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The Abottabad Drama

well these indians have a new way of proving their point, that is if we debunk their cr@p they just call us conspiracy theorist, people in denial, people with obsession, people with God knows what else. And one has to just go through this forum off late who is obsessed with who and to what extend. And specially these days, when you have the summer holidays, all the walay jahil 15 saal kay keyboard losers are here ruining the forum with one Pakistan bashing article after another, and to add to that their sh!ty point of view.

that's what brown nosers do ;)
What about that fake attack on the naval base? Those Orions were destroyed several years ago. And everyone had conflicting numbers of terrorist, plus the bodies had obvious signs of freezer-burn.
What about that fake attack on the naval base? Those Orions were destroyed several years ago. And everyone had conflicting numbers of terrorist, plus the bodies had obvious signs of freezer-burn.

Nah see that is where we fooled you as we have another one trying to prove his cr@p lets sugar coat it a little shall we. We faked the whole thing and destroyed some dummy planes because we handed them planes to china and with the cooperation of whom we will be unleashing a super duper version of C-3 Orion on you indians. :D
And it will be called JC-3.
Topi Drama kartay hn cia aur raw waly mil kar
Pakistani establishment after realising many questions are asked on their incompetence let their assets in the Media loose. One thing is obvious, the military, ISI and PPP Government can not admit, that they have brought the humiliation on Pakistan and Pakistani nation by cutting a deal with the USA to take all the applauds in the Drama of Bin Laden.

I will be fair with Pakistanis; I can understand Pakistanis thought after the negotiations with the Americans that they would withdraw from Afghanistan after announcing to the World that OBL is dead, closing the chapter and main reason why they invaded Afghanistan. Therefore in their collective wisdom they decided that the best option for them is to declare that they were unaware of American incursion.

To give story credence, Americans used stealth technology to make world believe that due to stealth technology Pakistanis didn’t pick the helicopters on their Radars. The excuse that the western border’s Radars were not in alert state doesn’t cut it. Abbotabad is near to Islamabad, plus it is in an area where Pakistan have important installations, there is no way in the world they wouldn’t have Radar coverage there.

Now listen to an asset of the West and India in Pakistan, Mr. Najam Sethi.

First of all Najam said, 2 Chinooks left Bagram near Kabul around 12o clock. This seems like a misquotation from Sethi given Americans earlier account was two BH flown from Bagram and travelled to Abbotabad via Jalalabad. But it is not really misquotations or wrong information there were two Chinooks apart from two BH. Once again it blows wide open the story of failure of Radar, non-detection due to stealth technology, Chinooks were not stealth.

Mr. Sethi said it took Chinooks 30 minutes to reach Abbotabad. Why is he using 30 minutes travel time? Because there is a problem, one of the TV channel ARY shown the wall clock in the house (it is said in the vary room Osama was in) stopped just past 12:15 a.m. Sethi quoted an eye witness woman linked the incident to around 12:30.

In the video he said two Stun grenades were thrown, which caused the wall clock to stop.

But to justify the time on the clock; Sethi is fooling Pakistani Nation on the Instructions of Pakistani establishment to save American blushes.

The caption on the video says it took the helicopters only 15 minutes to reach Abbotabad (those who can read Urdu should be able to read it).

Let’s test his lies. If we use one of the latest model of BH, S70i we know its maximum speed is 361 km/hr. The distance between Bagram, Kabul and Abbotabad is 375 km. Other models are even slower.

It means even at full speed it would have taken BH over an hour to reach Abbotabad and not 20 minutes. We also know they went to Jalalabad first, we also know they landed in “Kala Dhaka” for 40 minutes before moving to Abbotabad. We also know, according to the claims the helicopters used ground hugging mode and they went around the mountains instead of climbing higher to avoid Radars. In that case they couldn’t have travelled at maximum speed or in straight direction. Stretching the distance between the two destinations.

Well according to the facts we know, it would have taken them anything over 2 to 2 1/2 hours to reach Abbotabad, according to the stories feed to us.

So how did they reach Abbotabad just pass 12:15 the time shown on the clock?

It would take Chinooks even longer to reach its destination, it has maximum speed of 315 km/hr.

If the Americans couldn’t reach Abbotabad at 12:15, then who did the operation?

Now let’s look at another interesting report by AP filled by Nahal Toosi and Zarar Khan had this paragraph in its contents;

Local residents showed off small parts of what appeared to be a U.S. helicopter that Washington said malfunctioned and was disabled by the American strike team as they retreated. A small servant's room outside the perimeter showed signs of violent entry and had been briskly searched, clothes and bedding tossed to the ground. Its wall clock was on the floor, the time stuck at 2:20, when the U.S. team would have been on the ground in the early hours of Monday.

