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The Algerian Armed Forces.

Algerian self-propelled artillery systems












Are they all made in designed and made in Algeria ??? @Ceylal
Paratroopers public show , 5 july Independence Day

You must be thinking this is so cool and badass, but it's awkwardly retarded and pointless :sarcastic:if you saw some other country's military doing this sht you would be making fun of it lmao :omghaha:
You must be thinking this is so cool and badass, but it's awkwardly retarded and pointless :sarcastic:if you saw some other country's military doing this sht you would be making fun of it lmao :omghaha:
Don't you need to celebrate the trashing that Anzar gave to your gendarmes, that were incapable of defending the small island Persil, 200 yards from your shores..:hitwall:
For the guys you are making fun of, are really a tough cookies to brake, for your case to swallow...
You are so delusional lol, thinking this un-effective bullcrap actually proves anything?? you can see any homeless street performers doing this same sht even better,.. what is it even effective for?? that's what the easy-to-break armies tend to do to hide incompetency ... not much different from the Saudi military shows,.. doing the same useless and totally un-effective sht, look them up on YT you will find hundreds of videos for the "tough Saudi cookies" doing this fancy beauty queen sht and even more...
You are so delusional lol, thinking this un-effective bullcrap actually proves anything?? you can see any homeless street performers doing this same sht even better,.. what is it even effective for?? that's what the easy-to-break armies tend to do to hide incompetency ... not much different from the Saudi military shows,.. doing the same useless and totally un-effective sht, look them up on YT you will find hundreds of videos for the "tough Saudi cookies" doing this fancy beauty queen sht and even more...
Well what is your pedale VI , waiting to instaure his big Moroccan dream, since these young men are street performers?
Those T-90's will get booty raped by Moroccan tank crews easily :sarcastic:keep getting more of them, bigger blow for us to deliver :-)
Those T-90's will get booty raped by Moroccan tank crews easily :sarcastic:keep getting more of them, bigger blow for us to deliver :-)
Yes we know that the reason Algeria bought them..to make the Makhzen happy...and their octogenarians armed forces...Ecoute pedale, Morocco is living on borrowing time, the day after Bouteflika [Morocco'sprotector ]get dumped in an unnamed grave in the sea, that the day we let loose the Polisario on your asses, gather your babouches, flags and the book of the Koran and head North while you got time...If you loiter any longer, you find those 3items shoved so deep in your behind that you wouldn't find a vet to pull them out!
Nice tank. The T90 has a low profile compared to the other big western tanks. This Algerian one has some nice hardware and sensors on top of the turret too.
Algeria bought these while a India was encountering tremendous problems With their.Algeria's choices of hardware and software made the the T90 A one of the best ever delivered by the Russians.
live fire launch/test of the Saab RBS anti ship missile by MEKO A-200 frigate they used an Osa II missile boat as target

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