of 60 years, according to figures already announced by the Ministry of Energy. The choice to use, in part, to nuclear power to produce electricity was dictated by the desire to reduce costly bill for the production of this energy from renewables.
According to experts, "Algerian army will face a possible attack of the Islamic State"

ARTICLE | 30 AUGUST 2014 - 10:52

A fighter of the latest generation of the Algerian Air Force.DR( by the way, Strategika seems to ignore that the SMT's were sent back to Russia for quality reasons...but let follow the reasoning of strategika 51, so called expert....)

According to the site Strategika 51 , which refers to the experts, "the Algerian army, priority target of the Islamic State is the best army in the region to deal with terrorism," but it "will have no possible chance ground against hordes of the Islamic State. " For these experts, the ANP "will not survive but the massive use of its aviation ground attack." These experts, reports S trategika 51 , believe that "the experience of the Algerian army for more than a decade of counter-terrorism will have no effect against a new enemy, far better armed, using innovative new tactics, very organized, especially with a strong logistics and substantial financial funds. " "Moreover, they add, the Islamic State master the use of new information technologies and communication and will have no problem winning the media war with all the countries of the Maghreb."
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