As we see, there are huge problems in the stories feed to the world.
If Americans reach there at 2:20 who was there before them at 12:20?
2:20 is more realistic time, looking at the details I provided above.
Now 40 minutes wait in "Kala Dhaka" by the Americans make lots of sense.

Enjoy the video I will expose another big name of Geo TV in my next analysis. The lies are just never ending in this drama.

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What about that fake attack on the naval base? Those Orions were destroyed several years ago. And everyone had conflicting numbers of terrorist, plus the bodies had obvious signs of freezer-burn.

Every eye there saw that orions were burning while firing was going on, even the dead bodies of attackers were sent to hospital for postmortem.
number of attackers is conflicting yes, but different number of attackers doesnt make the whole incident a drama.
Thanks for your reply.. if everything is fake then Pakistan would have convinced US to make this WHOLE STORY take place in Afghanistan rather than CREATING it in Pakistan. If at all they wanted to just ACT then they would have acted it outside Pakistan so as to avoid this weird situation. See, US can convince Pakistan government about it but how can they convince OBL family and AQ itself?

Yeah they would have, should have suited them fine, but there were two big problems.

1- It would have back fired on the Americans big time. People would have asked how OBL was living in the USA (Afghanistan is part of USA, its occupied territory) despite 100,000 boots on the ground? Same questions now asked from Pakistanis.

2- Where would they place him? In a cave or in a Big House in Kabul, making Karzai responsible for his hidding for years? Then how would have they fool the world of their bravery, their superior technology to capture the baddie?

People would have leveled accusations of a setup. Now the clamor is there of him died years ago, but in that case it would have been blowing all over the world.

Nah, it was convenient to locate him in Pakistani populated area for simple reasons, who would have believed if the announcement made he is killed near the border in drone strike or air strike? Questions of where is his body would have been asked even more. So, the dead beaten OBL must be killed in a glare of media light with stories of bravery and decisive decision making by Obama.

Not having his body to be shown to the world is solved by sea burial and pictures, well, wait until CIA electronic cell produces a believable hoax.

Let's face it, the Afghans thought they should try something similar, they floated the rumors M Omer got killed in a air strike travelling from Quetta to N W. Who believed it? Similar would have been the fate of a news of OBL getting killed in an air strike in the border area; in a cave or dwelling.
They write conspiracy for people like you. Who only believe in such stories. :lol:

Read the analysis, before calling it conspiracy theories. I deal with facts. Facts do not add up in this drama. Why don't you call the lies fed to you as conspiracies?
Pakistani establishment after realising many questions are asked on their incompetence let their assets in the Media loose. One thing is obvious, the military, ISI and PPP Government can not admit, that they have brought the humiliation on Pakistan and Pakistani nation by cutting a deal with the USA to take all the applauds in the Drama of Bin Laden.

I will be fair with Pakistanis; I can understand Pakistanis thought after the negotiations with the Americans that they would withdraw from Afghanistan after announcing to the World that OBL is dead, closing the chapter and main reason why they invaded Afghanistan. Therefore in their collective wisdom they decided that the best option for them is to declare that they were unaware of American incursion.

To give story credence, Americans used stealth technology to make world believe that due to stealth technology Pakistanis didn’t pick the helicopters on their Radars. The excuse that the western border’s Radars were not in alert state doesn’t cut it. Abbotabad is near to Islamabad, plus it is in an area where Pakistan have important installations, there is no way in the world they wouldn’t have Radar coverage there.

Now listen to an asset of the West and India in Pakistan, Mr. Najam Sethi.

First of all Najam said, 2 Chinooks left Bagram near Kabul around 12o clock. This seems like a misquotation from Sethi given Americans earlier account was two BH flown from Bagram and travelled to Abbotabad via Jalalabad. But it is not really misquotations or wrong information there were two Chinooks apart from two BH. Once again it blows wide open the story of failure of Radar, non-detection due to stealth technology, Chinooks were not stealth.

Mr. Sethi said it took Chinooks 30 minutes to reach Abbotabad. Why is he using 30 minutes travel time? Because there is a problem, one of the TV channel ARY shown the wall clock in the house (it is said in the vary room Osama was in) stopped just past 12:15 a.m. Sethi quoted an eye witness woman linked the incident to around 12:30.

In the video he said two Stun grenades were thrown, which caused the wall clock to stop.

But to justify the time on the clock; Sethi is fooling Pakistani Nation on the Instructions of Pakistani establishment to save American blushes.

The caption on the video says it took the helicopters only 15 minutes to reach Abbotabad (those who can read Urdu should be able to read it).

Let’s test his lies. If we use one of the latest model of BH, S70i we know its maximum speed is 361 km/hr. The distance between Bagram, Kabul and Abbotabad is 375 km. Other models are even slower.

