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The Abottabad Drama



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May 27, 2011
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As we all know that Usama had been killed in Abottabad on May 2nd. But was that really what happened??

Ashfaq Parvez Kayani when he was the DG ISI is reported to have said, "real aim of U.S. [war] strategy is to denuclearize Pakistan."

Now we will look at how the American's really apprehended the alleged "Usama". Well Usama had been secluded from the outer world and the only guy that was his contact from the outer world was al-Kuwaiti. They say that they found him out and tracked him and found Usama. The house that Usama lived in had no connection with the outer world, no internet phone or mobile. We all know that Usama was already terminally ill. Then one night Americans just happen to crash in on Pakistani territory without ISI even knowing or for that matter nobody knowing, they come they kill the courier, Usama and some other persons and leave with Usama's body and then just give him away to the sea because "no country would like to have buried him"??? That all sounds a little weird.

First of all the only guy that was the alleged link was the courier and If he is dead we can't know for sure what or who the hell he was. Other people don't have any source but a towel head from Yemen says that Usama is dead, how the hell did he know, there is no way to confirm it. Then comes the issue of American's just flying away with the body and confirming it themselves then dumping it into the sea. The operation might have taken more than an hour, enough time for the whole Pakistan Air Force to be mobilized, but our air force could not follow them into the hilly areas, pathetic excuse those jets can fly high just like those jets that america has, they couldn't fly high and take out a mere helicopter at snail speed??!!!At the least learn to make better excuses.

The real story is that Usama had died somewhere near 2005 naturally, Al-Qaida didn't want to tell that to the world as it would seem to be a real blow, the americans came to know about this and thought they would use it to their own advantage and played along. Now America wants to pull out of Afghanistan so they "killed" Usama, now we are going to be the ones wholly and solely on the front line on this "War on Terror", we have already been taking the heaviest casualties in this "War". And look at the effect that this had on the defense, those politicians who had been asking for where is the money that the public is giving; they are going to be now increasing the money given to defense. I think the Americans and the ISI think that this is a win win situation. But it never was and never will be and that makes me mad. :taz:
Another American short sightness and greed for cheap fame was the undertake the whole drama and claim credit to it leaving Pak nation at the big risk of retaliatory attacks..obama is really stupid!
Lol..PNS Mehran attack was also a drama right? :rofl: how many threads needed on the same drama conspiracies btw?
Yep, you're right!
1) US is lying
2) GoP is lying
3) AQ is lying
4) OBL family members are lying
5) ISI and FBI both are lying
6) Entire world is lying
Only some bunch of people on PDF are aware of the real situation. Good job.

1) When did ever the US/FBI tell the truth.
2) This is a government of eunuchs what else can you expect.
3) These false mullahs need a moment to get their popularity up, they are never gonna win, the worlds most ignorant people are in the "religious parties" of Pakistan.
4) Well it isn't like that the Bin Laden family is known for it's truthfulness they were the ones "Renovating" the Holy Kabbah when the false Mahdi attacked the Mosque in 1979. It isn't like we can see there interrogation, two CIA agents go in interrogate behind closed doors and then come out and tell what happened and we have to believe them???
5) ISI is doing something called diplomacy.Go check the dictionary. I know it is a big word for you.
6) Now you are just telling me how disturbed you are. The whole world isn't fighting terrorism we are, we are the ones on the front line we are the nation who has lost more than any other nation. America lost only 3000, we have lost over 3500 citizens only in 2010 and over 30,000 Pakistani civilians and armed forces personnel have been killed or injured since the global war on terror began in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Yes, yes indeed the entire world is lying because they believe what they are being told by the western media.

Yes we are the ones who know because we are the ones here assessing the situation we are the ones bearing this War of Terror.
1) When did ever the US/FBI tell the truth.
2) This is a government of eunuchs what else can you expect.
3) These false mullahs need a moment to get their popularity up, they are never gonna win, the worlds most ignorant people are in the "religious parties" of Pakistan.
4) Well it isn't like that the Bin Laden family is known for it's truthfulness they were the ones "Renovating" the Holy Kabbah when the false Mahdi attacked the Mosque in 1979. It isn't like we can see there interrogation, two CIA agents go in interrogate behind closed doors and then come out and tell what happened and we have to believe them???
5) ISI is doing something called diplomacy.Go check the dictionary. I know it is a big word for you.
6) Now you are just telling me how disturbed you are. The whole world isn't fighting terrorism we are, we are the ones on the front line we are the nation who has lost more than any other nation. America lost only 3000, we have lost over 3500 citizens only in 2010 and over 30,000 Pakistani civilians and armed forces personnel have been killed or injured since the global war on terror began in the wake of the 9/11 attacks. Yes, yes indeed the entire world is lying because they believe what they are being told by the western media.

Yes we are the ones who know because we are the ones here assessing the situation we are the ones bearing this War of Terror.

I appreciate your reply my friend.. but I don't see any reason for GoP and ISI who are not denying this. Lets go with your thinking for a while and say that western media is lying but what about AQ itself? And like I said what about GoP and ISI? Moreover there are more reasons to believe that he was killed in that mansion. Does anyone have any proof that everyone is lying by the way.?
As we all know that Usama had been killed in Abottabad on May 2nd. But was that really what happened??