It means even at full speed it would have taken BH over an hour to reach Abbotabad and not 20 minutes. We also know they went to Jalalabad first, we also know they landed in “Kala Dhaka” for 40 minutes before moving to Abbotabad. We also know, according to the claims the helicopters used ground hugging mode and they went around the mountains instead of climbing higher to avoid Radars. In that case they couldn’t have travelled at maximum speed or in straight direction. Stretching the distance between the two destinations.

Well according to the facts we know, it would have taken them anything over 2 to 2 1/2 hours to reach Abbotabad, according to the stories feed to us.

So how did they reach Abbotabad just pass 12:15 the time shown on the clock?

It would take Chinooks even longer to reach its destination, it has maximum speed of 315 km/hr.

If the Americans couldn’t reach Abbotabad at 12:15, then who did the operation?

Now let’s look at another interesting report by AP filled by Nahal Toosi and Zarar Khan had this paragraph in its contents;

As we see, there are huge problems in the stories feed to the world.
If Americans reach there at 2:20 who was there before them at 12:20?
2:20 is more realistic time, looking at the details I provided above.
Now 40 minutes wait in "Kala Dhaka" by the Americans make lots of sense.

Enjoy the video I will expose another big name of Geo TV in my next analysis. The lies are just never ending in this drama.

tell us more crankthatskunk.

Which clock?
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I want everyone to please read properly my analysis of the video from Geo. Someone with in the Pakistani establishment gave him information to put the stories out to the people of Pakistan that Americans were there around 12:20 a.m, when the clock stopped working.

When the AP news says Americans were there at 2:20.

Why someone in Pakistani establishment want to confirm the timing of helicopter (s) on the top of the house at 12:20?

Don't doubt me at all, you have seen the video, the AP report can be read on this short cut. the paragraph I posted is near the bottom.

OBL neighbors noticed unusual things

Question should be why American helicopters were ordered to land in "Kala Dhaka" and wait there for 40 minutes? What they were waiting for?
Were they waiting for Pakistanis to finish off the operation which started at 12:30 before appearing for the drop scene?

I am not floating Conspiracy theories, I have provided the proofs of everything I have posted. I am only presenting my analyses of the details which are scattered around. Putting them in logical manner and then asking the most obvious questions which should be asked.

No conspiracy theories, but hard undeniable facts mentioned in media reports.

another conspiracy theory ........:hitwall:

another conspiracy theory ........:hitwall:

Bail_Gadi tu thalle aya. This is the problem, Pakistanis keep closing their eyes and ears, despite Country going down the drain. Keep doing it, and the thieves in the Government, Zardari and Co would destroy Pakistan. Wake up, come out and change the system, or it would be too late for you. Conspiracy is when I am inventing things, the proofs are displayed in black and white, I am just analysing them, putting 2+2 together.
For those who are in doubt about my contentions that Chinooks were not used in the operation, should read the following information taken from an article by Phil Ewing on DoDbuzz site.

Five aircraft flew from Jalalabad, Afghanistan, with three school-bus-size Chinook helicopters landing in a deserted area roughly two-thirds of the way to bin Laden’s compound in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad, two of the officials explained. Aboard two Black Hawk helicopters were 23 SEALs, an interpreter and a tracking dog named Cairo. Nineteen SEALs would enter the compound, and three of them would find bin Laden, one official said, providing the exact numbers for the first time. Aboard the Chinooks were two dozen more SEALs, as backup.

Now let’s sum it up, three Chinooks flew as well, they definitely were not stealth, so how they avoided radars? It takes out the puzzle of 40 minutes wait in “Kala Dhaka” these Chinooks landed there and were waiting for the signal from Abbotabad.

This story also says there was one interpreter on board the two black hawks. Please keep this in mind I will go through this point in my later posts.

The Black Hawks were specially engineered to muffle the tail rotor and engine sound, two officials said. The added weight of the stealth technology meant cargo was calculated to the ounce, with weather factored in. The night of the mission, it was hotter than expected. The Black Hawks were to drop the SEALS and depart in less than two minutes, in hopes locals would assume they were Pakistani aircraft visiting the nearby military academy. One Black Hawk was to hover above the compound, with SEALs sliding down ropes into the open courtyard. less than two minutes, in hopes locals would assume they were Pakistani aircraft visiting the nearby military academy.
The second was to hover above the roof to drop SEALs there, then land more SEALs outside — plus an interpreter and the dog, who would track anyone who tried to escape and to alert SEALs to any approaching Pakistani security forces.

The problem I have hinted in earlier post is highlighted in this paragraph, “cargo was calculated to the ounce”. As I have written earlier, how in the presence of such precise measure, the remaining seals boarded the one remaining BH, and that also with the body of dead OBL?
Let’s move on, another paragraph;

If troops appeared, the plan was to hunker down in the compound, avoiding armed confrontation with the Pakistanis while officials in Washington negotiated their passage out.

Pakistanis involvement was factored in as negotiated passage out, not the order appeared afterwards in some of Western Press to shoot the Pakistani soldiers "Rambo" style if they intervene.

The plan unraveled as the first helicopter tried to hover over the compound. The Black Hawk skittered around uncontrollably in the heat-thinned air, forcing the pilot to land. As he did, the tail and rotor got caught on one of the compound’s 12-foot walls. The pilot quickly buried the aircraft’s nose in the dirt to keep it from tipping over, and the SEALs clambered out into an outer courtyard. The other aircraft did not even attempt hovering, landing its SEALs outside the compound. Now, the raiders were outside, and they’d lost the element of surprise.

Boosting continues, how realistic is this scenario, the tail hit the wall, as I have already pointed out from the photo that the crash was due to the pilot error striking the wall during the landing. The tail hitting the wall destroying the helicopter, but the pilot was so much in control, that he buried the nose hard. How could the copter be under his control, when the tail hit the wall? Can someone imagine the impact of the tail hitting the wall and Helicopter disintegrating, breaking in to parts which were scattered all around the area. We have seen children picking up smaller parts of the helicopter from all around the area near the house. This proves that the helicopter disintegrated on impact and caught fire.

The stories of helicopter destroyed are not accurate, these are after thoughts. The most likely scenario is that the tale hit the wall, and the front of the helicopter strike the ground with a loud bang and force, which disintegrated the front of the helicopter killing the seals, thats how its smaller parts were scattered around the nearby fields. While the tail which was stuck on the wall, broke off from the main cabin and remained more or less intact.

If this pilot was such an expert he wouldn't have hit the tail against the wall.

Secondly, the eye witnesses said, only one helicopter tried to land and drop the seals outside the compound.

Anyway this story at least contradicted earlier American accounts relayed of heroic landing of Seals on the roof of the house as reported in the western press.

Another interesting aspect of Dozier’s story is her three MH-47 Chinooks holding somewhere in the distance, carrying dozens of special operators in reserve. It’d be interesting to know whether American officials planned to bring them in if Pakistani soldiers responded to bin Laden’s compound, to reinforce the smaller team that was already there, or whether they would’ve bugged out immediately if things went bad. As it stands, it sounds like at least one of these helos was brought in to exfiltrate bin Laden’s body and the intelligence the SEALs liberated from the compound.

Phil then factored in the arrival of one of the Chinooks at the scene to collect the body of OBL and the seals from crashed BH.

On this juncture we go back to the eye witnesses account, no one came back to pick up the bodies.

This make perfect sense of the photo floated in the world press, the whole team watching live coverage with Hillary's hand on her mouth. It is more than likely the team saw through helmet mounted cameras the crash and destruction of the helicopter which killed the Seals inside.

No wonder, Americans later declared there was no video of the incident and the feed was blank for 20/25 minutes.

I hope those who were considering I am floating conspiracy theories, should look at the ever changing accounts presented by the Americans. There could only be one details of the operation. More and more accounts and stories mean more and more contradiction in the operation details. Ask yourself why there should be contradictions if truth is told to the world?

DoD Buzz | New details in bin Laden raid

Three pictures of the BH wreckage are put side by side by me for comparison. Two parts of the tail, one the tail itself and the second rotary mounted on the tail, is visible at two different part of the outer wall. Both of the tail sections are out side the compound.
While the chard wreckage of the front of the helicopter or the cabin area and fuselage area are is inside the compound.

This proves that helicopter broke in to pieces during the crash, it would have been impossible for the pilot to control the chopper while half of its body was on the other side of the compound. The scenario put forward by the Americans that pilot landed the helicopter hard nosed to avoid it rolling over is false. Pilot couldn’t possibly control the chopper in this condition.

Also if you notice the wall is chard with black smoke, which indicates that the helicopter because of the crash banged hard on the surface and its fuel tank exploded in to a fire ball. Hence the chard remains inside the ground. While both the tails sections are virtually remain unscathed. They were saved from the effect of fire because of the wall. No inflammable parts are in the tail, so the impact didn’t result in fire outside of the compound.

Now let’s look at a picture of children picking up parts of the helicopter from outside fields. They are quite a distance from the compound. It is reported that the smaller parts were scattered all around and also landed in near by houses.


This could have only happened because of hard crash and destruction of the helicopter. A controlled destruction or putting down of the helicopter as claimed by the Americans wouldn’t have caused such wide spread wreckage.
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