Ashfaq Parvez Kayani when he was the DG ISI is reported to have said, "real aim of U.S. [war] strategy is to denuclearize Pakistan."

Now we will look at how the American's really apprehended the alleged "Usama". Well Usama had been secluded from the outer world and the only guy that was his contact from the outer world was al-Kuwaiti. They say that they found him out and tracked him and found Usama. The house that Usama lived in had no connection with the outer world, no internet phone or mobile. We all know that Usama was already terminally ill. Then one night Americans just happen to crash in on Pakistani territory without ISI even knowing or for that matter nobody knowing, they come they kill the courier, Usama and some other persons and leave with Usama's body and then just give him away to the sea because "no country would like to have buried him"??? That all sounds a little weird.

First of all the only guy that was the alleged link was the courier and If he is dead we can't know for sure what or who the hell he was. Other people don't have any source but a towel head from Yemen says that Usama is dead, how the hell did he know, there is no way to confirm it. Then comes the issue of American's just flying away with the body and confirming it themselves then dumping it into the sea. The operation might have taken more than an hour, enough time for the whole Pakistan Air Force to be mobilized, but our air force could not follow them into the hilly areas, pathetic excuse those jets can fly high just like those jets that america has, they couldn't fly high and take out a mere helicopter at snail speed??!!!At the least learn to make better excuses.

The real story is that Usama had died somewhere near 2005 naturally, Al-Qaida didn't want to tell that to the world as it would seem to be a real blow, the americans came to know about this and thought they would use it to their own advantage and played along. Now America wants to pull out of Afghanistan so they "killed" Usama, now we are going to be the ones wholly and solely on the front line on this "War on Terror", we have already been taking the heaviest casualties in this "War". And look at the effect that this had on the defense, those politicians who had been asking for where is the money that the public is giving; they are going to be now increasing the money given to defense. I think the Americans and the ISI think that this is a win win situation. But it never was and never will be and that makes me mad. :taz:

Brother, thank you for opening this thread, I am gradually going to put facts from Americans and analyse them to shut up these Indians. There are so many flaws and absurdities in the American accounts that it is neigh impossible that Pakistanis were not involved and had prior knowledge for the operation. They faked it for two purposes, one for the closure of Afghanistan adventure by USA, giving the chance for Obama to start the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Second, to give Obama political boost for upcoming Presidential Election.
Brother, thank you for opening this thread, I am gradually going to put facts from Americans and analyse them to shut up these Indians. There are so many flaws and absurdities in the American accounts that it is neigh impossible that Pakistanis were not involved and had prior knowledge for the operation. They faked it for two purposes, one for the closure of Afghanistan adventure by USA, giving the chance for Obama to start the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Second, to give Obama political boost for upcoming Presidential Election.

if US faked it then why government is not saying about their "FAKE STORY"? Why they are saying that yes it did happen? And what government have anything to do with obama election? Just because of US election they are ready to go in this critical and shameless situation? Just accept the fact bro.. Bitter but still a fact.
Brother, thank you for opening this thread, I am gradually going to put facts from Americans and analyse them to shut up these Indians. There are so many flaws and absurdities in the American accounts that it is neigh impossible that Pakistanis were not involved and had prior knowledge for the operation. They faked it for two purposes, one for the closure of Afghanistan adventure by USA, giving the chance for Obama to start the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Second, to give Obama political boost for upcoming Presidential Election.

Sure. Before putting the arguments, can you please go through the moon landing hoax and tell us what you make out in the end. If you think it did not happen, I dont think anybody will argue with you further.
you can say Indians say this is true. So do some americans.

I dont think you can say the entire world says it. unless you have some statistics to show this and not the surveys from the land of fairies that most of you live under.
Sure. Before putting the arguments, can you please go through the moon landing hoax and tell us what you make out in the end. If you think it did not happen, I dont think anybody will argue with you further.

perhaps you can go through the iraq WMD finds that occurred in Baghdad and comment.

or the samjhuata express hoax. or the megelean episode and comment.
perhaps you can go through the iraq WMD finds that occurred in Baghdad and comment.

or the samjhuata express hoax. or the megelean episode and comment.

If I remember Iraq WMD was opposed by the chief weapon inspector, and many other skeptics. If US was so hell bent on proving they could just have planted it (the same thing you are saying about laden).
Samjhota and malegaon are still under investigation.

Truth comes out in the end, but for conspiracy theory believer, it never comes out.
If I remember Iraq WMD was opposed by the chief weapon inspector, and many other skeptics. If US was so hell bent on proving they could just have planted it (the same thing you are saying about laden).
Samjhota and malegaon are still under investigation.

Truth comes out in the end, but for conspiracy theory believer, it never comes out.

how can you plant WMDs? you can't just stick WMDs in the desert and pull it out saying, look we found WMDs. :cheesy:

people will say that's been planted. you could probably if you found it with the other bits of equipment needed for storage. but the weapons inspectors would just say, we searched there, you're making this up.
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